Author Topic: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?  (Read 2971 times)

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #16 on: January 25, 2007, 22:19:08 PM »
Oh I forgot, this one is Lexy's favourite next to the laser toy, I have to hide it and she is only allowed 5 mins with it...she would try to eat the feathers on this. Its a fishing rod with a bouncy ball attached and a long pink feather tail attached to that...its the only toy she will pick up in her mouth and fight me for  :rofl:

And one of the laser chaser...loads of fun for me...lexy!

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Offline Linda (Bengalbabe)

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2007, 21:40:34 PM »
Bengal boys and Nova love cardboard boxes they can hide in and then rip up, their cat activity toy (its like a bridge they can sit on with toys hanging from it), small things they can bat around and chase (balls, mice etc) and their brand new duvet (oh yes they can have hours hiding underneath it, and inside it, pouncing, chasing and sleeping.  They also have tunnels they can run in and out.  Infact my livingroom looks like a childrens nursery when I am out at work LOL.

When we are home its toys on sticks and a game of fetch with their new fishing rod toy they got for christmas (followed by a nap on their duvet which takes over the livingroom  :evillaugh:)

Offline Littlebobo

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2007, 21:29:28 PM »
Zooplus has a sale on cat trees can reccomend this as cat will need somewhere to scratch as well ..get one of the things that are like a circular safe with ball trapped in it ..also request kitten pack from felix they have a toy mouse and mine love it  :rofl:

Also PAH do a great crinkle tun which mine love and sleep and hide in it as well ..
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Offline Gemma H (Akandra)

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2007, 20:26:16 PM »
The laser toy is much loved, but also toy mice, which they bat around the laminate floor, ping pong balls, anything like that.  Plastic milk bottle lids are popular.  In particular I have this mouse family on springs on a base - I have to stand that back up twice a day so they must play with it.  Also, they love their catnip cushions (sold for North Herts CP), but your little one won't be old enough for catnip yet - try it at about a year old or so.  Fishing rod toys are good, but try not to let them chew the string or they won't last long (Hestia's record is two days) and never leave these (or the laser toys) with the cats.  They also love their cat tree - I would avoid the argos ones in the long term as I have had two and neither lasted long (second one only a week before the top part broke).  If its all you can afford, buy one and save up for the (inevitable) replacement.  You can find them cheap every so often - the one Lidls sell when they have their pet offers seems good (so far - not had it long).

General rubbish is good - cardboard boxes, screwed up paper, the plastic seal from round the ben and jerrys tub (although most of this stuff I throw away after a couple of days - there will be new bits later).  As long as they can't swallow it or hurt themselves on it, or make a mess with it, they can play with it if they show interest.  Some things I supervise (screwed up foil) whereas others are unlikely to do them any harm (the newspaper).

Every so often I hide treats round the house for them to find.  I play with some toys with them, but some they like to play with themselves.  Have had some disasters (they despise the crinkly jester hat and the wicker basket), but most things have gone down well.

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2007, 20:07:59 PM »
Catnip mice  :wow:

They are little soft toys in the shape of mice but filled with catnip. About £1 each. Hours of feline fun  ;)
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Offline sonya

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2007, 17:33:20 PM »
Daisy loves anything she can bat and chase , even better if you have laminate or tiled floors  ;D , they also have dangly smily face things which hang off the door handles and they are great for when they fancy a bit of jumping round like lunatics , which in this house is every other minute  :rofl:  they are particular faves of Ebony.  Bottle tops , scrunched up paper, expensive christmas tree baubles  :evillaugh: etc etc, pretty much anything which moves actually.

Ozzy says he is to much of a lardboy to do any running around, he prefers to swipe people through the banisters when they are going downstairs and pouncing on feet as it requires less energy  :evillaugh:
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Offline Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2007, 17:25:41 PM »
Anything on the end of  a stick or a piece of string.  Both of mine love fishing rod style toys and will race up and down the room after them, but they will get bored with the same one all the time so I have several different ones to ring the changes.  Lasers are also popular and Mosi loves the ba da beam (laser toy).  They both like interactive toys best although they will play with things like toy mice and balls if I wave them around or throw them for them.  I have to give them life to make them interesting!  Mosi loved balls - ping pong balls, sponge balls, crumpled up foil etc - when he was little and still likes to run after them if I throw them for him.  Other than that - cardboard boxes, paper bags etc always provide a bit of fun.  Mosi has a paper carrier bag that I got from starbucks at xmas when I bought a present in there and it was worth buying the present just to get the bag as Mosi has had hours of fun from it.  He climbs in it, pounces on it and loves the noise it makes.  It's looking worse for wear now but he still loves it.  I won a crinkly cat tunnel in the xmas auction and Mosi loves that.

Two things I've discovered are - putting a toy away for a few days/weeks then bringing it out again is like getting a new toy  ;D and moving things around makes them more interesting.  I moved their large activity centre at xmas to make room for the xmas tree and although they loved it before moving it seemed to re-ignite their interest in it.  The bottom half is still in my bedroom blocking access to my chest of drawers!  They love it there but it's going back where it was this weekend.  I also have a large cardboard box with holes cut in the sides that I made when Mosi was little and although it's still in the living room he doesnt' really play in it of his own accord anymore.  But if I bring it into the middle of the room and start throwing toys in it or waving a stick inside it he gets really excited and loves jumping in and out the holes.

Offline carl (billy and baggys dad)

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2007, 16:19:17 PM »
For my two it has to be their Wiggly Waggler. Nowt better for my boys than kicking back after a hard day meese chasing with a drop of milk and a Wiggly Waggler.

You can get them from here - The lady that makes them is really nice and helpful.
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Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2007, 16:04:26 PM »
Red Laser wonders, fab exercise and they never never never never get bored with it!

Offline Marie

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2007, 16:04:03 PM »
Feather wand toys are the best.  Morrisons had some really good ones before Christmas.  Pets at Home have some similar though a tad more expensive.  If I'm watching TV Tommy will bring it up on the sofa to me when he wants to play.  I don't leave them out when we are not there just in case they get tangled but half an hours play before you go out and they will sleep for hours!!!

Otherwise those little shaky mice that they can carry around in there mouths as I'm sure they think they are real and they will try to kill it for hours.
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Offline Leanne

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2007, 16:03:15 PM »
Jess loves all sorts of balls so we leave him a wide range to play with, he stuffs the smaller ones under the sofa though! 

We've just ordered him this

Argos also do some as well.

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2007, 15:53:32 PM »
I got one from zooplus and one from argos, the zooplus one is a bit sturdier but the argos one was on £15

Offline kittykat

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2007, 15:51:14 PM »
I'd like to get her a cat tree.  I've a couple of good ones in pets at home but they're so expensive.  Any suggestions on places that sell these?  I'll take a look in the argos catalogue!

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2007, 15:38:46 PM »
Tiggy used to love ping pong balls, she wasn't indoor in her younger days but wasn't very garden orientated so spent most of her time indoors.  Ping pong balls are great gently pushed down the stairs, they just have to be chased.  She can also bat that around while you're not there.  Does she have a cat tree?  A nice high one so she can see out the window would be good.

Edited to add:  Great minds think alike Dawn!
« Last Edit: January 25, 2007, 15:39:12 PM by Tiggy's Mum - Helen »

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2007, 15:36:29 PM »
mine love the cat tree and fav toys are ping pong balls

Offline kittykat

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Indoor cats - what are their favourite toys?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2007, 15:32:26 PM »
Tipsey is going to be kept as a housecat.  As an only cat, i want to keep her stimulated.  Once she is litter trained, she will have free reign of the flat. 

What toys do your cats enjoy most?  I want to put things around the house to keep her entertained during the day?


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