Author Topic: My cats are just like naughty kids!  (Read 1471 times)

Offline Tiggy's Mum

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Re: My cats are just like naughty kids!
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2007, 10:31:42 AM »
I like it 'suspicious rustling noises'  :evillaugh:  My boys are the same, I hear noises, go to investigate only to find they have scattered and then avoid all eye contact  :shify:

Offline Catjane

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My cats are just like naughty kids!
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2007, 10:10:39 AM »
My cats mostly know what they are allowed to do and what they are not.  They are bright enough to have learned, but they are also bright enough to try to get away with it anyway!!  This was illustrated beautifully last night, whilst I was watching a DVD in bed (how decadent!).  I heard some suspicious rustling noises coming from downstairs, so I paused the DVD to listen more intently.  As I did so, the rustling ceased, so I shrugged and returned to my film.  Two minutes later, the rustling started up again, so again I paused the DVD, and again the rustling stopped!  Prompted by memories of similar situations when my daughter was small, I got out of bed and walked along the landing to the top of the stairs ... there were Shanti and Sabby at the bottom, both gazing up at me with what can only be described as a guilty look!  I had to laugh ... they had been tearing a plastic covering off a new clothes dryer I had just bought, so it didn't matter, but the way they were looking so 'caught in the act' made me crack up!  I can just imagine one saying to the other " Shh! Stop!  Meowmy's heard us!!"  I think they know that generally they're not allowed to tear stuff off stuff, but of course there are exceptions, so the lack of consistency with this partiular issue has made them wary, but not averse to trying it on with 'new' challenges!

Great film, BTW - 'Amazing Grace' - all about William Wilberforce.  Recommended!


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