Author Topic: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post  (Read 34207 times)

Offline Angiew

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #99 on: August 23, 2009, 13:15:31 PM »

I hope I wasn't involved in an 'us' and 'them' comment. But I think the answer is stress and frustration.

When i see an individual post something like that I have visions os someone with a few cats, no doubt a spare room somewhere, who, if they really wanted to help could take a cat in (even if temporarily).

When i see a similar plea from a rescue , I see it as coming from someone who might recognise a serious problem (dealing with URGENTS all day long and trying to sort out those that really are), someone whose place is not only FULL of cats but overfull as they try to squeeze the last emergency in to the detriment of themselves and their own family (human and animal).

There You go !!!!
Whether You meant it to or not that really does say it all with the "us and them"  :(

That really not fair - I hadn't though of it in those terms before it was mentioned here! Shame on you!

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #98 on: August 23, 2009, 13:06:59 PM »

The emotional pressures, stress and general feeling of helplessness we go through every day can take its toll and can get us very very down indeed. I think that when I see posts on the board unless I know I can definately help I just don't read it and perhaps that is what others should try to do?

I realise that everyone is not trying intentionally to put the burden on rescue's for each of the cases posted but I think what you will find is that WE put the pressure on OURSELVES and with already feeling low and defeated unfortunately you may find that you get the brunt of our frustration as we battle with our own cases and a never ending waiting list that only gets longer.   Those of us rescues you will find see these cases as you do.... as a case of I wish I could help that little one... following by our frustrations of ... my hands are tied and there is nothing I can do which adds to our feelings of frustration, stress and defeat.   It is great to see cat lovers join together to help these cases when they can but please remember that on the initial posting of the thread and when we may read it our first reaction is most likely "oh no another one!" followed by distinct knocking from my head hitting the table in frustration followed by concerns that you may be taking on more than you realise as many cases can become costly in terms of treatment for illness, spay, vacc's etc and unless you have financial backup to cope you may find yourself in a very difficult situation and that worries us too.

One other thing I would like to mention is that we have a friend who has adopted from us in the past and has recently become more invovled in the rescue directly.  Something that she said to me a little while ago was that the outside perception of 'rescue' by the public or even as a friend is nothing compared to the reality of it day to day.  She feels her eyes have been very much opened and doesn't know how we continue to go on with the work we do despite the lies, heartache, tiredness, manipulation of the public and the pure scale of the problem not to mention the financial side of trying to find the money to treat, feed, vaccinate and care for the little ones. 

Personally I don't think these topics shouldn't be posted but perhaps not with URGENT in case it is life or death scenarios.  Rescues - well I think we need to perhaps check ourselves and realise that people aren't trying to intentionally put pressure on us as rescue's  and as for everyone else, I hope that this post perhaps explains why we are so frustrated and defeated and why you may get some of the responses you do please just try to understand  :Luv2:

:hug:  :hug:

I can get that, and see both perspectives.

I think that on the one hand any cat which urgently needs a home should be helped if possible why not, and if they are posted it doesn't necessarily mean for rescues to take them it can just be any member who can rescue the cat.........  On the other hand rescues will generally always feel the pressure to help and when we're not in that situation it's sometimes difficult to feel what they do.  I think this is difficult one to solve  :hug:
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #97 on: August 23, 2009, 12:40:29 PM »

but what is the difference when a non rescue person puts out a plea ? A cat in need is a cat in need surely ?
see... "us and them" !!

I hope I wasn't involved in an 'us' and 'them' comment. But I think the answer is stress and frustration.

When i see an individual post something like that I have visions os someone with a few cats, no doubt a spare room somewhere, who, if they really wanted to help could take a cat in (even if temporarily).

When i see a similar plea from a rescue , I see it as coming from someone who might recognise a serious problem (dealing with URGENTS all day long and trying to sort out those that really are), someone whose place is not only FULL of cats but overfull as they try to squeeze the last emergency in to the detriment of themselves and their own family (human and animal).

There You go !!!!
Whether You meant it to or not that really does say it all with the "us and them"  :(

But for the record...and I can only speak for myself...although I'm not a rescue member
I have 11 10 cats, half of which are either rescue or i have taken them on as strays
I have a 2 bedroom no spare room
HOWEVER I have helped many cats

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #96 on: August 23, 2009, 11:46:30 AM »
I'm really saddened to see a feeling of 'them' and 'us' being perpetuated to users as this is not what purrs is about and I truly hope that I have not added to anyone's feelings in this way.

I think reading through this thread it is a very emotive and sensitive topic and I think that Angie's statement of stress and frustration hits the nail clean on the head.

When we have (on the very odd occasion) had time and space I will look at the freead sites and you have to way up the potential risks of each scenario because there aer just so many cases on there of who to help.  Unfortunately, especially here, most people do not wish to work with a rescue to rehome their cat and often take umbridge at being advised so you often feel yourself hitting a brick wall.

For the last few months we have been SO full trying to find space for genuine emergencies has been a real ordeal but no matter what we always do our best to get thelittle one's on the street with no one to look after them in and into safety.  Pregnant mums or unspayed females and their kittens have to come as a priority too or kittens found wandering a garden, etc.  Not to mention the cases where people put additional pressure on your by telling you that if you don't take the cat(s) they will put them to sleep. 

The emotional pressures, stress and general feeling of helplessness we go through every day can take its toll and can get us very very down indeed. I think that when I see posts on the board unless I know I can definately help I just don't read it and perhaps that is what others should try to do?

I realise that everyone is not trying intentionally to put the burden on rescue's for each of the cases posted but I think what you will find is that WE put the pressure on OURSELVES and with already feeling low and defeated unfortunately you may find that you get the brunt of our frustration as we battle with our own cases and a never ending waiting list that only gets longer.   Those of us rescues you will find see these cases as you do.... as a case of I wish I could help that little one... following by our frustrations of ... my hands are tied and there is nothing I can do which adds to our feelings of frustration, stress and defeat.   It is great to see cat lovers join together to help these cases when they can but please remember that on the initial posting of the thread and when we may read it our first reaction is most likely "oh no another one!" followed by distinct knocking from my head hitting the table in frustration followed by concerns that you may be taking on more than you realise as many cases can become costly in terms of treatment for illness, spay, vacc's etc and unless you have financial backup to cope you may find yourself in a very difficult situation and that worries us too.

One other thing I would like to mention is that we have a friend who has adopted from us in the past and has recently become more invovled in the rescue directly.  Something that she said to me a little while ago was that the outside perception of 'rescue' by the public or even as a friend is nothing compared to the reality of it day to day.  She feels her eyes have been very much opened and doesn't know how we continue to go on with the work we do despite the lies, heartache, tiredness, manipulation of the public and the pure scale of the problem not to mention the financial side of trying to find the money to treat, feed, vaccinate and care for the little ones. 

Personally I don't think these topics shouldn't be posted but perhaps not with URGENT in case it is life or death scenarios.  Rescues - well I think we need to perhaps check ourselves and realise that people aren't trying to intentionally put pressure on us as rescue's  and as for everyone else, I hope that this post perhaps explains why we are so frustrated and defeated and why you may get some of the responses you do please just try to understand  :Luv2:

:hug:  :hug:

Sunny Harbour Cat & Kitten Rescue
Covering Fife, Edinburgh & Lothians

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #95 on: August 23, 2009, 11:06:50 AM »
I actually find fostering helps to deal with the oldies, as you get to enjoy having young, playful adults around which can help. Or, you could offer to foster elderly/terminally ill cats, but then there is the extra emotional impact on you, as well as the time they need with your other cats.
Please spay your cat

Offline Janeyk

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #94 on: August 23, 2009, 10:39:15 AM »
We couldnt get any new fosterers despite months of advertising. I do believe it takes a certain kind of person to be able to take cats in, give them the love and care they need and then give them up - and not everyone can deal with certain kinds of cats - we didn't have any other fosterers who were willing to deal with the two terminally ill cats I took in last year, and Sam came to me cos his fosterer was reluctant to deal with an elderly cat with health issues. I personally will do anything but kittens!!

I agree with you Desley regarding these respects, I myself adopt the elderly cats with health issues or terminal cats, as you know  - my sister has told me she couldn't cope. I am considering fostering but not sure how I will feel until I do - as you say that too takes a certain type of person.  If I choose to I will get an outside pen as I don't think my cats would be at all happy with them inside so it just isn't that simple.
Please consider the harder to home cats in rescue.

Offline Ela

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #93 on: August 23, 2009, 10:35:43 AM »
I personally will do anything but kittens!!

Know the feeling  ;D but in reality I am sure to save a life we would take in kittens.

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #92 on: August 23, 2009, 10:25:51 AM »
but what is the difference when a non rescue person puts out a plea ? A cat in need is a cat in need surely ?

You are right Michelle but if a person seems to make it their personal crusade and rescues get it full barrels constantly   in different ways, e.g on the forum, e-mails and PM's it becomes increasingly heartbreaking when you cannot do a thing.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 10:34:40 AM by Ela »

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #91 on: August 23, 2009, 10:23:31 AM »
We couldnt get any new fosterers despite months of advertising. I do believe it takes a certain kind of person to be able to take cats in, give them the love and care they need and then give them up - and not everyone can deal with certain kinds of cats - we didn't have any other fosterers who were willing to deal with the two terminally ill cats I took in last year, and Sam came to me cos his fosterer was reluctant to deal with an elderly cat with health issues. I personally will do anything but kittens!!
Please spay your cat

Offline Angiew

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #90 on: August 23, 2009, 10:20:31 AM »
Angie, the problem there is that there might be a lot of people on here with a spare room (in fact, a lot of my cat owning friends do, but never offer to foster) - but it isn't just about having the room to keep them, it is about having the funds to be able to feed them and provide necessary vet care, back up on rehoming (and even rescues have to take cats back, that isn't an option if it is an individual helping out), and more importantly, not everyone is able to take a cat in and then let it go, and in the current climate, not everyone is able to afford the necessary care, so I completely disagree with your friend - and she isn't taking into consideration those people who have cats who completely detest others, and would be unhappy with their owner having an extra one.

As you say, who offers to foster even though all bills are paid by the rescue? Our pleas fall on deaf ears and we have spent hundreds of pounds advertising.
As and for my poor cat hating felines, she just shows her displeasure by spraying and often refusing to come into the house for days on end.....

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #89 on: August 23, 2009, 10:15:35 AM »
Angie, the problem there is that there might be a lot of people on here with a spare room (in fact, a lot of my cat owning friends do, but never offer to foster) - but it isn't just about having the room to keep them, it is about having the funds to be able to feed them and provide necessary vet care, back up on rehoming (and even rescues have to take cats back, that isn't an option if it is an individual helping out), and more importantly, not everyone is able to take a cat in and then let it go, and in the current climate, not everyone is able to afford the necessary care, so I completely disagree with your friend - and she isn't taking into consideration those people who have cats who completely detest others, and would be unhappy with their owner having an extra one.

I am sorry you dont feel welcome in the rescue situation Michelle, and I wasn't aware things came across as 'them and us', the only thing I can think of is similar to Angie's, that people who post the pleas just see the pleas, they aren't also dealing with the numerous calls/e-mails that rescues take, so the priority level is different.
Please spay your cat

Offline Angiew

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #88 on: August 23, 2009, 10:00:07 AM »

but what is the difference when a non rescue person puts out a plea ? A cat in need is a cat in need surely ?
see... "us and them" !!

I hope I wasn't involved in an 'us' and 'them' comment. But I think the answer is stress and frustration.

When i see an individual post something like that I have visions os someone with a few cats, no doubt a spare room somewhere, who, if they really wanted to help could take a cat in (even if temporarily).

When i see a similar plea from a rescue , I see it as coming from someone who might recognise a serious problem (dealing with URGENTS all day long and trying to sort out those that really are), someone whose place is not only FULL of cats but overfull as they try to squeeze the last emergency in to the detriment of themselves and their own family (human and animal).

Sadly at the moment, whoever it comes from we can't help..... :( and yes it is something I feel very personally , not being able to do anything when its something I feel very passionate about and do my utmost to relieve the situation.

I have a friend who says that if everyone who liked cats could see it to have an extra one then the rescues would not be overrun.

Well , you did ask and I sat down and thought about it!  :hug: (and am still thinking it though hence the number of modifications!)
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 10:10:48 AM by Angie (covcats) »

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #87 on: August 23, 2009, 08:51:50 AM »
I have removed my post coz to be honest i cant be arsed with this thread

Now I'm wondering what you's like when people say something quietly and then say "it doesn't matter" when you ask what they said! :doh: :evillaugh:

Well the phase i used a few times was "us and them" (had you read mine before i removed it Tan lol) and that is one reason i stay away from the rescue section because I dont feel welcome at all.
Yes you guys do a WONDEFUL job let me make that clear first

but what is the difference when a non rescue person puts out a plea ? A cat in need is a cat in need surely ?
see... "us and them" !!

Offline Ela

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #86 on: August 23, 2009, 00:17:50 AM »
I certainly don't want Purrs to give any more pressure to the rescues than they already have

I don't think anyone is blaming Purrs.

I'm afraid I agree with Mark,

Me too. Not only are there pleas on the forum, there are also the PM's  and the odd e-mail that rescues receive too, when everyone knows or should know full well that we in rescue are up against it, if we had room and the capacity to help in any way we would be shouting from the rooftops that we were in a position to help. I feel sometimes rescues are put under too much pressure from some who should know better, but feel they do it as they think they are helping and I suppose it eases their mind but perhaps they do not realize the pressure on those in rescue is really too much and not fair.

I  would also say that when someone in rescue receives PM or an e-mail quite obviously they are being targeted in the hope of offering help.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 01:12:55 AM by Ela »

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #85 on: August 22, 2009, 19:47:43 PM »
Mark, Desley and Angie - I'm sorry you feel that this is putting more pressure on rescues. I personally don't feel it is, as at the end of the day you all know which cats need assistance more than I do.
I am really surprised by this comment - how can you still feel that this isn't putting pressure on rescues when everyone who responded to say it does, does some element of rescue work?

Because I know when I or anybody else posts about cats needing homes on here I don't assume it will be a rescue offering help. As I said before, this section isn't just for organised rescues to my knowledge but people that purely want to help cats. I obviously meant no offence by any of my comments, I just think if you can't ask for help on here - when can you ask for it? And your idea of urgent is pretty much the type of cats I post about; unspayed females that are already used for breeding purposes, or cats with the threat of PTS. I think I'll refrain from commenting any further in case I word things wrongly and upset more people! ;)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #84 on: August 22, 2009, 19:32:46 PM »
Mark, Desley and Angie - I'm sorry you feel that this is putting more pressure on rescues. I personally don't feel it is, as at the end of the day you all know which cats need assistance more than I do.

I am really surprised by this comment - how can you still feel that this isn't putting pressure on rescues when everyone who responded to say it does, does some element of rescue work?

My idea of urgent would be unneutered females, unneutered males (As they produce more kittens), pregnant cats, young kittens, cats at risk of pts - the only problem is the amount of people that lie - Sam was treated as urgent last Dec cos we were told he was an 8mo female, and we felt the likelihood of a cat that age being neutered was slim, so rushed to pick him up and he turned out to be an elderly male. And people will bend the truth or use emotional blackmail to get people to take cats in, which then leaves us unable to take in a true emergency case.
Please spay your cat

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #83 on: August 22, 2009, 16:43:28 PM »
I think all of your post is extremely valid, Tan.

And in all honesty, I do only post the cats that make me more concerned than a little. Unspayed females and kittens that are potentially going to perpetuate the situation are to me pretty urgent. But like I said, I think people need to clarify what's urgent to them.

I don't want a them and us situation either, it's not what Purrs is about and that's why we all love it so much. ;)

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #82 on: August 22, 2009, 16:36:04 PM »
Hi Hunnies

Please try not to let this thread turn into a them and us.  :hug: It's certainly not what Purrs is about for me and if i ever felt that Purrs turned into a cat rescue V cat lover then i would not like to keep it going.  :hug:
My passion for Purrs is that we work together all cat lovers, rescue and cat slaves helping where we can, helping the ones who can do more for the needy cats than the usual cat lover /owner, the rescues whom most of thier lives are dedicated to helping the cats in need.

This thread i have thought hard about and i have to honestly say, i can't think of a solution.  I certainly don't want Purrs to give any more pressure to the rescues than they already have, we are here to support them and through them the needy cats, that is our main goal. But i also feel concerned about stopping cat lovers posting about a cat in need in an urgent or difficult situation as there just maybe a member rescue or cat lover that can help as it has prooved to be on quite a few occassions. 

Ya know the real thing is here, is that so very very sadly there are so many cats that need help all over the UK and many more abroad.  No matter how many fantastic cat rescues and wonderful cat lovers who help them, there are always going to be more cats in need and i feel it will always be overwelming. I think only law to force spaying etc could help a little to reduce the amount of "unwanted" births. The disscussion on the other thread strated by Louise is a good one.  :) 
Plus as much education to potential cat owners as possible.
I was lucky, that i was brought up with animals that were always spayed or neutered young so never thought any differnet when i became a slave myself. It was something that was a part of the responible care. Sadly there are many people out there that think the opposite or simply just don't care!  :(

Any sugesstions are always welcome on any thought for Purrs, i think of us all as a team and love to hear any members thoughts  ;D

I don't feel a sep board for the classified ad cats will help, One, cause we certainly don't want to be helping advertise these sites as there is no control over where the poor animals end up and Two, i would be worried that the board would turn into an extended classified ad section with lots of cats needing help that us as a small forum would not be able to help.
I feel that Cat Chat site is our main site for helping and advertising the cats in need and they do such a brilliant job doing that. It is now a full time job for them. It just goes to show how many unwanted cats there are  :'(.   Here our main goal is to aid the cat rescues with support and funds, to support all cat lovers with advice and friendship, spread the word about good cat welfare and care. Within this goal, we also help individual cats out if we can which is fantastic  :)  What a wonderful feeling to hear that a needy cat in rescue or private home has found a loving family with a Purrs member  ;D

I am interested to hear what you all think on this (i am thinking out loud here so to speak, nothing has been decided or any restrictions/rules set in place which is something i would like to aviod  :) ) ... Is a compremise to limit posts from classifed ads to urgent / difficult cases only.  The wonderful people who help these classified cats do a great job in helping and notifiying the advertisers on these sites about the dangers of this kind of classiffed advertising. Unfortuanlety until these ad sites continue to accept aminal adverising, people wanting "rid" of their aminals will continue to use them.

If we did this, then we have another "question" and that has just been raised below ie what do people class as Urgent or difficult situation!!  I would like to hear your thoughts on this. :)


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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #81 on: August 22, 2009, 11:39:57 AM »
Everyone's idea of urgent is different. Maybe you (and other rescues) should specify on this thread what each individual rescue feels merits the title urgent? Just an idea.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

Offline Angiew

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #80 on: August 22, 2009, 11:05:19 AM »
. I would be interested to know what rescue people's point of view is.

i do look when i get spare time and, if i could think where to put it, would respond to someone giving away a pregnant cat or cat with young kittens. at the moment there is nowhere and no doubt if there was , that call-that-could-not-be-refused would come in anyway and soon fill it up.

My dislike is the amount of "urgent" that get posted when most of it is just day to day stuff.....

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #79 on: August 22, 2009, 09:35:24 AM »
This is how I cope :nice cuppa: Anyway fancy a cuppa?  :grouphug:

And yep, always! Just remember the starfish's entirely right. :) :hug:

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #78 on: August 22, 2009, 09:34:25 AM »
I have removed my post coz to be honest i cant be arsed with this thread

Now I'm wondering what you's like when people say something quietly and then say "it doesn't matter" when you ask what they said! :doh: :evillaugh:

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #77 on: August 21, 2009, 21:40:22 PM »
Well I've been monitoring our phone line for 6 of the past 7 days. Yes, I did handle 18 calls on Tuesday. 13 the next day. 12 on Monday. 9 today.  :sigh: ALL of them thought they had a special, urgent case. Only 2 actually were that urgent. We could only help one of them, which in turn meant yet again our waiting list doesn't get touched this week. The rest made me feel totally pointless and a complete failure. So... 2 cats rehomed this week that I know of, another 25-30 asking for spaces that I had to turn away. 

This is how I cope :nice cuppa: Anyway fancy a cuppa?  :grouphug:

Offline Michelle (furbabystar)

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #76 on: August 21, 2009, 20:19:17 PM »
I have removed my post coz to be honest i cant be arsed with this thread

« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 21:16:52 PM by furbabystar (Michelle) »

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #75 on: August 21, 2009, 10:45:31 AM »
I did'nt mean a dedicated area where people can post these ads willy nilly, No need to even have the name of the ads mentioned....  ;)

Okay a poop idea I know.... Just I myself have rescued a couple of them type ads so I know that us the non "Greenies" can sometimes assist!  ;)

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #74 on: August 21, 2009, 10:24:33 AM »
I'd just like to clarify something; yes I do look on free ads for these adverts. But no, I don't usually intend to post the cats on here myself. That only happens when I'm really concerned about a specific cat and think that maybe a rescue would want to help due to that cat being at risk. (And not necessarily a rescue, there are members that just like cats who might have space in their homes and hearts for one more cat.) I usually send the poster information on good rehoming sites and explain the dangers of posting on free ad sites.

Mark, Desley and Angie - I'm sorry you feel that this is putting more pressure on rescues. I personally don't feel it is, as at the end of the day you all know which cats need assistance more than I do.

MM - I only feel useless when the kittens are just being given away. People asking for money for them rile me, but at least I know someone will have to be willing to pay for them to give them a home.

Just my opinion and not meant to offend anyone in any way. :hug:

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #73 on: August 21, 2009, 10:17:26 AM »
I understand the immense pressure as rescues that you are under at most times with ref to taking cats in.... Could there not be another Sect maybe for the Free Ad types.... That way you can look if you want etc....

Why should purrs have a dedicated area and be promoting these sites ads?

Last time i went to PAH there were over 50 kittens on their board, how awful did that make me feel, i didnt post them all here to avoid others feeling like i did - useless.
All cats are in need but the rescues have more than enough threats of i'll dump it, pts, drown it if you dont take now. The saying ignorance is bliss comes to mind, the less you know the little bit better you feel

Mark, I don't think anyone (myself included) posts about these cats to add pressure. But that's what rescues are for isn't it? To help cats that are likely to be in a precarious situation?
The way everyone is bursting at the seams you have no choice but to only help the ones already in a precarious situation

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #72 on: August 21, 2009, 09:57:16 AM »
I understand the immense pressure as rescues that you are under at most times with ref to taking cats in.... Could there not be another Sect maybe for the Free Ad types.... That way you can look if you want etc....

I know it must be hard to have to bypass them as a cat is a cat no matter what its background, but then I also understand peeps wanting to help out these cats!

Maybe I just keep dreaming of that "perfect world"!  :tired: :hug: :hug:
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 09:57:39 AM by Bazsmum »

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #71 on: August 21, 2009, 08:04:26 AM »
Sharon was telling me yesterday that Julie dealt with 18 calls on Tuesday. Bearing in mind we have no space at all, not very nice having to tell people we can't help them right now. As I said in an earlier post, it is a different story if the cat in question is highly vulnerable such as blind or due for PTS. I also said to Sharon that Most of the ads are same apart the wording is different. Whether they say FTGH or £10 or need to rehome - it's all the same, Poor cats that have been born into a world where they aren't wanted and usually out of stupidity or greed of humans.

It is a double-edged sword though  :(
« Last Edit: August 21, 2009, 08:35:06 AM by Mark »

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #70 on: August 21, 2009, 07:53:18 AM »
I have to agree, it really does make you feel useless and guilty reading some of these posts, and what I dont think a lot of people realise is that we have more than enough pressure with just the phone calls we get, without going through free ads, or being alerted to free ads - I only rang someone yesterday to pick up some bric a brac and got asked if we could help a friend's cat - I know we are probably going to say no, which then makes me feel guilty as they do donate food and bedding to us and then we can't help when they know of a cat needing help.
Yes, JS, we are here to help cats in precarious situations, but as I said above, we also have our phone calls/e-mails to contend with.
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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #69 on: August 21, 2009, 07:10:56 AM »
It adds to the feeling of being overwhelmed. Any of us can find needy cats by trawling through freeads any day of the week. I would be interested to know what rescue people's point of view is.

I'm afraid I agree with Mark and I feel that, although the intention may not be to do so, it does put pressure on us rescues and make us feel guilty, overwhelmed, useless, a whole mixture of emotions that are not nice., (or at least that is how it makes me feel)

If rescues had places they would look through these sites themselves and help the desperate cases but there are now too many desperate cases for us to be able to help, let alone the ones that are not desperate.  Every day there are cases of healthy cats being put to sleep because no one wants them and there is no rescue space.  All these cats are deserving of a space and I know that there have been cases where some of these have been helped because of the postings on here but all that means is that another cat is being pushed down the list or is on the waiting list for even longer.  What is their crime?  Are they just not desperate enough?  How long is it before they are the one under threat of pts?

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #68 on: August 20, 2009, 22:56:45 PM »
I don't look at the sites anymore.. some cats on our waiting list have been there since May and we have been unable to do anything. We just get strays and preg cats and we never touch the list at all. With the amount of calls we are getting lately (most homed cats need to be rehomed) we have to tell people are waiting list is long and all it takes is for a cat to be found in dire need at the vets and its another foster place gone..Rescues run on priority system i suppose.. and its just a matter of peoples perception of priority.

Never easy But we would not be able to take in cats that are poorly if daily more cats are posted on free sites...Zareth or Hyper T Walter (both strays) would not be in our care either..

But the solution it education and people having abit of responsibility.. neither are easy to accomplish with things are desperate
Cannot save the world, but if everyone does something we can have a jolly good job trying too....

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #67 on: August 20, 2009, 21:31:30 PM »
It adds to the feeling of being overwhelmed. Any of us can find needy cats by trawling through freeads any day of the week. I would be interested to know what rescue people's point of view is.

I would be surprised is there is any rescue that doesn't have a waiting list of cats to come in. Any other cats that are helped just means "bottom of the pile" waiting list cats such as healthy strays just get pushed further back down the list.

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #66 on: August 20, 2009, 21:01:02 PM »
Mark, I don't think anyone (myself included) posts about these cats to add pressure. But that's what rescues are for isn't it? To help cats that are likely to be in a precarious situation?

It doesn't hurt to draw someones attention to them. If they don't have space, it's not like people will hate them and think them negligent. We all understand things are overwhelming at the moment.

Carrie, Jack,Toby and Parsley ~ Love and miss you all always.x

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #65 on: August 20, 2009, 20:18:15 PM »
I was discussing this with someone today and I think it applies more now than ever. Rescues are pushed to the limit so people posting about other cats off freeads etc is just making rescues feel more pressured than ever. There will always be animals on these sites all over the country. I think if it was a desperate situation such as a blind cat, or one due for PTS, it might be different but we can't save the world sadly.

Our branch like many other rescues has such a long list that even the waiting list has been suspended until the numbers are down  :(
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 20:22:23 PM by Mark »

I believe I am not interested to know whether Vivisection produces results that are profitable to the human race or doesn't. To know that the results are profitable to the race would not remove my hostility to it.  Mark Twain

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #64 on: August 06, 2008, 03:11:36 AM »
To be honest and I know one or two will hate me but occasionally I have thought it is all very well them posting but they never do anything to help the situation other than bring it to rescues attention when they are already so stressed with the cats they already know about in their own area and cannot help immediately. Having said that I can see both sides.

I think anyone can associate with those feelings Ela, I still have mixed feelings about a lot of the posts but by the same token, if someone can help, great.  I am stretched to my limit at the moment and still have feral mums and kittens to catch but sadly they will have to wait until I get the Manchester cats sorted and hopefully rehome some of my others.  I've had 2 in the last few days and both have given birth, not what I had hoped for but I'm glad I got them when I did.  I saw an ad in the vets yesterday about 3 persians looking for a home due to owners ill health, I can't help so I'm not even going to get involved and I know everyone is stretched at the moment and as I've said, I've got a few to sort of my own.   Luckily the ones I've got to trap the mums can go back but I still have to find somewhere for the kittens, it's never ending and puts a lot of pressure on rescues at this time of year.  I also have 2 parrots to sort and there doesn't seem enough hours in the day  :tired:

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #63 on: August 03, 2008, 11:46:22 AM »
The only thing i see that may put people off the neutering vouchers is that quite a few CP sites still say you need to be on benefits to get the help

Perhaps when you notice that on a site you contact CP HQ and ask them to remind the branch of the new guidelines.

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #62 on: August 03, 2008, 11:44:04 AM »
I have only just caught up with this topic, I think it started when I was on holiday. So many of my personal thoughts have been posted by members of rescues. I myself have taken in a few cats mentioned in posts, but as we are always full and have lists of cats waiting to come in, it does mean that a local cat has to wait a little longer. To be honest and I know one or two will hate me but occasionally I have thought it is all very well them posting but they never do anything to help the situation other than bring it to rescues attention when they are already so stressed with the cats they already know about in their own area and cannot help immediately. Having said that I can see both sides.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2008, 14:55:17 PM by Ela »

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #61 on: July 07, 2008, 11:31:53 AM »
HI Hunnies
Thanks very much for all your feedback about this. I will read through everyones and let ya know what we will do asap.  :Luv:

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Re: Discussion on posts from Advertising Sites Split from Nottingham post
« Reply #60 on: July 01, 2008, 16:08:08 PM »
Thats a positive response angie, shame the other sites are not open to suggestion  :(

The only thing i see that may put people off the neutering vouchers is that quite a few CP sites still say you need to be on benefits to get the help, they dont advertise the full cost yellow vouchers or the fact that a low income passes too. Some cant afford the £25 towards it so would rather advertise an entire animal.


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