hey all,
Bit upset at the mo. Got a bit of a problem. Posted about a month ago about the familiar old problem of my cats not getting along. i have an 8 yr old tabby male, and recently got a baby female kitten. Ive followed all the steps of introducing cats slowly, and weve had her for three months now. AT first, my boy mo was so mad, and wouldnt even com home or eat. There was a slight improvement, in that he would hit her and hiss at her if she went up to him, but seamed to tollerate her a bit more. He started coming home more and being ok as long as she didnt come up to him. Everyone said that this was normal, and that things would get better, but they havent. I havent separated them today, and as im sitting here writting this all i can hear is them fighting, well, all i can hear is my boy growling and hissing. He keeps going for her. Though he doesnt seam to hurt her, or else i dont think shed keep going back for more!
I thought that by now all this would have stopped, but it doesnt seam like its going to. everyone else i know thats introduced a new cat has had problems at first but then things have turned out ok.
I guess what im trying to say is that should i give up hope that they will ever be able to live together? I love them both to bits, but dont want to make my boy unhappy.
What does everyone thinK?
Thanks for any advice, sorry if ive rambled on a bit, im just at my wits end now as to what to do.