Author Topic: Peeing probs  (Read 4862 times)

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Peeing probs
« Reply #6 on: November 23, 2006, 09:27:52 AM »
Hi Hippykitty (fellow Brummie)

Since clean up, new trays and putting dry food behind TV, haven't had any accidents that I've noticed.  If it restarts I'll pay Mr Vet yet another visit. Freddie had virtually all his teeth out 6 weeks ago (only 2 left) and had his FELV jabs so he has been looked over by vet a number of times altho not specifically for peeing probs! 

Freddie was rescued by an RSPCA inspector (so obv not a good start) with another cat that tested FIV pos altho Freddie tested neg. He has access to catflap and used to love going out but had a disagreement recently with neighbour's cat so wouldn't venture out for a while altho startiing to go out for a few mins at a time in last couple of days. He is the king of the wiggly wagglers and plays constantly if he isn't asleep.

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Offline Hippykitty

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Re: Peeing probs
« Reply #5 on: November 23, 2006, 09:02:32 AM »
Were you given any info about Freddie's history? He may have had a traumatised past and not be quite sure what litter trays are for. Also, his excessive playfulness suggests that he has needed to fend for himself (hunt). Try expending this energy with lots of play with bits of string etc.
As for the litter training, I think your first port of call should be the vet: check that  he has no urinary probs. If he's okay, try experimenting with different litter.
Do you keep your cats indoors? Perhaps he isn't used to this. Try putting soil in his tray to get him into the concept that you expect him to 'go' there.
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Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Peeing probs
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2006, 19:00:54 PM »
Progress report... Have gone around with thorough clean of a couple more piddly areas with Urine Off. Rather a nice citrussy smell to it so think there might be some orange/lemon essence in it?? We don't shout at our boys btw altho I do say a stern NO if I see him squatting in the wrong area.

Will speak to vet if other measures fail but I really don't think he is unwell

Got 3 new slightly larger and deeper cat trays today but things didn't go quite to plan. I bought them from a chap who has a new pet shop near my work and to be helpful he sprayed each one with catnip. Well Billy (who rarely uses trays) and Tom (who never uses trays) started barging one another for access to trays to roll in them and Freddie of course continued rolled in his own? :rofl:

Offline Rosella moggy

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Re: Peeing probs
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2006, 17:53:50 PM »
Thanks Ela.? Dry food now behind TV. Seems so obvious but when it's happening to you, common sense seems to go out the window!

When I get a chance, I will get some bigger trays altho Freddie not that big but you're right photo proves he is as big as tray! It really helps to have another person's view of the problem.


Offline Ela

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Re: Peeing probs
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2006, 16:37:34 PM »
Perhaps you could get a bigger tray as Freddie looks a big cat and the tray is normal size, experiment with litter, try the Danish  Pink or corn litter, not all cat will use the wood.
Wipe everywhere he has peeed/poooood with surgical spirit. Pure orange or lemon essence sometimes helps and the house smells nice too, it is available in  quality food shops. Have you had him examined by a vet to ensure that there are no underlying problems? If you see a Homoeopathic vet they may prescribe something like rescue Remedy.Freddie to that room. Most important is that you do not shout at him  as very often stress causes inappropriate behaviour. You could try the Feliway spray and leave dried food where ever he 'goes'.

Offline Rosella moggy

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Peeing probs
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2006, 15:34:17 PM »
We have 3 cats and 3 litter trays. Tom never uses a tray, Billy only on occasion so Freddie pretty well always has the pick of 3. Freddie came to us about 2 months back from RSPCA. He seems to have settled OKish altho he is frightened of visitors but he chases other 2 cats ALL the time. We thought at first he was aggressive but conviced now he only wants to play. The other 2 DO NOT want to play thank you. Freddie is 5 years old with the brain of a 6 month old kitten. He is either running around like a looney or fast asleep. Billy is only 2 and such a grown up.

He had a bit of a scrap the other evening with a neighbours cat who is a doll usually so pretty sure Freddie was doing his usual chasing to start it all off. Freddie now wary of going out and is staying in a lot more.

Freddie has pee'd and poo'd inappropriately on and off since he arrived but it seems to be getting worse. Thankfully only on wooden floors so far and I have invested in a Urine Off spray so not too difficult to clean up.

About 1/2 hour ago, Freddie settled down in the litter tray in bedroom (photo attached) where the other 2 have their catbeds and they hide out from Freddie altho he does now have access to that room most of the time.

Just as I sat down to type this, Freddie went to have a wee on the printing paper in the corner of the room. I told him no and he went straight to littertray in the hallway instead so he knows where it is.

Any ideas what the problem might be? He gets so much attention as the other 2 hide out most of the time. I'm sure things will get easier but it would be nice to stop the peeing and pooing (unless in trays of course).

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