Author Topic: Offering Loving Home  (Read 27593 times)

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #49 on: March 25, 2008, 21:16:35 PM »
8 more days now and i will be getting my new addition to the family.  Looks like a black boy possibly at the moment.  Starting to think about names.  Lonato for a boy and Lila for a girl is on the list at the moment.  First time just kept the names, last time went unprepared and then though of one at home but the pet log details had gone through with the olde name.  This time i want to be ready for anything.  Got the fancy bowls and the bed and the litter tray- luxury covered one.  So the day needs to arrive now. 

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #48 on: March 24, 2008, 23:00:52 PM »
I "aquired !" one a few years back in the most appalling condition .
Little blue girl -so thin you could put you finger and thumb together and they would meet round her back end !
She was dirty and smelly ( first cat i have ever bathed too !!)
Not litter trained ( apparantly it was also her bed !!!!)  :censored: :censored: :censored:  that had her before !
I had her for around 9 months and was always at the vet with her for having the runs mainly -eventually she died of FIP -but i gave her 9 months of good food and love and she used to sleep on my pillow too - i have never regretted "aquiring her !" -she would have died a long agonising death otherwise .

Offline Harna

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #47 on: March 24, 2008, 22:25:28 PM »
It's funny how thing happen. I am a great believer in cats coming to my attention for a reason - it's always difficult to take on another knowing that there will ultimately be heartache at the end but the thing that helps fill the void is the knowledge that at least you managed to have whatever time you had with them. I count myself very lucky in that respect. . . .  :Luv:

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #46 on: March 24, 2008, 22:17:36 PM »
Yes, thats really weird !!  :shify:
They both look really gorgeous too - but Winston would not take to another male (he''s red and white too !) and thats 100''s of miles away from Lincoln.
Its just every time i see a persian -i want it !
Obsessed with them i suppose - had 2 years ago and always wanted another one .
Then when my Oscar died (looked like a british short-hair -white with amber eyes -but just from ordinary parents , although both were long-hair ( mother all white and dad , black and white) said i would never have another cat as i was so heartbroken .
Then i say Sophie a few months later -and now i have 4 !

Offline Harna

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #45 on: March 24, 2008, 19:43:44 PM »
.  Your daughter looks angelic in this. 
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :
looks can be deceiving!!!
 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No, actually, she's a sweetheart. Just turning 6 makes all the difference - a proper 'young lady' now!

Bunglycat - how freaky is that?!  No, it's NOT my new Alfie - this Alfie is ginger & white and has quite a closed face, whereas MY Alfie is open faced and an all-over pale red. (He looks paler than usual 'cos he's been de-matted so the under-floof is showing more at the moment!) But two red persians called Alfie in Brighton . . .. . .  .

Actually, on the same website, take a look at FOUND cats - second cat down, unnamed, is a black persian found in Cambridge Road, Hove. Second freaky fact - the first persian we ever had was a black self called Leo  . . .  and we lived in Cambridge Road, Hove. :omg: How mad is that?! I've shown OH the picture and we both did a sharp intake of breath - this cat looks so much like our Liebs. Trouble is, we could never have another black self as we are still not over his death, aged about 16 or 17, five years ago . . . .

Strange, though, eh?!

Offline bunglycat

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #44 on: March 24, 2008, 18:18:00 PM »
Just wondered Harna- i looked on the website link you have posted and have you seen Alfie on there -that isn''t your Alfie is it ? He is on his own .
Another beautiful persian !
Thinking of maybe taking another in my self - but it would have to be a little girl as Winston would definately not take to another boy .

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #43 on: March 24, 2008, 16:02:21 PM »
They are adorable and what a sweet picture.  Your daughter looks angelic in this.  My son is only coming up to 3 though.  That is little but my furfamily seems to cope well with him, especially the two boys.  My female does slight circles around him but since he started giving her treats thats changing too.

Its now something like 10 days till our appointment.Trouble is they keep postig these new cats on their website and I am itching to go although i doubt they will all be gone by the time we get there.  Of the first five they posted three weeks ago, none have gone it seems and i know for fact they have more than the ones posted on there. 

Want to stick to my plan and go for black or black and white (plenty there to choose from) and I am not- repeat- not going to take any other shade, breed or colour.  Trouble is I saw they have an Abyssinian and a Main Coon look alike as well....looks so sweet.  He is there because the family dog kept attacking him.  So he lost in the battle over choosing one of them.  What a shame.  All the ones I have my eyes on are between 3-7 years old.  Can't wait to see who will still be there then.  Got the new bowls and all already and have picked two potential names but need to see if they go with the cat.

Offline Harna

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #42 on: March 24, 2008, 10:06:37 AM »
That's really good news!

And April's not *that* far away!

Good things certainly do come to those who wait - we endured four months of looking before finding our two, who we brought home last Tuesday.  As you can see, they cope with little(ish) people pretty well! (Don't tell my 6 year old I said she was 'little' - she'd be apoplectic!  :wow: )

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #41 on: March 20, 2008, 08:22:04 AM »
Fingers crossed.
Please spay your cat

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #40 on: March 19, 2008, 22:47:08 PM »
But other than that :  it's all go. ;D

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #39 on: March 19, 2008, 22:46:32 PM »
Quick update:  I have my appoinment with the rescue at the beginning of April.  Saw the cat I would like to have but need to see what they will have then.  Was told there are lots more to come and I need to see if the cat likes small people.  That's essential.

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #38 on: March 16, 2008, 18:47:23 PM »
That last picture is gorgeous!

Offline Harna

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #37 on: March 16, 2008, 13:44:36 PM »
Hello - any news??

I was just trying to clear some space on my Mac (it won't let me upload any more pictures as it is groaning under the virtual weight of all my other ones!) when I found these images. They show Mahla (dilute calico Persian) and Anoosheh (blue point Persian) with my daughter. Both cats were adopted from the RSPCA when my daughter was almost five years old. I think the images quite clearly show how rescue cats can easily live side by side with young children!

Mahla, bless her little heart, would trot upstairs every evening at 7pm to sit with Caitlin and listen to bedtime stories. She just couldn't get close enough and her favourite spot was to lie right on Caitlin, pinning her to the bed with purrs! Sadly, Mahla died at Christmas and bedtime stories just aren't the same anymore. Anoosheh (The Mighty 'Noosh) is absolutely besotted with Caitlin - and really enjoys just huggling up to her at any opportunity!

So, there you go - cats + kids = (sometimes) fantastic!

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #36 on: March 10, 2008, 21:58:33 PM »
I just want the feeling that thibgs are going somewhere to have something to look forward to.  Practically i can't and don't want to have the new arrival until easter school break which is not easter but in april.

Want to spent proper time at the stert to get everyone used to the new home and the situation.  I am also sorry that I did not think of 4 earlier because my little one had a companion in the cattery who I should have taken there and then too.  Felt terrible leaving him but was nit sure what things were going to be like.

Offline Harna

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #35 on: March 10, 2008, 21:55:08 PM »
Just a quick point on this; quite a few of the rescue centres I have come across in the Brighton area seem to be closed on a Monday - and sometimes a Thursday, too! It's frustrating, I know. . . . . and then there are a couple that are only open to public visits at the weekend.

I can totally appreciate the fact that you are feeling somewhat impatient - but I do believe that good things come to those who wait  ;) - it took me 4 months of utter frustration but it's panned out nicely for us in the end - and I am sure it will for you, too!

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #34 on: March 10, 2008, 20:46:42 PM »
I know i am being impatient but rang two rescues earlier, both with answer machines and left message.  Was so hoping they would get back soon.  Will work during the week so slim chance of them catching me if they were not in at the time I rang.  I hope they will return the call.

I might after all stick to the one I got my other cats from.  I have seen such nice potentials elsewhere though.  Still early days though I suppose-impatient, I know. 

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #33 on: March 10, 2008, 10:36:10 AM »
I'm sure Ron will help you out - he is a real one man band but does an amazing job I've visited a few times and I'm sure he'll be flexible if he thinks a such a good sounding home is waiting

Offline Harna

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #32 on: March 09, 2008, 23:00:05 PM »
Well, we are in Brighton and got as far as looking online to see the cost of flying - yes, flying - up to Scotland at one point, to see a cat!!!   :Crazy:

My other half is thanking his lucky stars that we have an hours drive down the coast to pick our new babes up next week!   :rofl:

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #31 on: March 09, 2008, 22:20:07 PM »
Gee if i am now looking as far as Brighton, I just saw lots and lots potential ones on their Cat Protection website. If it is still up to date,  there are plenty to choose from. Wondering if that would be a reasonable plan.  How many poeple have actually travelled that far to see their lovely potential new fur ball?

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #30 on: March 09, 2008, 21:04:30 PM »
Might give him a ring tomorrow.  There might still be the issue of re-homing outside the area and the time scale but I will try just to see what suggestions there are. I suppose my vet would also vouch for me being a responsible owner, knowing my two oldest for a while.

Offline Harna

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #29 on: March 09, 2008, 20:43:35 PM »
Which site are you looking at? I think the correct one is and then click on 'cats needing a home' on the left hand side.

Calvin does look cute - I also like the look of Blaze -such unusual markings!

I have found, from trawling the net every evening for the last 4 months or so, that many of the rescue centres do not often have the people, time or resources to update their sites regularly. This means that information is not often current and can be confusing and frustrating if you want to make an enquiry. That's not a complaint, just an observation! (I know that there are many volunteers who do try to keep things as current as they can, but there are only so many hours in the day!)

In the end, I resorted to either popping in (if close enough), phoning or emailing to let them know that I am looking for a certain type of cat - this meant that if something came in that they thought suitable, they could give me a call before going to all the faff of advertising. This really paid off as I had a lot of 'possibles'. As I was looking for a particular breed, this narrowed the field and also meant that I could contact the breed specific rescue centres, too. When I contacted places, I gave them as much info as possible so that they could see that I was serious. I also told them that I had a child but given that I had been successfully homechecked in the past, did not see this as a reason not to be able to rehome again. I also made clear that I was willing to be homechecked again and would be happy for anyone to contact my vet.

Maybe you could tell people that run rescues that you are looking for a suitable cat for your household - it might sway things in your favour!

But do phone Ron if you are interested in Calvin - even if he has been rehomed, they may well have another cat who hasn't made it to the website yet!

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #28 on: March 09, 2008, 20:26:52 PM »
Ah the cat in Brighton I like the look of is Calvin.  Can;t understand why he would still be there.  Also can't understand that there are two sites and on one most of the cats of Lost Cats Brighton appear to be reserved or already be re-homed but it does not show on the net.  As I still have to wait four weeks, I expect he will be gone by the time I can get him. 

A more local rescue had cats I liked the look of but their website has been totally renewed and everything about the cats has disappeared so
 I can't see if the cats I liked there would still be there.  I ex[ect most rescues don't reserve longer term- like a month.

I saw some one year olds in the other rescue, which were the ones already there when I got my ginger boy.  Can't understand why such lovely young cats are still left behind.  Iexpect there are simply not enough homes.

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #27 on: March 09, 2008, 18:32:31 PM »
I know what you mean about the RSPCA.

My experiences have been very mixed. . . . I've had two persians from independent rescue centres and two from the RSPCA. The two from the RSPCA came to us in a bit of a state - they had been in the centre for about a month, brought in by an inspector as strays. They were matted, underweight and filthy. The RSPCA neutered them and chipped them and gave them their first vaccination. We had to wait a bit as they wanted to keep an eye on one cat as she had sore ears and was on drops. They also told me that she suffered from an upset stomach (which later, we discovered, was as a result of huge and inoperable intestinal/bowel tumours and she was sadly put to sleep just over a year after we adopted her. :'()

When we bought them home, they were so filthy and knotted that we have to bathe and groom them - the first time I have ever had to bath a cat, in 15 years of having persians!) The water was black with dirt! I took them straight to my vet for a check up and the first thing he said was; "these cats have ringworm!" Unfortunately, they had passed it on to our existing cat in the household, my daughter (then aged 4), my husband and myself. I had spent a lot of that year in hospital and so my immune system was a little suppressed and I ended up with really bad ringworm in my scalp - my hair fell out in small round patches to match the cats! I think it probably took 6 months and almost £1000 to sort that out and the constant boil washing of everything and cleaning and bathing three long haired cats twice a week was just awful.

Of course, as soon as I knew they had ringworm, I contacted my local RSPCA to tell them (so they could check the other cats at the shelter) but also to express my disappointment that they had not noticed at the time of rehoming - bearing in mind they knew we had a young child and another cat in the house. Their reply was; "Well, bring them back and we will rehome them."  No way! These cats, despite their unwanted ringworm, were part of the family and therefore would not be going anywhere! I was not at all impressed with their attitude - although I hasten to add that it was the front-desk staff at that branch that I felt had an appalling attitude whereas I cannot fault the dedication of the cattery team and therefore would not hesitate to go back there - I just might insist on better vet-checks!

Although all of the above happened, I am now just about to adopt two more cats from a different RSPCA shelter so it has not put me off entirely. Interestingly, the Hastings shelter is RSPCA but receives no funding from the RSPCA - not quite sure I follow that!

Again, as for the 'no children' thing, this did not affect us when we got our two from the RSPCA when our daughter was 4 - they just observed how the cats reacted to her when she sat in the pen with them for an hour!!! And of course, having grown up knowing that the cats are the bosses of our house, she already knew how to behave around them.

Speak to Ron - and take it from there!

Keep us posted!

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #26 on: March 09, 2008, 18:11:12 PM »
Thanks Harna.  That's most certainly the most encouraging thing I have heard.  I do know Brighton a bit and I used to regularly travel to Hastings and Brighton was always the half way point.  My son is very good with just simply enjoying all sorts of things and will generally be quite happy to be just somewhere new.  The sea front in Brighton would be entertaining in itself.

The cat I saw was a long haired black one, about three or four years old I seem to remember.  It says he has a nice temperament but will need regular grooming and disentanglement of his hair, which I am more than happy to do. Mine are all short haired mind but I still groom them and they are fine with it.  I use one of those rubber gloves which makes them think it's me stroking them but they are also ok with a comb.

I have so far not even tried any RSPCA because a friend of mine had a very bad experience with them, which greatly upset her and I have heard that they just say no to young children anyway, so I don't want to upset myself with that.

I also like Pilchard, as i said earlier but I think he is too far away.  I want to keep my options open so I have gone away from my innitial gender preference and just see what is available.  Maybe I Should give Ron a ring as two have now suggested it to me.

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2008, 14:40:13 PM »
sadly yes - sometimes it is because they are moving house and feel the cat is too old to adjust other times the owner has died and no-one wants it, there are all sorts of reasons people do this. In the case of Sarah  II the owner had gone into a nursing home and the children didn't want her ...

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2008, 14:37:15 PM »

definitely tell the vet - often someone will bring in a perfectly healthy cat for euthanasia and the vets hate that (well mine did in Brisbane) so if they know someone is looking (or in my case, a soft touch) they will leap at the opportunity to offer it a second life. Mine in Brisbane used to regularly call to see if I had a vacancy, lol ...

I may sound totally naive here but can someone just turn up at their vets and as for their animal to be pts without the animal being ill? I naively thought the vet would not be allowed to do that unless the animal had an illness!  :'(
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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2008, 10:57:56 AM »
Pandora - I know from experience of adopting rescue cats that some centres can get quite twitchy about homing to someone with young children.  I would have to urge you not to give up hope and don't write off centres just because they have a 'no child' policy. I think it really does depend on the nature of the cat and if they know the cat's past experiences and so, if you have the time, it's always worth telephoning and having a chat to someone.

If you have seen a cat with Ron as Lost Cats Brighton, then how about calling him, having a chat and then if it sounds like you are a match to the cat and vice versa, come over to Brighton for a day trip - make a day out of it. There are several shelters in Brighton (I live in Brighton!) and so there is an opportunity to see several cats. Paul in the cattery at the RSPCA in Patcham (outskirts of town) is great (all the cattery team are great there - but you have to walk through the dog area (doggery!?   :evillaugh:) to get to the cattery so if your son is nervous of barking dogs, cover his ears and stride briskly!)

The only thing you will have to consider is whether you would have to come back another day to collect the cat - obviously this will mean another trip over.

If you wanted to come over to Brighton and wanted insider knowledge of what to do with a three year old, then PM me and I will give you some pointers!!! 

Personally, if you can afford the petrol and the time, you may well find the cat of your dreams. My family have been looking for a couple of new persians for three months now and last week, I found out about two in a rescue in Hastings. I went to see them yesterday and hope to go back and collect them next weekend. Hastings, although in the same county and Brighton, is a 70 mile, 2 hour round trip but it was more than worth it to find these wonderful new chaps!

Good luck - follow your heart AND your head . . . . !! ;)

New additions Alfie & Wilf, pic below!!

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #22 on: March 08, 2008, 21:40:07 PM »
It's always worth letting your local Vets know - they often get requests for re-homing of olders cats, or at least the one I worked in did.
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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #21 on: March 08, 2008, 20:47:28 PM »
Also wondered if telling the vet would be an idea because he might get cats in or knows people who might not want theirs any more.

definitely tell the vet - often someone will bring in a perfectly healthy cat for euthanasia and the vets hate that (well mine did in Brisbane) so if they know someone is looking (or in my case, a soft touch) they will leap at the opportunity to offer it a second life. Mine in Brisbane used to regularly call to see if I had a vacancy, lol ...

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #20 on: March 08, 2008, 20:42:06 PM »
Many i have just seen are alos in pairs, which is unfortunately impossible.  4 cats in all is the ultimate limit.  Some people think that's too many anyway but many people I know have 4 and they said it is a nice even number and have done all the thinking and Maths that goes with it.

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #19 on: March 08, 2008, 20:39:35 PM »
That's what the shelter did in October last year.  I took my son along and he was just fine with everything and thoroughly enjoyed it.  He also got lots of attention from some of the cats and it was just great.  I think I will stick with them maybe.  I just thought that exploring other rescues might be nice.  If anyone in the area has a cat they think might be suitable. I would still love to hear.  

Also wondered if telling the vet would be an idea because he might get cats in or knows people who might not want theirs any more.

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #18 on: March 08, 2008, 20:35:14 PM »
Dont give up in the children front, lots of cats have unsavoury/unknown backgrounds and are rehomed with no children as a precaution.
Theres often appeals on here which may be in your area  8)

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #17 on: March 08, 2008, 20:29:34 PM »
some rescues have hard and fast rules, but most judge on the way you and your child interact with the cat - they will want your child to come along when you go to have a look and will be assessing they way your child acts towards the cat. If, as seems to be the case, your child is fine with cats, then that will be OK with most.

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #16 on: March 08, 2008, 20:24:17 PM »
well I am willing to do that.  I am just wondering if anyone will accept the fact that I have a child.  That seems to put such a limit on things and yet we all live happily together here without any problems.  Just trailed some online rescues and most had single cat or no children clauses and that's that. 

Well, as I said, I am willing to rehome an older cat.  Saw one I liked the look of at the Brighton Lost cats rescue, a long haired one, apparently very affectionate but not sure if it is too far away.

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #15 on: March 08, 2008, 20:17:43 PM »
I wouldnt write off rehoming an older cat (or another female), because as long as you get a suitable character theres no reason why an older cat wouldnt settle with your others.
Younger cats can wind older ones up as they are much more lively!

Older cats also find it harder to find a new home than younger cats  :(

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2008, 15:47:48 PM »
Hi Hun

 :welcome: :)

I am in Hampshire too and have the marvelous Marl from Lesley's. Took us about 40 mins to get there :)

As Les may not have 6mth age up have ya tried the Lymington Cat & Kitten resce and CP branches? Nearest one to me is either Southampton or Bournemout.

Sounds like the purrfect home for a lucky babe  ;D :Luv:

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2008, 15:32:34 PM »
I actually saw quite a few on there I liked to have seen but i always thought it was too far afield and that rescues have limited areas...never thought that there are other ways.  mind you a lot had the blanket statement:  no children.  That excluded us straight away.

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2008, 15:18:13 PM »
I am sure we will get you sorted with the right cat and certainly the cat chat links given would be a good place to look  ;D

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2008, 15:12:45 PM »
Oh and one more thing that I could imagine is that my vet would vouch for me, having known me for so long. Even before I was an actual cat owner, I helped two neglected cats and paid the vet bill even, although they were not my cats.

I am really looking forward to the last little fur babe and talking on here and finding out about different cats available makes it even more exciting.   

Great site, after innitially not finding my way around it with ease.  I am more used to cat chat.

Offline pandora

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Re: Offering Loving Home
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2008, 14:31:06 PM »
I was trying to be flexible on the age issue but after asking on other sites and talking to people, there seems to be the issue that older cats are harder to integrate into a multi-cat household.  So my final conclusion was to take one between six months and 1 1/2 years old, flexible on gender and as I said I would love them to be the colours that are overlooked because I rather go for temperament than beauty.

I really can't take young kittens though because it would not be fair for them to be left during the week while I am working as a teacher and although the hours are less than 9-5 at times, kittens would need an extra feed.  So definitely over six months. 


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