Cat Rescue & Rehoming > Adopt/Give a home to a cat

Home for a cat in Birmingham

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Sue P (Paddysmum):

One other suggestion - though again, not sure how practical this would be for you, is that Drifters reach (part of Westgate Ark) here in Newcastle have a number of cats and kittens up for re-homing - they are willing to let them be re-homed further afield subject to their discretion.  They have a number of cats and kittens, some of whom are described as being very affectonate. 

Appreciate though that it's quite a trek for you and the potential cats to have to make in either direction.   :hug:

Sue P (Paddysmum):
And his Mum........?

Sue P (Paddysmum):
Hippykitty - not sure how near/far this is from you, but have you seen this little chap?

Sue P (Paddysmum):
Hippykitty, I hope that you get just the right one (or two  :Luv:) very soon.  There is no way you're careless with your cats - your whole house move came about as a result of wanting to do right by them - it's unfortunate, but you simply suffered a very bad run.  Notwithstanding, Fred is alive and well, and has simply exercised his rights as a cat to choose his domain, and if George has too, then it would be good to know (albeit rotten for you, considering how  very much you cared for them).

I hope the next one (or two  :Luv:) that you get will be real cuddle-bums, who will lavish snoozles on you and let you know just how fabulous you are as a kitty Mum.   :)

Just to say that I'm still looking for a cuddly domestic who gets on well with other cats.

If any Purrs rescue has a likely candidate, please get in touch on this thread or by pm.

Discovered that Fred is alive and well and living a few houses away.


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