Hi everybody!
I'm here to ask you a little opinion about my cat's behaviour. Nothing too serious (I think), but if I can do something to make things better.. why not?
So, my cat Joy (male, neutered when he was 6months old - 2yo now) has always been a "normal" home cat, as any other cat he has his "typical meows" to ask what he wants etc. It's now about 4 days he meows a lot and for "little things" though. For example this morning I gave him and my other cat their canned food as usual. Joy spent at least 10 mins by the bowl meowing, but knowing he generally likes that food etc I tried to ignore him. So he started walking after me, still meowing (his typical "I'm hungry" meow
), so I put him again by the bowl, I put a tiny piece of food on next to the bowl, and he started eating normally in it.
The other evening he jumped on a wardrobe as both of the cats usually do, and then he was kinda scared of jumping off of it, even if he always does it. After trying encouraging him to get off with food and toys I got on a chair and helped him
Apart from these kind of things he is perfectly okay. He doesnt make anything weird or "annoying" like not using his toilet etc, and he was visited by the vet last week cos I took him there for his yearly vaccination and everything was alright, so I think his behaviour isnt due to some physical problem or a disease.
Do you think he is just seeking attentions?
The only change I can think about is that as I have a huge exam at university in 2 weeks so I actually spend most of the day on my books, so I don't have much free time to spend with him... but as it's just for this couple of weeks and there is my other cat and a puppy I thought he couldnt feel so bored or alone
Thanks in advance to anyone