Author Topic: Metrobactin  (Read 4261 times)

Offline Kate S

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Re: Metrobactin
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2021, 13:31:24 PM »
Thank you so much for your reply. I will report her side effects. I'm waiting for the vet to call me back but We'll see!! . Her poos have been fine and she began eating last night. I have ordered other probiotic food stuff and some sensitive type food. I also read that The drug she took could take a week or so to be eradicated. I really hope so as her slight head tremors now and again unnerve me. I will report  back any updates

Offline Frances

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Re: Metrobactin
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2021, 13:21:02 PM »
Poor Susan :hug:.

“Enteritis” is not a very helpful diagnosis and you don’t seem to have a very helpful vet. 

According to NOAH Compendium, Metrobactin is used for giardia and clostridia infections and “In very rare (less than 1 in 10,000) cases neurologic signs may occur.”  (You can report adverse reactions to animal medications here:

If she has giardia there are other ways to try to treat this initially: one of my cats is currently getting over this although it is a :censored: to get rid of as I am finding out!  As far as her eating is concerned, try to keep it bland - you could try one of the gastro-intestinal foods produced by Royal Canin or Hills along with plain chicken or fish (or anything that she will eat - she is, after all, a cat :innocent:).

I think you should start by getting a stool sample tested to identify exactly what is affecting Susan. Whether you do this at your current vets, use a another practice for a second opinion or change vet completely is down to how much trust you still have in your current vet (and ease of getting to an alternative).

Let us know how she gets on.

Offline Kate S

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« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2021, 18:13:58 PM »
Susan was given this as I have been told she has enteritis. She had a severe allergic reaction and had head tilts. Vet said if it had not cleared up by yesterday she would have to live with it!. Luckily she was ok  but now she is not eating again. I e mailed the vet this morning as I was told to update the vet but also I wanted advice as to what to do now as she can't have the Metrobactin anymore and also refuses the probiotic. I got no reply and when I rang the vet he was not thete. Have to ring him in the morning. In the meantime Susan is uncomfortable again. I am very upset and if no response again will have to try other vets as she needs a proper consultation


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