Author Topic: RENAL S/O FOOD  (Read 5169 times)

Offline Amanda (mad4moggies)

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« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2007, 01:06:41 AM »
I found the list of contra indications in the veterinary formulary for Fortekor:

Fortekor may increase plasma creatinine concentrations at the start of the therapy. This effect is related to the
therapeutic effect of the product in reducing blood pressure and therefore is not necessarily a reason to stop
therapy in the absence of other signs. As is routine in cases of renal insufficiency, it is recommended to monitor
plasma urea and creatinine concentrations and erythrocyte counts. Fortekor reduced erythrocyte counts in normal cats at high doses, but this effect was not observed at the recommended dose during clinical trials in cats with chronic renal insufficiency. Fortekor may increase food consumption and body weight in cats. "

From that i would say that it`s possible that it may be the tablet making her feel unwell but i`m sure the vet will give you more information. Is she on one of the 2.5mg tablets? As others have said i have seen it work very well in CRF and of the cats at my work that are on it i haven`t heard of any so far that had side effects when they started. It hasn`t worked for all of them but some have been worth than others when they started on Fortekor. I hope she feels better tomorrow.

Offline Millys Mum

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« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2007, 18:06:51 PM »
My vet told me that the insurance companies only pay out for 6 weeks of this food does anyone know if that correct.

It sounds about right, my policy covers £200 worth of special diets and thats it.
You can buy online when your free time is up!

Offline smudgepickles

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« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2007, 13:05:33 PM »
Thanks Gillian
she was really so happy yesterday and had been since coming home. she loves that renal food and ate 4 sachets last she is so very unhappy and doesnt even want her mummy  :(

I would rather she saw her time out happy and the occasional play with her leafs than like she is today after a tablet

Thanks for all your help


Offline Gillian Harvey

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« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2007, 12:56:16 PM »
Yes, a rise in creatinine would make her feel unwell, but I wouldnt have thought it would happen after just one tablet - was that the first tablet she had? CRF cats have good days and bad days, so maybe she's just having an off day, although it might be worthing phoning the vet to see what they say. Helen (Tiggy's Mum) might know more about the effects of Fortekor, coz her Tiggy's been on it for a while now.

As regards the food, I would just feed her what she'll eat, don't worry too much about amounts, and I wouldnt bother with the dry version - wet food is much better for CRF cats, they need all the moisture they can get. I give my Suzie additional liquid in her wet food. I also have bowls of water all over the house, so she never has to walk too far to get a drink!

Offline smudgepickles

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« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2007, 12:19:00 PM »
thanks Amanda
so would that make her feel unwell then. Sorry to sound thick but never had a fur baby with CRF before. If the tablets are going to make her short time left miserable then I would rather not give them to her

She has up until today been a happy baby but she looks so down today and is making me cry as I feel guilty for giving her the tablet  :( :(


Offline Amanda (mad4moggies)

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« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2007, 11:25:49 AM »
With Fortekor the vet needs to monitor them quite closely as initially it can make the urea and creatinine increase but this usually goes back down once they stabilise. This is why the vet usually does another blood test about 2 weeks from the start of the medication.

Offline smudgepickles

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« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2007, 09:47:47 AM »
Bella very unhappy today (so am I)  :( havent managed to get a purrrrrrrrr from her at all. Do the Fortekor have any effect that anyone knows off as it doesnt say anthing on the box

Thanks all


Offline smudgepickles

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« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2007, 00:44:10 AM »
Hi all

I went to collect Bella's renal food tonight thinking she wont eat it when in actual fact she loves it  :wow:....she also took her tablet as good as gold :wow:

My vet told me that the insurance companies only pay out for 6 weeks of this food does anyone know if that correct. Also do they limit the amount they are allowed to have per day? I dint understand the chart on the box one bit

I noticed on some websites they also do Renal s/o in dry form too, can they have both biscuits and the sachets

Had another good day with Bella lots of purrs and Mummy head butts little princess :hug:

Thankyou all for answering all my questions, I'm not really thick honest lol



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