Author Topic: Hello, all.  (Read 2988 times)

Offline madpants

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2008, 18:24:41 PM »
Hi Christie,

So please to hear that you have new additions to your family, and yes, they will certainly ease the loss of lovely Lucia.
Look forward to seeing some piccies and hearing how they are settling in!

Hugs and purrs
Tracy and Merlin
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2008, 15:42:01 PM »
Hi Christine - I'm so glad you have been able to help out these two, you'll never replace Lucia but it's nice to help someone along the way and have something postitive come out of such a sad situation

Offline Christie

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2008, 15:37:28 PM »
Thank you, each and every one of you, for your kind words. I am indeed feeling better these days, although I'm missing Lucia constantly. But my grief seems to be settling down a bit.

We now have 2 new additions to the family, which are keeping me very busy. First, there's Tiger Lily, a 13 week old black and white kitten, who has really taken to me and is a very silly, sweet, and playful character. She's very talented; she managed to climb the living room curtains this morning. Then we have Tinkerbell, a very petite 8-month old spayed female, also black and white (although more black), who is also good at leaping and climbing curtains. So my husband's cat Sox is in the conservatory, Lily is with me in computer room, and Tink is in teh bedroom. I keep trying to convince husband that taking it slow is best for introductions. Tink seems to be a very bossy and agressive little lady, so we shall have to see what happens.

Needless to say, between my normal work (I work from home), and the 3 musketeers to look after now, it's really keeping me from dwelling on losing Lucia, and I'm seeing little flashes of similar behaviours or postures in the 2 new kitties which is somehow comforting. I still cry over Lucia every day, but I know I"m slowly getting better. All of you and your kindnesses have helped a lot. I'll post pics in next couple of days!

Offline smudgepickles

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2008, 00:13:37 AM »
Hello Christi and  :welcome:

Im sorry to hear of you fur baby going to the bridge and understand how sad you are  :hug: we are all here for you as we all have been saddened by losing a fur baby

Gizmo my baby boy and all the other fur babies at the bridge will look after Lucia for you until you meet again

xx  :hug: :hug:

Offline Stuart

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2008, 21:33:17 PM »
 :welcome: to PURRS Christie
So Sorry about Lucia we ALL understand what you are going through
and were all here for you too  :Luv:
Dad to Bridge babes Hamish, Misty, Olivia and Robbie :'(

Offline Felix (Caroline)

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #14 on: January 19, 2008, 16:55:30 PM »
Hi Christie and  :welcome:
so sorry about Lucia :Luv: I know how hard it is, we have lost a few over the years, they never get forgotton :Luv:
Caroline xx

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2008, 08:01:54 AM »
Aww, I do hope you can find a cat you have that special connection wtih soon - I normally adopt cats quite soon after (or if I can't afford one, I foster another!!), I am just saving up at the moment to adopt one of my fosters, as i lost a cat at the end of November, and it feels weird only having one cat, it is years since I have gone this long with only the one. Big hugs to you, and we are all here if you want to talk.
Please spay your cat

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #12 on: January 18, 2008, 00:10:10 AM »
It's good to hear that you are thinking about rescuing another furrie, you'll know when it feels right. And although they can never replace your lovely Lucia, they can bring sunshine into your life and you'll love them in a new and different way.

Couldn't agree more, I adopted the boys (you'll here lots more about them if you stick around - Lucas & Riley!) fairly soon after losing Tiggy.  Just because I have the boys it doesn't change how I feel about Tiggy, I love them to bits and couldn't ever imagine life without them but she will still hold a special place in my heart, I have room for all of them  :)

Offline madpants

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2008, 16:33:27 PM »
Hi Christie,
Lucia was a beautiful cat, and she did indeed look like a little kitten from her picture! :Luv:

It is hard to accept that the one's we loved the most, whose purr-prints are burned into our hearts, are no longer with us.
But they'll always be in our head and hearts. And even though you and I are both hurting now, i wouldn't want to have missed out on loving my baby girl Willow, and i'm sure you feel the same about Lucia.

It's good to hear that you are thinking about rescuing another furrie, you'll know when it feels right. And although they can never replace your lovely Lucia, they can bring sunshine into your life and you'll love them in a new and different way.

We're always here to listen, i know myself how it helps to post your feelings on this site,
Keep on plodding on, Hugs from
Tracy and Merlin
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Offline Garfield&Gypsy

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2008, 16:31:30 PM »
Sadly we do understand, Jet left us last weekend and the void she left behind was so painful and unexpected. We could not bare being at home knowing she wouldn't walk into the room and meow at us.  :angel:

we quickly adopted another cat to help with the greiving process he has been a blessing to us. as Blackcat says a new cat does help to focus your attention on all the good things in life a cat brings.

Chris my hubby believed that Jet left us to enable us to adopt Garfield, as when I told Desley about Jets Passing she had the purrfect foster, ideal for us. He said that Jet would want us to have another cat from Desley (where she came from)  :blow kiss:

I know what you mean about the special bond, Jet was a special cat and we've now got another entirely unique bond with our new adoption Garfield.

I would love to help at a rescue, but my predicament is I can't leave a pet store empty handed (Hubby has to hold my hand and say no!  :mad2:)so I would probably want to rescue everything I possibly could.
Nicola, Chris, Garfield & Gypsy

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Offline Christie

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2008, 16:04:24 PM »
Thanks, everyone, for your welcome and your kind words. It's getting a little better each day, but Lucia was such an integral part of my life for so long, and she did so much for me (she really made me a much better person), that it's still so painful to realize she won't wake up from her nap and come jump up on my desk and park her little kitty butt on my mousepad.

My avatar is of course my Lucia, taken in our garden in summer of 2006. She was about 12, but always had a kittenish look. She was fairly small, at most weighed about 10lbs, but had lost weight the last months when her illnesses started to manifest. I first saw her on Christmas Day, when she was a stray with her mom, and she came home to live with me about 3 weeks later, realized she was on to a good thing, and decided to stay! I was single, in the AF, working and traveling a lot, and I never realized how lonely I had been until I had her to take care of. She moved through several countries with me and was always my first concern (I bought an extra airline seat for her in her carrier instead of putting her in cargo on commercial flights). I never had children so I suppose she became my child as well as my best friend, and she sure made me laugh a lot. No matter how ill or depressed I was, I never once forgot to feed her or check on her or clean the litter box or have some time to play with her or stroke her; she was a really affectionate, sweet little character.

My husband always had dogs, and got Sox as his first cat as a little kitten in around Sep 2003 after hearing me talk so much about Lucia. Sox is a real goofball; he's about 8 kilos now, but a real chicken. When Lucia and I moved here in early 2005 to get married, she had always been an only kitty, and didn't like him much; half his size, she'd walk up to him, hit him in the head and run off. It cracked us both up! They never became friends, although Sox longed for a playmate, but she was older and just not interested.

Things in the house are fairly dismal these days. Lucia is in the garden, my husband made a lovely box for her and she has one of my t-shirts and a favorite blanket and some toys with her. I have planted some bulbs and rosebushes over her and I talk to her every day. I started to volunteer at our local Cats Protection on Sunday mornings and that seems to help, being able to help those kitties a bit and give them some hugs. I met one fellow who actually jumped into my arms, but they feel he needs to be outside (I'm a believer in indoors cats in urban/semi-urban areas) so he is still stuck in there with no home. We have been going for long rides, and have stopped at several catteries, and may have a young cat my husband really liked come to live with us. I don't feel that *special* connection with her, but she's a nice kitty and deserves a home and I think will give Sox a real run for his money. I hope some day to find a kitty who will give me a bit of a special feeling so I can feel that connection again.

Thanks so much for "listening" to me, it helps to know others understand the depth of my bereavement. I just miss her so terribly all the time.

Offline blackcat

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2008, 08:33:13 AM »
Hi Christie and welcome to Purrs, so sad to hear of your loss, but I agree with you that a new furrie is a great way to help you get past it. We look forward to hearing all about Lucia (and Sox, and of course the new baby) when you are feeling ready to talk about her (and them).

Hugs for now

 :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline madpants

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2008, 08:25:50 AM »
Hello Christie,
So sorry to hear that you are going through a tough time, i really know what you are going through as i had to let my lovely Willow
go on Jan 5th, which has been truly heartbreaking. But i do know that each day gets a little bit easier, and Lucia will always be with you, in your heart.
I think its a very brave and admirable step to take on another furrie, and i wish you all the very best with the new bundle of fun!
Keep your chin up, there's lots of support here for you, :Luv:

Tracy and Merlin
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2008, 19:12:48 PM »
 :welcome: to Purrs and very sorry to hear about Lucia  :hug:

We all understand what you are going through and its completely normal,  we on Purrs will be here for you when ever you need. When you are ready you can post up a tribute in our Rainbow Bridge section and we love to see pictures of all cats , on the Bridge or not.  :hug:

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2008, 18:54:19 PM »
Hi and  :welcome: to Purrs,

I'm sure you will have a lovely time on here and we will hopefully be able to help you through your grief.  We are a very freindly bunch and are all here for each other through good times and bad.

When you are upto to it we would love to see some pics of the lovely Lucia and of course Sox and the "newbie" .

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Offline Yvonne

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2008, 16:22:43 PM »
Hello Christie and a very warm   :welcome:  from me too.

So sorry to hear about Lucia, when you feel able maybe you would like to post a tribute on the Rainbow Bridge.

Glad to have you on board and look forward to seeing you posting.

Best Wishes    :hug:    :hug:    :hug:
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Offline clarenmax

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2008, 16:20:18 PM »
Hiya Christie and  :welcome: to Purrs  ;D

Very sorry to hear about Lucia, I'm sure she had a fabulous life with you, and will be watching over you from Rainbow Bridge, and I'm sure will be delighted that your opening your hearts and home to another furbabe in need to keep Sox company.

Would love to hear more about Lucia when you're up to it, and of course Sox and the new arrival in due course  :Luv:

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Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: Hello, all.
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2008, 16:16:08 PM »
Hi Christie &  :welcome: to Purrs, sorry that you found us in such sad circumstances  :hug:  Sadly many of us know that pain you're going through, I know it sounds a cliche but time really does heal, you are in the right place as we all understand how you're feeling  :hug:   I'm coming up to the one year anniversary of my beloved cat Tiggy and although I still miss her like crazy and often end up in tears when thinking of her I can also remember the happy times we had together. 

Does your new adoptee have a name yet, we'd love to hear about him and of course the beautiful Lucia, was she a kitten in that pic on your avatar?

Offline Christie

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Hello, all.
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2008, 15:37:12 PM »
I wandered over here from CatChat and have been reading through the topics a bit. I'm a very sad, recently bereaved mom to a lovely black cat named Lucia who was with me for about 13 years, and traveled with me through several countries (I'm retired US Air Force, living in UK). Her illness came upon us suddenly in October, and despite a lot of excellent medical care and my nursing, my beloved Lucia was really struggling and I had to make the decision to let her go on 1 January.

I grew up with cats, and have had cats off and on through my life. My husband has a goofy big tabby named Sox, and we will have a new young cat coming to live with us in the next few days from a local RSPCA. But I'm afraid I'm quite heartbroken over the loss of my beloved Lucia.

Quite glad to read so many lovely, friendly posts and see so many photos of beautiful kitties.


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