Just a quickie to tell you how I got on!
Spoke to Pauline, she showed me how the cat box worked and she told me that she would pay for the spaying, after I saw how many cats were there I offered to pay her she said half would do as there were three of them. She was really doing me a favour and my husband would be pleased with the fact we got some money off.
I'll have to pop somewhere and get a kitty pen after work tomorrow. Thanks for that - pets @ home should do them.
Been cleaning the garage out all afternoon and I put a radio in there so they get used to hearing human voices, made a bit of a breakthrough as well.
The mother cat actually sat at the entrance to my kitchen door. I had it open as I was in the garage and the back passage leads to the garage.
Spoke to her calmly and travelled on my hands and knees from the sink, till I was right next to her
I do not know what I looked like and I STROKED HER. I do not know how I did not cry!!!! as soon as I got up to shut the door she got startled and ran off but it gives me more hope now. Keep you all posted thanks for the advice about the cages
How can you tell if they are pregnant as she looks bigger on both sides when she is lying down, I expected her to put on weight again as I have been feeding them - but not that much. Pauline has really made me panic!