Author Topic: cat that stays out  (Read 1002 times)

Offline sixfurballs

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Re: cat that stays out
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2007, 21:28:02 PM »
They only get dried food as Dino does not handle wet food very well and at the mo Heidi and Huxley only allowed dried. They get fed in the morning and then again in the evening.

Last night Bronte did not come when I called and eventually turned up on the patio. I opened the doors to let her in and she sniffed and walked away and when I went out to her she ran away and refused to come to me. This morning she was in when I got up. She stayed in after the others had gone out. She left about an hour later and again I haven't seen her all day. She is never going to be a lap cat. She is beautiful and very affectionate when she knows and trusts you and when she wants to be but she is nervous and seems to like her own time. She also loves outside. I don't want to make her miserable and keep her locked inside and would be so unfair as the other get to go out during the day. Am I just asking too much of her and should I just accept that she likes to be a free spirit. She is 5 and has always been like this. We got her when she was 9 weeks old from a house where there were 3 labradors running riot. She was covered in fleas and cowering behind their sofa. We could not wait to get her out of there and she did eventually come round with us but perhaps it was a bad start for her.

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: cat that stays out
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2007, 00:52:13 AM »
When does she eat?

Does she come in for an evening meal?

If so that would be the time to shut the flap once she has come in.

It hard to tell with someone elses cat how it will react but Sasa will run away if the flap is shut to her and she broke through it  after about 3 months cos I shut her in at night.

Now I cant touch Sasa cos she is so scared and she will get terrified if a door is shut on her, so I would never shut her in. However she loves her creature conforts and comes in at night, and most of day now as long as she can go out when she needs.

If Bronte comes when you call her you may have set a pattern and need to start calling her earlier as tha nights are drawing in.

Does she like treats, if so you could try seeing if she will react to a box of them being shaken or a dish being banged, anything to use as a calling in signal.

Offline sixfurballs

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cat that stays out
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2007, 20:55:55 PM »
I would really value some opinions on what is best to do for my girl Bronte. Bronte has always been a nervous cat and whilst very affectionate with us she can be very aloof and everything has to be on her terms. I have seen me talking to her and calling her whilst she sits a few feet away with her back turned because looking over her shoulder now and again but otherwsie ignoring me as she is not interested at the time.If we are outside and she wants a cuddle she will walk so far away from any of us before lying down on her back with legs in her air and purring - that is the slaves cue to come rub the masters tummy.

Bronte has always also been a roamer and spends a lot of time outside. Since putting the new cat flap in she is going out herself in morning but I don't see her all day, she never comes when I call her during day and I have been out after dark every night calling at her until she eventually comes home. Am I setting a pattern by calling her. She knows where the new flap is as she goes out through it in the morning. Should I just wait to see if she comes home herself or should I keep calling. I hate the thought of her being out all day and night and won't sleep easy if I have not seen her but at same time I do want her to start coming in through flap instead of just going out of it.

Any ideas?


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