Author Topic: which DEFRA required tick and anti parasite treatment is safest?  (Read 1848 times)

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: which DEFRA required tick and anti parasite treatment is safest?
« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2007, 18:31:21 PM »
posted in other thread: my vet thinks to use Milbemax is best.

Offline swampmaxmum

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Re: which DEFRA required tick and anti parasite treatment is safest?
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2007, 17:00:40 PM »
Well, obviously we'll decide if they are well enough to go right at the last minute, but right now the vet says it's ok as they will be with us and will have TLC both during the travelling and when they arrive and will be in one place. I'd be happier if they were 100% and we were going to the same flat they lived in before, but it's rented out. However there's no-one I trust to leave them with so either we do go this year (prob last time) or we can never go away at all. We are due to go next thurs down to SW France, or at least, to about Tours where we stop and then on the next day to just south of Bayonne/Biarritz. They've done it 3x already and usually just settle down after a while. Last time they really enjoyed looking out at the peeps in the hotel car park! Very exciting as here they look out on to a garden and trees (really boring that). I am worried about it, but we do need a break.

I think I'll go for Milbemax for Swampy and will ask vet tomorrow about Max, who is now suffering from bad constipation.....France is also an easy country to travel in with pets as almost everywhere welcomes them so we can stop if necessary.
Yes it's great that the rabies jab is every 3 years here. I know some french pets that come over here to get their passports as every year is considered too risky. The tumour Swampy had removed in 2005 was as a reaction to a rabies annual jab so before I did him again I agonised over it. Luckily the 3 year one just caused that little reaction which went away. I did quite a bit of research on which was the safest (answer: the one in the USA which has no aluminium adjuvant..n/a here as yet.).
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 17:01:37 PM by swampmaxmum »

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Re: which DEFRA required tick and anti parasite treatment is safest?
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2007, 13:51:24 PM »
Miss Boopy had Droncit spot on and Frontline before she came over here. She had a double dose as her breeder had it done slightly too early the first time so she had to be dosed again a day or two later to make it valid and it didn't do her any harm but she was only 11 months with no health problems which I guess might make a difference.
In the future I'm going to ask for any of mine that travel to be given Milbemax purely because it treats more types of worms than Droncit spot on so saves them having to be given two wormers.

I'm thinking a spot on or tablet will prob be safer than an injection for Swampcat if he's sensitive to jabs.

I've found out something odd from my vet when Miss Boopy had her rabies booster the other week, UK cats who have passports only need rabies jab once every 3 years (apparently that's how long it lasts) but French cats need them every year for their passports to be valid!

Where in France are you off to? Good luck with the travelling  ;D

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Re: which DEFRA required tick and anti parasite treatment is safest?
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2007, 07:59:52 AM »
If he had a lump that went away, it wasn't a tumour, it was a reaction to it (which mainly only happens with rabies and FeLV jabs - can't remember the name of the thing that causes it though), tumours dont go away unless htey are surgically removed. I would personally speak to your vet with their health issues, but is travelling with them going to be the best thing with their current issues?
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Offline swampmaxmum

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which DEFRA required tick and anti parasite treatment is safest?
« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2007, 18:30:12 PM »
Me beasties don't know it but they are soon going to France again (fingers crossed that they will be well......) so they will have to go through that song and dance routine to be treated against ticks/parasites etc between 24 and 48 hours before beginning their return journey (don't get me started)....normally they have a Milbemax tablet each and Frontline on the back of their necks. Once one of them was given an injection of Droncit instead of the Milbemax.

Because Swampcat had a tumour from a rabies vaccine in 2005, I used to always ask for the Milbemax rather than a jab. Now however I'm not sure what to do because of their tum/IBD problems and the history of liver disease (sensitive to drugs still, although last bloods showed ALT in normal range) and early CRF.  Does anyone have a view on which to give them or anything else? My vet is relaxed about it, but I've read some iffy things about Milbemax.
If it wasn't for the history of the tumour (he got a little lump as a reaction to a subsequent rabies jab but it went away after a week) someone said Droncit may be safer????
Does anyone have a view please? We are due to travel next week and back in Sept if OH can drag me away.... :P


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