Author Topic: Loving home waiting for a friendly cat (Uknown Outcome)  (Read 7226 times)

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Loving home waiting for a friendly cat (Uknown Outcome)
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2010, 16:33:36 PM »
Presumably this is sorted now so will move and lock    :)
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 16:34:32 PM by Janeyk »
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline caledonia

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Re: Loving home waiting for a friendly cat
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2008, 21:42:00 PM »
Oh Fawn really is lovely - I hadn't looked at her ad before - but I am biased as she has colourings very similar to Bertie  :Luv2:
Love from Rachael & fur babies Nina & Rio

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RIP Oscar 31/08/2011
RIP Edgar 09/11/2011

Always loved, never forgotten

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: Loving home waiting for a friendly cat
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2008, 13:24:20 PM »
Hi Debbie, did you know that CatChat has a list of rescues in each area?  If my geography is holding up, your local ones are at
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Offline Jayms_fallen_angel

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Loving home waiting for a friendly cat (Uknown Outcome)
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2008, 01:38:44 AM »
Name: Debbie Naylor
Contact details: Well you can PM me here, leave a message or if it's urgent send me an email to my hotmail address (I usually have it listed as my msn address on forums so it's not a secret)
Where I live: Sheffield...upperthorpe specifically. It's near the city centre but not actually in it. It's up a hill. It is a one bedroomed flat. The roads are pretty much empty 24/7, the road I live on is a dead end, cobblestone steep hill. So only residents, bin men and hired help use it. I do not live near any railways. I do live near a big park and have a big shared garden. Upstaires has a dog now and then (The dog lives with the guys mum usually) and I have two house rabbits.
Family: I don't have any children myself, but I do have cousins ranging from 3+ who may visit now and then. BUT they all know how to handle animals. They've been raised to respect them, not scare them and let go when it's time. They're used to dogs, guinea pigs, rabbits and gerbils...and birds.
Working day: My working day is very hectic, but I only work four days a week. I work 8pm-8am saturday, sunday, monday and teusday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I get to myself. I wake up at 7:40 see to my pets. Get ready for work and head out. Get in see to my pets, see to myself and go to sleep. When I'm not working I spend pretty much all the time with my pets. Playing, fussing, and what not as well as watching movies and cross stitching aand other hobbies.
Other Animals: Two french lop house rabbits and two caged guinea pigs
Garden: My garden is rather large and shared by me and the couple upstairs. It is fenced off but a cat can get in and out of it. It's not very easy for a person to though without using the gate.
Catflap: No. I do not have a cat flap and with it being rented accomodation I cannot install one.
Have I had cats before? Yes when I was little. Plus my boyfriend has one which I like to look after when I stay with him.
Looking to adopt: A gentle laid back cat who would get along well with my current pets (Not try and kill them).
I do not care about Age.
I do not care about breed (although short hair would be best, but I'm sure I could coerce my landlord into a long cat. He really doesn't mind so long as I keep the place tidy).
I do not care about gender.
I care about giving a cat a good home and not endangering my current pets.
Area willing to travel: Please note I do not drive so I would like a cat I can get to via public transport, but my mum will be willing to drive me within the confines of south yorkshire.
Homechecked: I have been homechecked for my current pets but not for a cat. however, please, feel free to come and homecheck me on any of my days off. There's a cup of tea waiting for you ( chocolate, milk or juice too) and possibly a slice of cake as I do love cake and usually have some in. Also if you'd like to bring the cat you think would suit me that'd be great you could monitor how we take to each other and give me tips on introducing it to my buns and whatever else you want to look at.
Other: Please note I may not have everything needed for my cat when you home check me, but my mum runs a pet store and once I know I'm deffinatly getting a cat I will have everything the cat could ever possibly want in only a matter of days. Toys come through my house at an alarming speed and already I have cat toys as my bunnies like to play with some of them too.
I would prefer a litter trained cat. But I can do that myself.
All my pets are rescues. Two of them have needed critical care. I am prepared to handle that.
I believe in vaccinations
I believe in neutering.
Even though I only want one cat and work, my street is full of cats so this moggy will not be in short supply of friends.

Any questions? Please do ask them. I would love to love a cat. The closest thing I have is princess down at number 44 who is such a darling and loves to distract me down on my way to work. I'd love to have one distract me more than just as I pass by.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 16:34:05 PM by Janeyk »
I am looking to adopt a cat/kitten in Sheffield.


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