Author Topic: Useless mother!!!  (Read 2926 times)

Offline catmad

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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2007, 18:07:16 PM »

house cat/outdoor cat debate - just thought id put my two cents in - I lost my two to RTAs within 3 mths of each other, Figo (10 mths) has hit around 3 am and Lionel (12 mths) was hit in the middle of the day so its impossible to calculate the best time to let them out we just have to put our faith into them that they will hopefully learn to become streetwise (impossible if they are chasing something at the time!). I also vowed if i ever saw either of them out the front i would have to recalculate things (i dont know how?!) but i never did so to say i was shocked to lose them in that way was an understatement!!(very naive i know!)
Bennie (6 mths) has never been outside and never will, I used to believe it was sad to keep puddies indoors cos theres nothing more gorgeous than seeing them playing on the grass and racing round but as we live on a main road we had no option but to keep him in (i honestly cannot mentally go thru the pain of another RTA or any other outdoor disaster!) I used to feel guilty about keeping him in but he has more toys than toys r us to keep him amused and plenty of attention on tap from both slaves! He is also having another bro/sis arriving soon to keep him company (as he is obviously used to other kitties)
The bottom line is please if you do live on a very busy road like me (we also dont have much of a drive) please re-assess the situation. But whatever happens please reassure yourself you are not a bad mommy as the puddies best interests are of upmost importance to u so whatever you decide to do will be for the best! :hug: :shy:


Offline Roxy'N'Archie

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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2007, 09:18:33 AM »
They've both been chipped and have collars with names embroidered into them AND they have a disc with name and phone number engraved and they're insured.  :rofl: Even with all this i'm still scared stiff.

The things we do for our fuzz balls ............?

Cara xx ;)

Offline Littlebobo

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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2007, 20:18:23 PM »
I know exactly what you mean i have lost 2 cats 1 that i know was definetley to RTA and since then i daren't let any of mine out ..I couldn't bear it if something happened ..

I do know that if they ever decided they wanted out i would have to think of something but until then they ceratinly wont be going outside ...

Definetley dont let them out a night and get them chipped !...Perhaps try putting them on a lead for a bit if they will take to it ?
Fuss me Fuss me ..Come on I have things to do like Eating and sleeping !

Offline Millys Mum

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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2007, 16:56:18 PM »
Something else you can do to put your mind at ease is to get them microchipped. That way if they ever wander and get taken to a vet you will get them straight back   :)

Offline Roxy'N'Archie

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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2007, 16:28:12 PM »
Thanks you Guys

:Luv:    :Luv:    :Luv:    :Luv:

I really needed that, thanks for all your replies and all your advise was VERY informative

Thank you

Cara xx :thanks:

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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2007, 11:02:46 AM »
You're not a bad mum!! It's really hard letting your cats out when you first get them, and if they haven't been brought up near a main road it's best to keep them in at night at least for the first few months anyway - until they've developed road sense or you've made your garden secure.

Mine all have free rein but they were all brought up on major roads and so far I've been lucky. There is no way I could keep them in at night now but everyone has to make that choice for themselves based on their cats and their environment. The important thing is to do what's best for your cats, not what's best for you, and if you do keep them in lots, make sure they have lots to do so they don't get bored - and if they're allowed outside, make it as hard as you can for them to get out to a road, and make your garden as attractive to cats as you can with lots of shrubs, hidey holes and things to climb. That way they won't be quite so tempted to explore elsewhere.

 :hug: :hug:
Ah, summer - the season for a daily mouse...

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2007, 10:36:17 AM »
Christine is right about the indoor/outdoor problem !

I can only tell you MY PERSONAL opinion
If a cat is happy to stay indoors then fine but if a cat is miserable at staying indoors then its kinder to allow them to go out.

I have tried keeping my lot in (because i have lost 3 to the roads) but it got to the stage where they were really unhappy so i now do let them out BUT they do not have free rein, I allow them out for a little time once a day.
In the summer my willow stays out over night (believe me i call her every evening) Its a pattern she has always done - goes out for 1-2 days and then stays in for a couple of days lol

There is no right or wrong way.
You have to do whats best for your cats, that all we can do.

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2007, 10:25:38 AM »
 :welcome: to Purrs, Cara

Sounds like you have got the parasites side of things sorted out now, so that just leaves the question of outdoor access.  You will find that this is a hotly debated question on here, with some people thinking it best to allow their cats outdoor access and some preferring to keep them indoors at all times.

What most of us are agreed on, though, is that it is best not to allow cats to stay out overnight, as this is a hazardous time. In fact, when we adopted Blip, we had to sign a form declaring that 'the cat must always be kept in at night'. I can assure you that they get used to this regime, although you may have to get up early from time to time  :rofl:

As a first time cat owner, you've come to the right place - ask away, there's always someone on here who can help you!
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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2007, 10:06:52 AM »
Ive got 4 and only 1 goes out on the night time, but they all sit out the back during the day if the door is open. The other 3 don't want to go out at night. Ted the eldest always sits for hours meowing at the door but I just ignore him and I don't let him out after 9. You have to realize your not being cruel your just doing it for their safety. If we all thought like that we'd all be bad mothers. Cats can also catch worms by fly's laying eggs on their food.

Offline JackSpratt

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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2007, 09:57:08 AM »
Worrying shows that you care. Stop thinking of yourself as a bad mother to your cats and realise you feel what you do because of your attachment to Roxie and Archie.(It's a good thing if anything.)

And Michelle's right. All cats get fleas and worms every now and then, even indoor cats. And you did what you could straight a GOOD mother! :)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Roxy'N'Archie

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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2007, 09:50:35 AM »
I Frontline them both and Bought some worming tabs yesterday from the vets, which are a nightmare to get down em lol. Thanks for the reply too. Do you not think that keeping them in will drive them mad or will they be ok? They go out for hours at the weekend when we're in, bless them.

Thanks again i feel loads better

Cara Mwha xx

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Useless mother!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2007, 09:35:46 AM »
Firstly you are not a bad mother -
Roxy doesnt need to go out to get worms and you will prob find she has fleas too.
EVERY cat has fleas/worms its nothing to be ashamed about. Even though they are indoor cats you need to flea and worm them. dont bother with supermarket or pershop stuff, get something from your vet.

I can quiet understand how you feel about letting them out, i have lost 3 to RTA and i too feel sick when i let my cats out.
Personally i wouldnt let Archie out at night but could you allow him alittle time out in the day ??

Offline Roxy'N'Archie

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Useless mother!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2007, 09:04:48 AM »

Hello all, hope everyone and their puddies are all ok??
I have a bit of a problem with myself (not the cats) and hought that this is the best place to come!!
A quick briefing on my two first so you can get the gist.
They were found straying, they went to a rescue centre, i fell in love with them and took them home. Roxy we think has had it bad, with only a stump for tail and a oddly placed shoulder were it may have been broken?? Archie is fine and had nothing wrong with him. We got them in september 06 and was looking forward to letting them out with access to a cat flap. However i can't let them out, i physically can't let them go, arch wants to go out at night, so i'll be all brave and let him out until i get all knotts and start feeling sick and demand that my partner gets him back in lol. Now i find that roxy has worms, she hardly goes out so how can she have worms? i just feel quite useless as a first time cat owner and feel they would be happier if they could go out and quite possibly live somewhere else, where they could come and go as they pleased. But it would break my heart. These cats are my kids (Sad i know).
Thanks taking the time to read this and i appreciate any help.



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