Hi there.
I have a female cat that has basically been living in my back garden for the last two years. When she first started hanging around we soon realised she was incontinent (urine and faeces) so we couldn't let her in the house, plus we already had four cats of our own which were not at all happy with her presence. We tried to find her a home but, not surprisingly, had no luck. Our vet said her incontinence was probably due to an accident when she also lost her tail. He said there was nothing they could do. Anyway, she was such a lovely, friendly little thing that we couldn't just put her to sleep, even though we knew she would probably spend the rest of her life living outdoors. So we provided her with an outdoor bed and food and water every day and resigned ourselves to the fact we'd be cleaning up after her for the rest of her life.
Then a few weeks back we noticed she was walking very slowly and looked very uncomfortable, as if she was constipated. We took her straight to the vet and they could feel a large mass in her bowel area but couldn't be sure if it was a tumour or just compacted faeces. They did an xray and, fortunately, it was not a tumour but a very blocked bowel. They did an enema and the vet said he had never seen so much poo come out.

After that she was much better, she had diarrhoea for a few days due to the enema but as soon as that cleared up she was fine. And......no incontinence! The vet said she had a condition called Mega Colon, where the food passes through the digestive system slowly and tends to get stuck. She said to keep her on a high fibre diet to stop her getting constipated again.
Since then we have been feeding her Royal Canin Fibre Response, mixed with meat as she tends to get fed up with just the dry food on its own. Her incontinence seems to have stopped. No more wet blankets to wash every day, no more poo to clean up every day from all round the garden. It's like a miracle. So now we're thinking she may be able to find a proper home. I got in touch with Cats Protection to see if they could help us and they have put her details on their direct re-homing page.
I was just wondering if there is anyone on this forum who would be interested in taking her on? Or if anyone knows anybody who may be interested. It's such a shame, she's a very friendly kitty, a bit bossy, always ready for fuss and it would be lovely to find her a proper family. We're not sure of her age....but I would guess about 12 or more. I did post her on here a couple of years back but of course she was incontinent back then. She's on the waiting list at a local cat rescue, they try to re-home cats but they only post their details online once they are living onsite and they are full to bursting at the moment.
So here's hoping that someone might read this and be willing to give her a chance.