I got made redundant at the beginning of May, and I've not had a job for over a month, but started my new job yesterday. My kitties and I have got used to having each other around all day, and I was really looking forward to coming home to them from my first day at work. When I got home, I got massive loves off Meesha and Shanti, but I was really surprised at Sabby, who isn't really a lovey-type cat (except for his lovely headbutts) and hardly ever makes a sound. I went in the garden to call him, and he appeared immediately, miaow, miaow, miaow, miaow, miaow ... rubbing up against my legs and trying to do jumping headbutts at the same time!

I've never seen him get so unnecessary! Awwww ... he loves his meowmy really!

Just thought I'd share!