I have three litter tray, 1 per cat and I use wood-based cat litter in all three. I scoop out and solid matter twice a day, in the mornings and evenings and totally change the litter once a week. On average each cat has 1.5 poops a day

, about as meaningfull as the 2.4 children national average for offspring statistic

but they do switch trays as is their whim and will always use a tray 0.5 nanoseconds after it has been serviced, that's a cat thing

. Frankie is particlarly bad, he has this routine which goes something like this.
1. have a pooh
2 Start eating
3. Break off for a pooh to make room for more.
4. Re-commence eating.
Repeat above as many times as neccessary in order to consume all food.
Alfie's strictly a one pooh a day in the morning sort of a chap, I can set my watch by him

and Suzie's a one pooh of a nightime sort of girl. So everything works pretty much like clockwork except Frankie delights in having a spontaneous pooh just to keep me on my toes. In Frankie's case the equation goes something like this where S = the size of the cat, Fi = Food intake (directly proportional), Eq = Exercise quotiant, Pf = Pooh Frequency and R = the random keep humans on their toes factor, note S is inversely proportional to 1/Eq, or, to put it another way :
S = K1Fi x R or S = K2/Eq x R ;and Pf = (Fi x 1/Eq) x R where F1 and F2 are both constants

I know this is an over simplification as it doesn't take the cat's metabolism into consideration but I'm at work so can't take my shoes and socks off to work it out

Hope this helps,