I think when cats dont like thier home or slaves they go and look for a new home, and choose the slave!

, About 8 years a go i went to mayhew home with my neighbour to get a little friend, and as we were looking there was this tortie young cat which in her cabin was scratching and meowing, and we got her out she was so friendly and lovely ,so i decided she is the one as i turned to take my bag from the floor i so this big black cat holding my bag and leaking it?! So sweet he was so i asked a member of staff why is he out of his cabin? And if i can have the tortie and him to come home with me,i was told his name was OSCAR, and he has been rehomed few times and returned because he doesnt like other cats,also he needs a home with no kids and men?Apparently his very first owner treated him badly and since then everytim he was homed people couldnt coop with him,they said its very hard to rehome him,as for the tortie it was easier to find a home so we decided he is coming home with me we changed his name in the car to BOY.(Oscar didnt suit him

). Soon after this tabby cat turned outside my flat,friendly,young and beautifull, but boy wouldnt have it, so i started feeding him and called him snake,(He was slim and long

),Some nights i used to bring him in to bedroom and early morning let him out but it wasnt right for him so i took him to mayhew and asked them to find a home for him ,changed his name to Biscuiets

,he was rehomed soon after, Few months later there it was outside my flat Biscuiets&he came with a friend !!!another tabby male

I called mayhew asking them if they can check with his owner and see if he is missing , weeks later i kept calling and nothing,It started getting cold and wet and i was still feeding them outside , a neighbour turned with a box one night and we managed to cover it and make it as comfortable as we could but the heart breaking thing was biscuiets and his friend couldnt fit in together and they used to take turn , one would go in and the other would sit out in the rain

,I had to go to mayhew and they said they will get someone as soon as they have space?? After spending all morning i managed to make them understand that biscuiets has got a home somewhere and he was rehomed by them and they kept saying how did he end up in your place again

,i managed to get some one to come the day after and take them togeher and made a big donation to the home,well no wonder he left his home because the owners never reported him missing,so probably he wasnt looked after there,i dont know how far he came to find my home, but i wish all this could happened two years after i got Boy, because boy changed to be a loving cat who loves other cats,and kids and men

(He used to st by the door and not let my male friends in,by hissing and attacking them,everyone was scared of him)

,BY the way they couldnt find biscuiets file becos his name was changed to BRANDY...That shows where few come from.,not so loving home,searching for better place(Snake brandy biscuite&his friend were rehomed to a different home)
