Author Topic: Our policy on postings on other sites offering cats for sale, free kittens etc  (Read 27107 times)

Offline Tan

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Sadly there seems to be a lot of these on the other websites at the mo.  :( and we want to do what we possibly can to steer people away from using free-ads (both as ad posters and as responders), as
they are generally not good for the animals involved, and to steer them towards seeking help from a rescue centre instead.

We know from our wonderful members here that some cases will be truly genuine, but we must try and encourage to go through the proper channels ie rescues , for the sake of the animals involved.  With the sort of private deals these sites encourage, there are little or no controls over the homes that these animals end up in or indeed the state of the animal being sold.
Sometimes posts on such sites mention the cat being in danger if it is not homed quickly - often this is not true, the poster will say this just to offload the cat/kitten quicker.
Sometimes, these free-ads are breeders in disguise, or even worse, un-regulated back-yard breeders.
Cats/kittens in rescue centers miss out on homes because people may, (with the best of intentions) rush off and adopt the cat in the advert.

When someone finds themselves in a position where they need to rehome their cat, we seek to encourage them to go through their local rescue centre or rehoming group. 
If you are concerned about a posting of this nature on another website, you can help by advising that person to approach their local rescue(s), all details of which can be found on the fabulous Cat Chat website’s Shelters pages here:
Also by informing this site of the advert. They actively contact free to good home advertisers and help by finding placements or homes within rescue.

Please note that threads regarding postings on other websites offering cats for sale, free kittens, free to a good home etc, will be
modified taking out any reference to the advertising web site, and links removed. Allowing links to remain inadvertently advertises these sites, and perpetuates this thoughtless practice.

Please help animals by not supporting or promoting sites with free classified ads offering animals. If you are seeking a new animal companion, please use rescue!

Thank you
« Last Edit: May 13, 2008, 22:39:40 PM by Tan »


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