Author Topic: The passing of a good mate.  (Read 8695 times)

Offline Yvonne

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Re: The passing of a good mate.
« Reply #6 on: December 05, 2006, 13:49:12 PM »

They say memories are golden, well maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories, I only wanted you.
A million times I needed you, a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.


I am so sorry - I know just how you feel.  I lost Cleo at the beginning of last month and it still hurts.
Driving back to work today I saw a massive rainbow the first that I have seen in a long time and then I read your post and my heart went out to you.

Thinking of you at this sad time.

Take care xx
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Offline ddraigmor

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Re: The passing of a good mate.
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2006, 12:58:28 PM »

Admittance is just part of the grieving process, isn't it? I was brought up tough - and am known for it at work (!) but I do have a heart and if it says it's hurt, it's hurt.

I miss him, even though it's been only hours. Just mooching by the back door, looking at his grave and thinking about how suddenly he came into my life and then just as suddenly went out. There's something in that but right now I am damned if I can find it.

One odd thing: I put a candle on his grave - as a history fan, especially of the Romans, a candle was placed on the grave to help light the way to the otherworld. The moment it went out, I could have sworn I heard the jingle of his collar bell........ I know it's grief but, at that exact minute, I knew he'd crossed the bridge and it was OK.

You're right about the last bit too. He asked for no more than some affectionand a warm house and in return gave fun, stress and unrequited love.

Thanks Beanie.

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Offline Beanie

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Re: The passing of a good mate.
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2006, 12:27:58 PM »
Hi Jonty,

I'm extremely sorry to read your terrible news. I can relate to parts of that as I have had to pick cats off the road, although thankfully not mine, but  it always gets to me.

Your honesty shines through though mate. One thing - you can be as tough as they come and still have a really soft heart for animals. More men feel that than would readily admit. My friends would probably say I can be quite hard with them at times but never where animals are concerned.

I guess at its simplest level many people have been hurt by people but few by animals.
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Offline ddraigmor

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Re: The passing of a good mate.
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2006, 12:19:48 PM »
Thank's Chris. Just feels that the world is such a cold place now - I never thought it would hit as hard as it did but...........

'People who hate cats will come back as mice'
'I'm as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room ful of rocking chairs......'

Offline chrisleitz

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Re: The passing of a good mate.
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2006, 11:53:25 AM »
I'm so sorry for your loss.  I know far too well how you feel, as we went through the same devastating experience 2 years ago when we lost Momo.   :'(
RIP Minstrel.
Best wishes, Chris, Samson, Buddie and Pepper

Offline ddraigmor

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The passing of a good mate.
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2006, 11:24:56 AM »
Today - Tuesday the 5th December 2006 - I lost a good mate.

Minstrel had been with me less than a year, having walked into my home after an advert on the works intranet about a 2 year old Black and White Moggy needing a home. I took him in because something told me to - and he became a proper fixture around the place. Cat Chatters on the 'other forum' know of his initial missing periods, his nuetering - and transformation to a vocal, home loving cat.

I registered him with Missing Pets Bureau, so he had a tag on. This morning, having just got to work and sat at my desk, I was called to say that he had been killed by a car just outside the house. The caller said that he had been laid at the side of the road, under a blanket - I said I'd go take him home. I left work straight away.

I'm 50.......I am an ex sailor and believe me, I am a tough guy. However, picking up his still warm body almost broke me, and taking him indoors, laying him down to see what he looked like was really tough too. I ony hope it was quick...... I dug him a grave in the garden, just under the tree he used to lie under during the hot days and then I laid him out, ruffled his fur one last time, and buried him. I lit a candle, which burned over his grave because he will need a light to take him across the bridge, wont he?

So here's to a good mate. We sometimes never saw eye to eye, you were sometimes a pest. Yet you always let me know when you were around and your mewling, croaky alarm calls are going to be so missed! I'll also miss you curling up n my lap and using me to sleep on.........I'll really miss you, mate. Really.

Play on across the bridge Minbo - you were a part of my life that came unexpectedly and now you've eft the same way. God speed, mate. Sleep well.........


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« Last Edit: December 08, 2006, 11:57:50 AM by ddraigmor »
'People who hate cats will come back as mice'
'I'm as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room ful of rocking chairs......'


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