Hi everyone,
I'm doing a sponsored walk in May to try and raise lots of money for my local Cat Sanctuary where i work at weekends. Its a fantastic cause and something i feel very passionate about but I'm running out of idea's and would welcome any suggestions you might have

I have set up an on line sponsor website, i have created posters and put these up at work, in the sanctuary and given them to friends and family to put up where they work too. I have contacted local papers and 2 of them ran articles about it. I wrote to about 65 local businesses explaining what i was doing, asking for donations, and for them to display a poster in their premises to help promote the event. We have sponsor forms in the Sanctuary. I have BBC Essex coming to the sanctuary week after next to take some pics and they will put something on the readers stories part of their website about it.
I have passed sponsor forms round my friends, family and work colleagues but have now hit a brick wall.
I've posted a message on Facebook and send it to all of my friends. I have emailed everyone i know as well!
The letters and newspaper articles don't appear to have had any affect what so ever, no on line donations have been made in response to them.
Does anyone have any ideas about what else i can do to get more people to sponsor me? Any and all suggestions will be much welcomed. I have never done anything like this before and want to do as much for the Sanctuary as i can as they so deserve it.
My website is
http://www.mycharitypage.com/Catcrazi if you want to have a look and read about what I'm doing and why.
Thank you for taking the time to read this
