Took her this morning, she has no temperature , no tender tummy and appears well ! Anyway ,she has has 3 injections, one long lasting as she isn't good to pill either. We , also gave her a worming tablet to be on the safe side, I said we, as it took me and the young vet ( not my usual one) to get the pill into her , 4 attts before she actually swallowed it !
Also brought back worming tablets for everyone else to be on the safe side. Cody still,has the runs , be he is the greediest kitten I have ever known , he is like a bloodhound , always sniffing for food.
I am going to try them back on kitten wet food , with weetabix mixed in to see if it will fill him and stop,the runs.
I can only think they must have picked up,something from the garden as they don't go out of it ever!?