While well educated and, at times, with excellent jobs, I have been in and out of work all my life. Such money as I have had has gone to them. And I do not regret a cent of it.
I spent several years of my life (here and there) working with vets. Which is to say I asked if they would allow me... and they did. Been there through surgery (ah, my Dear Belle. Such a gorgeous little girl (a Golden Retriever. She died of blood loss during routine surgery....) and euthanasia (I will never, ever forget that dog. Never knew her name, Only knew the love - the infinite love - she had for her person... because I saw it in her dying eyes as he walked away. And I also saw it in his as he looked back....)
Such money as I have ever had has gone to my babies. Good food. Best of care. I have not always been able to, nor will be able to again. But it still hurts me and hurts me infinitely to know that such glorious beings are routinely put to death, and far, far worse, because someone didn't have the cash to pay them what asked for it.
I don't know the answer. There has to be some payment for services rendered and, for me, my vet is much more important and far more deserving of 'services rendered' than my doctor. But....
Surely there must be some way to allow minimal care. Most kitties need little more. And for them it would be a lifeline!
Sorry again......