Author Topic: Update on our antics! Highs and Lows North of the Border!!  (Read 1432 times)

Offline hannah (weeny)

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Re: Update on our antics! Highs and Lows North of the Border!!
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2007, 23:53:26 PM »
cor blimey i'm exhausted just reading all that!!!  well done and remember.....

keep smiling!!!!!!!!!!!!   ;D

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Update on our antics! Highs and Lows North of the Border!!
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2007, 18:55:01 PM »
Fingers crossed for Clyde and the kittens.
Please spay your cat

Offline madkittyrescue

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Update on our antics! Highs and Lows North of the Border!!
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2007, 16:45:53 PM »
Oh, where to start!!!    :Crazy:

Well my feline friendly friends… hope that everyone is keeping well and your furbabes are all in good fettle! :Flowers:

I’ve missed being around the forum this last week and although hubby dearest has done his best to keep up to date with Auction updates, etc I’m waaaaayyyyy  behind in posts so will take me a wee bit to catch up me thinks!!   :um:

A HUGE well done to Lesley  :happy dance: on the Auction and thanks to everyone who contributed, ran and helped make the auction such a success.   :ahh:

This last week has been horrendous for us up here north of the border.  :Crazy: Jan is still incapacitated with her injury, :-[  Paul is working flat out and volunteers are finishing up to head home for Chrimbo  (a few of them come from the local college)… so needless to say we’ve been a bit short handed.  :tired:

Start of the week got off to a heart breaking start when 5 little kittens that came in a couple of days previous all came down violently ill ALL at the same time.  The wee mites were rushed into the vets but sadly an hour after getting there one of them had died.  :owwww:

The vets were stumped, baffled, bamboozled… anything you want to say really… they didn’t have a clue what was causing it.  :um: The wee mites were on on IV’s, Antibiotics, and gawd knows what else,  Sadly the morning of the 2nd day a 2nd kitten died unexpectedly…  :owwww: then the very next morning another one died!     Leaving only 2 of the original litter.  Initial Post Mortems and tests were done but all came back negative or with no answers for us!   :sad no:

This last duo who were the 2 larger kittens have fought and fought and fought for their lives and come Friday evening the vets and ourselves agreed to release them back into our care after 5 days intensive veterinary care (that bill is gonna be interesting!!  Gulp)  :Crazy: as there wouldn’t be anyone around at the vets full time over the weekend.  Since coming back to live with us at the Shelter they (touch wood, fingers crossed and saying a prayer) are fighting on and slowly regaining strength and their little ‘spark’ seems to be coming back.   :yesss:

Don’t know if we’ll ever really know what happened or what caused it but all we can do is keep the last 2 kittens going and pray for the best outcome for them.

Then we had one of the younger kittens decide to eat the litter which got lodged at the top of its nose  <sigh>  so there were a few dramas while we got that out!!! :oh noo:

Also this week we have had several strays picked up including Clyde a black and white female who to be honest we think had given up.  I very much doubt she would have seen it through the weekend in the cold weather had she not been picked up on Friday.   :ok:

Very weak, thin, bedraggled looking Clyde is a sweetie pie.  She is undergoing lots of TLC at the moment until her strength picks up a little more then we can get her along for a full MOT.  (will post a pic in a bit need to upload them first!)

And as if we hadn’t had an eventful enough week this week!

Saturday night saw a phone call from a distressed owner who believed they had found their Lost cat.  Fantastic news!!!  :yesss:  But they were having difficulty catching him and called for some advice. 

The following morning they had still been unable to catch him so we got our stuff together picked up the trap and end carrier and headed off to meet this lovely young couple and help them catch the cat.  Whilst not the best time to do it (through the day) it was in a quiet area (or so we thought) and we had other commitments later in the day.

So, on the day went… nearly caught him…… moment of suspense… and a flamin car drove past and he ran the other way!!!!  Grrr…. Hour and a bit later… back again… just about in the trap… and an old boy walking dogs turned up blocking the view to the trap and let the dogs out!!  Grrr.. waiting til he comes back… then decides he wants to stick his oar in… (me not happy chappy)… eventually got rid of him and about and hour and half later… bang!!!!!  Yaaaaayyy   :happy dance:

Rejoice everywhere … we got the cat!!  Or so we thought!!!

Turned out although the cats were identical even down to the flecks on the chest… the one we caught was a female!!!!   :shocked: Arrrrgh!!  It had appeared out of nowhere a couple of days after their cat went missing less then a mile away and everyone in the area was sure it was there wee boy as it didn’t belong to anyone in the area (really quiet town in the countryside)

So, after all the joy of them thinking they had caught there cat we had to break the bad news!!!  We felt rotten and the couple were devastated.  But on the up side it got another lost soul off the streets.    And, if this wee one isn’t claimed or chipped (didn’t have scanner with me) then we the couple would like to offer a home to this wee one who made herself at home in their house before we did the sex check!!  Eeek!   :doh:

On top of all that we have the media campaign starting up again re the missing cats post (I put it up last week) and phones are ringing off the hook!

Looks like this week will be just as busy too!!!

Anyways folks.... hope that all your Chrimbo plans are goign well and that everyone's furbabes are on the mend or doing fabby!  Will try to get caught up on posts before the mayhem strikes again!!  (as if)

Hugs & Purrs

From Us Lot at Cupar CATS

Sunny Harbour Cat & Kitten Rescue
Covering Fife, Edinburgh & Lothians


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