Hi all, I only recently joined catchat before the forum was closed. I work at a cat-sanctuary in Fuerteventura, Canary islands. I brought 3 cats over from England with me, Jasper [3-legged tonkinese/tabbypoint siamese x, 14 yrs old] Bella, brindle female, her son Leo [ginger, nickname giant haystacks!] There was one little one I just could'nt resist bringing home from where I work, despite vowing not to add any more to my household, Vinny, [6 months] a gorgeous little black and white that just wants to be picked up and cuddled 24-7 and has an enormous vocabulary of "chirrup" sounds that he makes. Oh, and not forgetting Sammy "the lodger" who we look after as he has chronic gingivitus that needs regular treatment. I can't wait to post some pictures of them for you all to see, but so far I have'nt had much success [I'm not very computer literate!!]