Author Topic: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application  (Read 8714 times)

Offline alisonandarchie

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Re: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2008, 00:29:14 AM »
Signed >:( :(

Offline Marcia

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Re: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2008, 21:01:00 PM »
I totally agree. But unfortunately, i can't say how much i hate China because one of my best friends is out there at the moment working. He loves China. And has a girlfriend who is Japanese. They communicate to eachother in Chinese because that's a second language to both of them.

The reason he is out there working is because he couldn't get a job in the UK! He is a British citizen who studied chinese out there as part of a degree.

Nevermind...I hate China too much  >:(

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Offline Mark

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Re: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #18 on: August 09, 2008, 15:44:43 PM »
I hate China -  It is the centre of evil in this world  >:(

I avoid Chinese products. I also hate our pathetic government for not standing up for what's right  >:(

If you look around, there are often plastic products made in Europe. Please check where something is made and put it back on the shelf if it is made in China.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

Offline Roz

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Re: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #17 on: August 09, 2008, 15:19:18 PM »
You are so right swampmaxmum.  I caught some of Newsnight the other evening and China's record on human rights etc was being aired prior to the opening of the Olympics and 'Red' Ken Livingstone was one of the guests amongst others. Basically, the Chinese were unapologetic about their record saying that they had come very far commercially in a very small amount of time and that ethical concerns would catch up eventually. Red Ken agreed and 50 years was cited. 50 years!!!! 

They then had some African spokesman talking about how China was helping Africa by their partnership with African countries.  WHAT!  Helping Africa???  All China will do is plunder all the natural rescources that Africa has in abundance and which China has none of and leave the continent desolate. This African guy was talking about how refreshing it was to deal with the Chinese rather than with some former European colonial power with all the history with which such unions are associated.  What a short sighted view... and one which they will come to regret.  These Africans should remove the chips from their shoulders and embrace the Western world as it is today...not what is was yesterday.  And let's face it, indefensible as slavery and colonisation was, the majority of the people in this country were not faring much better at that time in history.  We were powerless to do anything about stopping such an outrage because most of us were living in dire poverty ourselves and children were being born into a life of appalling living conditions and forced to work in the hellish mills and factories which the wealth from the New World and colonies helped to flourish.  This dreadful transition seems to be something which all developing countries need to go through before education kicks in to stop it.  But I fear that in the case of Africa (and South America where China is also setting out its stall) it will be too late.  The damage will have been done and the natural wealth of Africa... of which their wildlife is by far their most important asset....(far greater than their mineral wealth) will have been lost forever.  Allowing China free reign in Africa will be like giving a child the keys to the sweet shop.

And yet.....and yet, there are places in China where supreme spirituality and gentleness exist such as in Tibet (which I know is not really China) and the Buddhist temples....but we all know how China treats Tibet! Kindness always wins out in the end but I fear for the wildlife that it will be too late with China in charge.

I too find it almost impossible (no not is impossible) to purchase anything that has not been made at least partially in China.  It is so depressing.  And even though I was seduced by the wonderful horses in the dressage event last night (acccidentally) I am not going to be watching much of it.  And I avoided the opening ceremony.

Best wishes,

« Last Edit: August 09, 2008, 15:38:39 PM by Roz »
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Offline Marcia

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Re: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #16 on: August 08, 2008, 22:30:34 PM »
I've signed it and wrote to the MP, not that i think it'll do any good. Like Dawn said, no one will stand up to China  >:(

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Offline Dawn F

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Re: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2008, 15:35:37 PM »
the company I work for is an olympic sponsor, you can't move for it

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2008, 15:27:44 PM »
The South African govt (pro ivory trade) had a big spat with India over the CITES ban (no longer in force) on ivory trading. SA has been planning to (and may have already done so) "cull" about 3000 elephants. The rationale, uncritically reported in the UK media, is 'overpopulation'. There may be some truth in that due to mismanagement and the ignoring of contraception as a (reversible) means of controlling numbers and the movement of humans into wilderness areas, but another huge motivator has to be the ivory trade. The chinese trade such a lot with many african countries; China's become the major trading partner of many very govts throughout Africa. So it's not just the illegal ivory trade that is a problem.

I always try to avoid buying anything bought in China but find it near impossible. Try buying a computer with no chinese components?! (imposs). But if I see clothes or stuff made in China (M&S are particularly culpable) I won't buy them as there are alternatives.

Plus my neighbour (American) had her beloved cat die from the Chinese melamine contamination of pet food last year. I believe contaminated toothpaste from China was sold to poor people in South America and quite a number of people died or became extremely ill as a result.  Plus of course, their 'medicine' means (as well as what you've said) the near extinction of seahorses, of which they take 2m a year out of the sea.
Plus of course, not to forget that they are an appalling regime for human rights abuses, at home, in Tibet and abroad (Darfur being the most notable example) and that they do stuff like jail someone in a hard labour camp for 1 year for taking photos of a shoddily built school collapsing in the recent earthquake, in which so many little kids died.
Right now I'm trying to avoid the flipping Olympics on TV and in the papers. All we can hope is that it focuses the world's attention on the political reality too. I'm sorry your petition and lobbying didn't work but suppose it was inevitable, given that they are the new economic powerhouse.
Rant over, but I feel strongly about this too.

Offline maryas

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Re: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #13 on: August 07, 2008, 13:52:27 PM »
Sent to J Ruddock and MP. x
Love me, love my cat - don't love my cat... S*D off! R.I.P Smudgie - sleep well my precious little darling, I miss you so much. 01.02.94-15.04.08 x Look after the beautiful Bonnie Bum, I took her pain away 02.04.15 x Tisha was with me 3 weeks and then I had to take her pain away 1.7.15 x

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #12 on: July 31, 2008, 14:25:21 PM »
can't see anyone ever standing up to the chinese not while the economy is so strong - makes you sick doesn't it

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Re: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #11 on: July 31, 2008, 14:07:51 PM »
Unbelievable!  >:(

Offline Roz

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Re: Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #10 on: July 31, 2008, 12:12:07 PM »
Well, it would seem that the petition failed!!!  Our government supported China's application to become a member.  I am not surprised!

I received a copy of the letter from Joan Ruddock (DEFRA) addressed to my MP in this morning's post giving all the reasons for granting them membership status. All a load of b*llocks!

I will type some of the relevant passages up later on (probably tonight 'cos have to go out today) for you to read.

Suffice to say, I'm very disappointed.  I think my MP was too. >:(

Best wishes and thanks to all who supported this petition.

« Last Edit: July 31, 2008, 14:22:03 PM by Roz »
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Offline Roz

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Hi Ruth,

I was quite hopeful about this one until I read that article.  You know that our lily-livered government won't stand up against China!  My God, we may as well consign all the animals of the world to the scrapheap of extinction now that China is ruling the world! No wonder the Panda doesn't want to reproduce.  Consider how awful its life would be if there were lots more of them....served up on every plate.  Did you hear that dogs are to be left off the menu for the duration of the Olympic Games to ensure that Western tourists' sensibilities are not offended?!

How many tigers will be left...they are practically on the point of extinction in the wild.  Their numbers are so low that they have almost passed the point of no return.....and all this because of China's ridiculous and unbelievably cruel demand for tiger penis bones to be used as an aphrodisiac.....God if any country doesn't need an aphrodisiac it is China!!!!  They could do with something to use as an anti-aphrodisiac.  The so-called potency of the tiger doesn't seem to have done very much for the animal itself does it?   Cruel, cruel, cruel!!!

And then we can talk about bear bile and the bear's gall bladder.  Once again China with its insatiable desire for aphrodisiacs condemns these poor animals to unbearable suffering.

The list is endless.

I have posted this before and I am going to post it again:



Rant over!

Best wishes,

« Last Edit: July 14, 2008, 12:15:35 PM by Roz »
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Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Hi Ruth,

Yes, I received a letter from my MP about ten days ago.  This is the first letter I've sent to my MP since moving here  (I used to send loads to my last MP (Huntingdon), mostly to campaign for the abolition of Halal slaughter houses in this country and for the closure of Huntingdon Life Sciences, but he never even bothered to acknowledge my letters let alone reply to them.   I'm very impressed and pleasantly surprised by my new MP.   

Like yours he also expressed his abhorrence at the illegal ivory trade and was hugely supportive of the cause so fingers crossed China will not be granted their application. :thanks:

Best wishes,

You may think that what you do is insignificant, but it's important that you do it.  (Gandhi)

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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I received a letter today from my MP regarding this, hopefully everyone that has signed has as well. This is an excerpt from it:

"Thank you for your recent correspondence highlighting your concerns about the ongoing illegal ivory trade in China, which is having appalling effects on the elephant population in Africa.

I very much understand and share your concerns on this matter. I have already signed early Day Motion 1401, and have enclosed a copy for your records. It is inexcusable that in the 21st century there is still a burgeoning illegal invory trade. The effect that it is having on the elephant population in Africa is horrendous and it is something that the whole of the international community should pull together to tackle.

Please rest assured that my [...] colleagues and I will continue to campaign to preserve the biodiversity of our planet and will continue to pressurise the Government to maintain the ban on the ivory trade, and for more international co-operation on this issue.[...]"

Result, lets hope other MPs do the same.

Offline Kittybabe (Ruth)

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Sent to both. 

Offline Mark

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Signed - barbarians!  >:( - I don't think what Sharon Stone said is too far off the mark  >:(

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Signed!  ;)

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Email sent...not good not good at all, China need to learn that animals are to be respected-ALL ANIMALS!

Offline Roz

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Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2008, 12:49:01 PM »
Hi everyone,

Re: The Ivory Trade - Urgent action required to oppose China's application to become a buyer.

Please could everyone who reads this sign the pre-formatted letter addressed to Joan Ruddock urging her to use whatever influence she has to prevent China from becoming a major buyer in the Ivory Trade.  If China is permitted to  trade ivory, the plight of the elephant will be so much worse than it is even today.  We are all aware of China's abysmal record on animal (and human) rights!! :(

Once you have done this could you then click on the button to send another letter to your MP.  The letter is (again) in pre-formatted form and your MP's name and address will be automatically selected from the details you have submitted.

The more people who sign these petitions, the more influence we have...

Here is the link:

Thank you very much.

Best wishes,

You may think that what you do is insignificant, but it's important that you do it.  (Gandhi)


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