Author Topic: My local rescue  (Read 11870 times)

Offline pappilon

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Re: My local rescue
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2007, 18:11:34 PM »
you seem to be saying he is an entire male! what sort of rescue would re-home him without getting that sorted out first. I am afraid I would be feeding him and going down the the rescue and demanding to speak to the person in charge and tell them what advice their staff are giving. If it is a small, one-person operation then obviously don't bother. But a larger operation would surely have followed up on your first report, let alone giving the alleged owner the benefit of the doubt for several days.
Sorry b/c my wrong saying he is a male but has been done, i was trying to say i understand if he is out at night bcos, some cats do, but i dont think being out all the time is his choice!
Yes the place is a branch of a big rescue but sadly some of the new staff and officers have no idea what they doing, and i am saying this because i have been there more than one occasion and seen how they dealing with situations?

Offline Christine (Blip)

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Re: My local rescue
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2007, 18:05:27 PM »
I would certainly offer Flynn shelter and food in the circumstances you describe, P
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Offline blackcat

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Re: My local rescue
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2007, 18:01:57 PM »
you seem to be saying he is an entire male! what sort of rescue would re-home him without getting that sorted out first. I am afraid I would be feeding him and going down the the rescue and demanding to speak to the person in charge and tell them what advice their staff are giving. If it is a small, one-person operation then obviously don't bother. But a larger operation would surely have followed up on your first report, let alone giving the alleged owner the benefit of the doubt for several days.

Offline pappilon

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My local rescue
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2007, 17:57:07 PM »
 I have been supporting our local rescue for many years, i always believed they doing a good work! Untill when i was there last year,i saw this beautifull ginger cat with distinguish face, he had one eye lot bigger than the other, it seems if they have operated on his eye i think, his name was Flyne and they said he doesnt like other cats, fine. Few months later one night around 2 am as i opened my front door to go and feed the fox this cat rushed in went to the food bowl and started eating , after a while i let him out and started seeing him night after night really late outside in the street, till one afternoon i came home and there he was it was day light i lookeda at him and it was Flyn ;D, he had a collar on, so i called my neighbour who was with me in centre that day and she couldnt believe its him and rehomed around us, but then i told her he is out all the time and early hours of morning and seems hungry, so i called the rescue and spoke to the person in charge of rehoming and she said no its not him, so she checked the address and said its one tube stop after us and it cant be him, asking me to put posters up , so i took a picture and took it to centre and few days later yes it is him, she called the guy who addopted him and he said yes he likes to hangabout with other cats!! I reminded her that he doesnt like other cats,and she said well then ...
I do understand if he stays out all night being male but he is always hungry and as soon as he sees a door open he wants to get in,so i am not sure if its him or the owner who wants him out, anyhow for the last 4 days he has been outside our house and even sleeping in front of main entrance? 2 nights a go iheard cat crying so i went out at 3 am and he was scratching the front door and meowing and last night it was raining so hard and he was sitting in rain,so i thought this cant be right, called the centre spoke to the same girl and she said howlong has he been out ? 4 days my reply , i asked her to call the owner and see whats happening, i told her i think the guy has gone away for Christmas and has left him out or ...., she called me back and said she lef a message for him on aswering and told me DONT feed him >:(, thats when i got really upset and told her how can i not feed him, he eats everything i put out for MR TRAMP anyway and he is hungry and cold, but she repeated then dont feed him untill monday if we dont hear from the owner then we call you.  I am really confused now is it me thinking something is not right here or am i being concern for nothing? Even few hours a go another neighbour called me and said there is a ginger cat in the coridor, so someone left the door open and he went in,i think he must be really desperate for a warm place and i cant believe they are leaving it till monday?


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