Thanks guys
Tell me about it. My 3 piece suite has seen some times. Ive given up hope of getting a new one because it will get ruined.
I Have been lucky with my settee's, It seemed that every time mine was getting in a state of diss-repair, there would be a close
relative or friend who'd just bought a new one and was gettin rid of thier old, & the only one I paid for from a friends, friend only
cost me £40
On the otherhand, not so lucky with carpets, bought a couple of cheap ones £300 - £400 but they didn't last long
So the last carpet i bought cost me over £1000, and while looking I asked the the sales person " I Have 2 Cats!! What like is this
Carpet to stand the Clucking of Claws. the reply I got was " Excellent !! It's a cut Carpet (no loops in the pile) and should stand-up
Fairly well.
Well its the last time I believe a Carpet seller, bobbled bits everywhere (Thanks to Hamish
) although I must
admit, He never got through to the underlay like the last 2
DEW Claw that's it !!! I Thought i was wrong