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Meet Rosie

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--- Quote from: Sam (Fussy_Furball) on June 27, 2023, 13:32:38 PM ---How's Rosie doing?  Has she ventured toward the backdoor again or is that still a no go zone  :rofl:

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Slowly getting there  :briggin: She has now adopted a routine of going out "through the cat flap" for 1-2 hours a day, not venturing far, think she hides in the hedging or under one of the sheds, she's also spending more time downstairs, still doesn't like the dog even tho he basically ignores her now  :rofl:

Sam (Fussy_Furball):
How's Rosie doing?  Has she ventured toward the backdoor again or is that still a no go zone  :rofl:


--- Quote from: Desley (booktigger) on June 15, 2023, 20:14:00 PM ---Poor Rosie, but I did chuckle at your first solution was to get a bigger dog!

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:evillaugh: :evillaugh: :evillaugh:

--- Quote from: Frances on June 15, 2023, 18:53:24 PM ---Oh Stuart, poor Rosie :care:, but it is the down-side of taking on cats with unknown histories.  I have to say that when I was looking for a fourth cat I would not have considered a second female as Eleanor is out of the Bella mould of gobby brazenness :naughty:.  The boys mostly stay out of her way :scared:.

I’m sorry I don’t have any practical advice (although I do have a cat-proof garden :shify:).

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I am seeing that she has a bit of cattitude towards Bella too, so it seems pretty mutual  :-: and yes, Boys are easier  :rofl:

--- Quote from: Lyn (Slugsta) on June 15, 2023, 21:45:57 PM ---

Stuart, I'm so glad that you are a cat slave again. Rosie looks utterly gorgeous  :Luv:

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Aye, she is rare like  :Luv:

Lyn (Slugsta):
Stuart, I'm so glad that you are a cat slave again. Rosie looks utterly gorgeous  :Luv:

Desley (booktigger):
Poor Rosie, but I did chuckle at your first solution was to get a bigger dog!


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