Author Topic: Was this really neccesary.  (Read 3887 times)

Offline Littlebobo

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #22 on: February 03, 2007, 22:35:07 PM »
Not that i am sticking up for the RSPCA but dont blame the people who work for the chiefs a lot of the time decisions are made from the top and the other branches are just following orders ..

I dont condone what they have supposedly done to this lady one but and i have signed the petition but people who work for them ( well some of them) do everything that they can for the animals
Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !


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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #21 on: February 03, 2007, 16:50:12 PM »
things havent changed then Roger, they are still as unprofessiopnal & sneaky as ever. I wonder if the public really think this mob care about any animals?


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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #20 on: February 02, 2007, 19:54:35 PM »
just out of interest this was my first dabble at the RSPCA and really how it all started,made my blood boil as we had been ringing the local shelter about our missing fuzz and they never ever gave us the phone number of the head office,and we found this out about 6 months after she had gone.
No category?

From the archive, first published Thursday 12th Sep 2002.

On August 27, a young lady reported to me her cat had been missing for a week.

I advised her to put up posters and leaflet the area, which she did. After two days, she called me to say her neighbour's cat had gone missing at the same time.

As normal, I faxed the RSPCA, on August 29, giving a description of the cat and the area it was lost in, adding that another cat had gone missing at the same time in suspect circumstances and that if anyone had taken any cats from the area to please let me know.

The lady found her cat and the neighbour's cat at Chichester RSPCA. They had been picked up by an inspector the day they went missing.

Why was I not contacted when my fax arrived at Patcham? Why were there no questions asked when the cats were taken into care?

They were well fed and fit. Is it to be assumed all cats without collars or chips are to be considered strays?

Could the RSPCA explain its policy on this? Why were the cats moved out of the Brighton area? What chance do local people have of finding their lost cats if they are moved away?

Why not rehome local strays instead of bringing more animals into the area?

The two main local shelters only take cats from the Brighton area and do a great job. I urge the people of Brighton and Hove to support them.

If you cannot trust the RSPCA, who can you trust? People trust me to do my best to recover their cats. I receive no money for this nor do I want any.

I treat it as a hobby because I love cats and have had some good successes in the short time I have been doing this. But I need all those interested in cat welfare to pass on information.

It seems the only ones I do not hear from are national organisations apart from the PDSA, which has passed on my number to people missing their cats.

-Roger Davis,
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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #19 on: February 02, 2007, 19:42:18 PM »
would be nice thanks Christine,would also be nice to have a few MP's signatures on there.

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #18 on: February 02, 2007, 19:18:55 PM »
I've signed Roger's petition and I think I can probably reassure folks that a little typo won't stand in its way  :shy:

Roger, have you thought about approaching the All-Party Group on Animal Welfare too?  I have their details (although won't have access to these again until Monday).
I'm a member of the British Humanist Association, the national charity supporting and representing people who seek to live good lives without religious or superstitious beliefs


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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #17 on: February 02, 2007, 19:17:19 PM »
Just spotted something Roger... Just a small typo... Petition says "polices" instead of "policies"... Not sure if it's possible to correct spelling at this stage, but might be an idea to do so if it is...

Freudian slip I am afraid claire there another one in there too pass instead of past combination of age and the fact that I wrote it very early in the morning :doh:


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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2007, 19:00:43 PM »
many do think like that, but then its time for all those who have terrible stories to tell them so this rotten charity can be seen for what they really are, I certainley tell people & send them to variuos websites. We can only protect the cats if we all say we will stand up & fight for the right of these little furbabes

Offline Claire Hirsch

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #15 on: February 02, 2007, 18:59:56 PM »
Just spotted something Roger... Just a small typo... Petition says "polices" instead of "policies"... Not sure if it's possible to correct spelling at this stage, but might be an idea to do so if it is...

Offline Claire Hirsch

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #14 on: February 02, 2007, 18:55:15 PM »
I've signed.
Have only yesterday had more unfortunate dealings with RSPCA.
Trouble is that 90something% of population assume RSPCA are angels working to save animals on our behalf.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2007, 20:23:37 PM »
Yes I knew you had taken a lot of time working out the wording, its very hard to get the balance right..............130 thats good cos when I last checked it was still way under that so it must have gone up a lot in last couple of weks.

I was hoping that it would get thousands of signatures if the word was spread around other animal forums cos its not just cats that are affected. maybe it still will.

I hope it is successful and someone in either Govt or opposition may be able to get something started on this.


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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2007, 20:19:06 PM »
hi gill,
you said "I think your petition was maybe worded a little to cautiously cos peeps as yet do not understand maybe what you were saying and implying".
I took ages thinking about how to word it for fear of upsetting people I am not now or ever been anti-RSPCA just some of their policies and the disrespect they show the British public and over the last decade or so they have run riot without any watchdog or having to answer to anybody and it is about time they should have to, the other thing you have to remember is this goes in front of a committee at no 10 and you have to be careful what you write in the petition if you want it to be published and going through the government petition site it is more likely to be taken seriously(pass=past) :rofl: it is however gaining momentum and I have until july to make it viable (it needs at least 100 signatures to be that) and it stands at this time 130+
PS I have no reason to disbelieve anything the lady has said but will until I know different hold on to my opinions about the treatment of her cats. 


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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #11 on: February 01, 2007, 18:05:56 PM »
Right so I'm probably expecting a call from the RSPCA soon as my neighbors hate my cats. They have even gone as far as putting a security light in their back garden so they know when they are in there, but isn't this them just annoying themselves even more?

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #10 on: February 01, 2007, 18:00:14 PM »
This is terrible but like has ben said we need to know full story before passsing judgement.

How ever agree very much with Fuzzie about neighbours cos I dont get on with mine and he doesnt like my cats, he also is a neatness freak and I get very worried in case they go in his garden and last week I saw Misa sitting on top of the wall between us. I need despearately to get a fence up on top of wall but I also scared about doing it.

You are also right these peeps pick on women alone.

I would have thought that it was illegal for the womans door to be broken down and for another Police Force to come in is very bad. In London I lived one road from the boundary and the nearect police staion was on the other side of that road. One night after nonestop partying by peeps at bottom of my garden, I went to the police station to see if they could do anything but they were not interested cos they were over the boundary and into the bargin they threatened me, if I went round to these noise nuicences that they would charge me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think your petition was maybe worded a little to cautiously cos peeps as yet do not understand maybe what you were saying and implying.

Would like to hear the rest of the story and what happens to this ladys case.


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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #9 on: February 01, 2007, 14:15:41 PM »
Oh my god this is the story people were contacting me about last night.
The 70 year old lady went to answer her door (like the elderly do) but because she was slow the rspca demanded the door was smashed down , IT WAS, RIGHT ON TOP OF THIS LADY who has received many injuries. As a local rescue used by the local police & monitored by 2 vets I cannot understand why the rspca after being told NO by the local police went out of the area to another police force to do this to this lady. She has gone out of her way to help cats & be part of the local community, its nothing more than a total disgrace & as I have said before this charity needs investigating & if they were any good would welcome being scrutinized. >:( >:( >:( >:(
As far as I have been told, her own elderly cat was pts & its unsure what has happened to the rest. :'( :'( :'(

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2007, 13:53:52 PM »
Why oh why did they feel it necessary to break her door down ... what were they frightened off?  Did they think should would flush the cats down the toilet or something! 

Please pass on my deepest sympthy to this lady who was obviously doing a hell of a lot more for animal welfare than the  :censored: RSPCA. 
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.


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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2007, 12:53:27 PM »
I would agree until I know the full facts about the cats then I will hold any opinion I have,the thing that concerns me is she is 70 years old,on her own with nobody there to help her in this situation,she had letters from the council about the cats and as she explained to me and them that most of the cats had been dumped at her door and she was doing her best to re-home them (and we all know how difficult that is) all the food and vets bills were paid by her and the cats spent most of their time in her house or garden.
She is doing the councils job,and also relieving the RSPCA from having to pick up these cats,someone has to get a grip of this awful situation this country is in with unwanted animals including cats,its all very well the RSPCA pointing to people like this old girl and saying its cruel to keep so many cats but what exactly are they doing about it other than trying their damnedest to decimate the pet population they come across because its a problem they don't want :censored: IF THEY DON'T WANT IT THEN LEAVE IT TO THOSE WHO CAN DEAL WITH IT.
This is one of the reasons I would always support CP and the NCDL who will not PTS an animal just because its a problem in fact quite the opposite  and I am sure given this situation they would have people who might be a little more understanding and diplomatic.

As I have said the case goes on and I am hoping the lady will come on to this forum and give her full story.


Offline Ela

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2007, 09:00:37 AM »
It sounds way over the top but without knowing the full facts I can't say for sure whether the actions were justified or not.  I certainly don't have a problem believing this of the rspca.

I agree with all your comments but as you say 'the full facts' if one leaves out just a little bit which one is likely to do it becomes a different ballgame. Also in some parts of the country you are only allowed about 12 cats and after that your home has to be reclassified. Is it possible that the authorities have been in contact with her over a period of time and got no response. I know that is certainly true in a household near here, the owner just ignores all callers to the door and all post. A couple of years ago we took over 20 cats one cat was actually giving birth tin the street as our helpers went in (not his house but surroundings) to clear some cats He would not talk to us or answer letters so I hand posted a letter to him and said that if he did not contact me within 48 hours I must assume the cats were strays and deal with a such.
Sadly the situation is now as bad as ever.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 09:02:35 AM by Ela »

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2007, 08:41:43 AM »
by informing on you to the council,RSPCA ect so you lose your animals.

There was a knock on my door once when I had only one cat and used to let it out. On opening it I found an RSPCA inspector, he advised me I had been reported for cruelty to my cat and could he see it. How had I been so cruel? Well I will tell you. In the lounge the windows were about 3' (certainly) no more from the floor and the little one used to sit on the window sill. If she wanted to go out rather than walk through the lounge, the hall and then the kitchen if the window was open she used to jump out and then in again. Consequently if the window was closed the little one used to jump on the window sill and meow, so I would open it. In the eyes of the reporter that was cruel. The RSPCA inspector was gobsmacked about the reporting and accidentally on his part I am sure I saw who had reported me. Someone across the road who's house was too posh to have a cat or so they thought. Funnily enough not long after that the RSPCA phoned me and asked me if I would take in a cat who was due to be PTS the next Thursday. So obviously they really did think I was cruel, didn't they? (Thursday was at that time PTS day.

Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2007, 07:39:51 AM »
It sounds way over the top but without knowing the full facts I can't say for sure whether the actions were justified or not.  I certainly don't have a problem believing this of the rspca.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2007, 07:28:14 AM »
What an awful story, I do hope she gets the cats back - no one should have that done to them, not least a person of that age group living on their own.
Please spay your cat

Offline Maddiesmum

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Re: Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2007, 05:36:29 AM »
That sounds horrendously heavy handed Roger.  That's the way they treat drug dealers and the poor old lady must have been scared.  If there are concerns then there must be more pro social ways of investigating them.  I remember my mum (sadly she is no longer with us) rescued cats for many years and moved them on to rescues.  She used to keep them in her front bedroom until such time as a rescue could collect them or she could get them up there.  She had three cats of her own and tried to minimise their disruption.  Some concerned neighbour reported her to the RSPCA saying she never let her cats out of the room.  The RSPCA came round and were not remotely worried but it did upset my mum.  On the other hand I am glad the neighbour showed concern for the cats but my mum felt awful.  I hope the lady concerned is ok and that she gets her cats back, if, as you say, she is indeed looking after them.


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Was this really neccesary.
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2007, 00:19:47 AM »
I have just had a 70 minute phone conversation with a 70 year old lady who has had more than a little trouble with the RSPCA (I can't say too much as the case continues)she had several RSPCA inspectors, lots of police,and some council people at her door or to put more precisely through her door literally,the police smashed it down.
she never saw any warrant,and of the 26 cats she had they took 13,one of which they put to sleep,the case continues, but my take on this is it will be thrown out due to the lack of a warrant,sounds like she has a good solicitor and believe it or not they are doing her for cruelty,she has 2 vet affidavits saying that she looks after her cats (all 26).
They used the  police from another district as the locals would not do the dirty on someone they know well (several have asked her if she has her cats back).
I can't say what she had said to her but take it from me(60 and heard most things) at 70 years old she should not have anyone saying things like this to her.
What ever the ins and outs of this NOBODY but NOBODY  should be treated like this I have come across their bullying tactics before but this is just so bad that I had to say something.
Why do I always hear about people on their own mostly women some older.
There is a pattern developing here or is it me,anyway whatever i don't want this to continue,people crying on the phone to me a stranger,and most of those I have spoken to have threatened "if the cats are going I might just as well join them" and who can blame them most are trying in their own way to do the job that the RSPCA are supposed to be doing save cats.

Is this going to be the way it is.
god I hope not frightened of upsetting your neighbours or anyone who might take their retribution by informing on you to the council,RSPCA ect so you lose your animals.

thats why I started this
it could be just a drop in the ocean .......but we have to do something.

« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 00:22:34 AM by fuzziesdad »


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