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Thinking of getting a second one! Advice needed please :)

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Hi Deborah,

I don't think there is a right answer.  For nearly 19 years we had one cat & she was very happy.  However, we lost her in the summer and eventually brought a new Furbaby into our life.  We had Maddi for a few weeks, then for whatever reason felt she was a bit lonely & got another kitten to keep her company while we were out all day.  There is approx. 1 month between both of them (both wee girls) & at first Maddi hated Mia (growling, spitting, lashing out) as the house was her territory & she didn't want to share it, but after 3 days she began to accept Mia & after a week they were able to share a room/bed.  They are really wonderful together & I wouldn't change a thing.  As long as you have enough time & energy to give them both love & attention then all 'should' be well!

By the way your wee Mia is an absolute cutie :-)


Gill (sneakiefeline):
Yes I understand and mine were not kittens  ;D

Our ragdoll came with so many issues if it wasn't for her pink slip I think we wouldn't have beleived it.  She now uses the litter tray and has access to the outside world as she tends to get stressed if she can't chase leaves and bring them in!

I have to say in the house she is now a flopsy topsy but outside is like a lot of the ferals if it ain't Mum and Dad run and hide!

Still she is our posh totty and the previous 2 years of issues are now forgotten and we have our dear Minmin! ;)

Thanks for that Gill. I completely understand your concerns, that's why I asked for advice in the first place!  ;D

Yes, Mia seems to be very happy, but I find it a bit sad that she's an only cat. I wanted to get two kittens at the same time when we got her, but my partner never had a pet before, and was a bit worried, so I settled for just one.  Now we're both crazy about her, and we would like to give her a wee brother! I grew up with 3 cats, so I'm used to having more than one running around.

The other thing is that she is only 3 months old, and I was thinking that if I was going to get another one, I might as well do it while she's still a kitten who would surely enjoy a playmate!

Gill (sneakiefeline):
I am the desenting view cos I think Mia is happy how she is and may not be very happy at another cat around the place. I would question why you wanted another cat and whether it was for your sake or hers.

I have seen the others views and they may be right but after adding two cats to what was a very happy household of two, if I could turn the clock back , I would.



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