Author Topic: Car accident  (Read 25220 times)

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #40 on: June 08, 2017, 06:56:43 AM »
What a lovely phrase to hear from a veterinary professional:  "No real concerns"  :hug: :hug:

I hope you can make the Air Show, but if not, am sure your OH will still enjoy it with a friend.  No doubt having Frankie home will more than compensate.  It tends to focus our minds when we come close to losing something - or someone - precious to us.   :hug:

So know what you mean about the midnight visits.  Moray loves to slip under the duvet with us - especially if he's cold and wet.   :evillaugh:  He favours my side of the bed, and likes to lie with my right arm circling his body, and his head resting on my hip - though sometimes he likes to treadle on my tummy first.   Weird though it sounds, it may sometimes be a shock to a slumbering system, and a tad painful if he catches bare skin, but the absence of those visits would grieve me far more.

We used to have a little golden beauty of a cat (okay, he was quite big really) and from being a kitten, he used to suckle on my right ear lobe.  If he came in in the middle of the night, he would soothe himself to sleep by lying against me, and making good use of my ear.   :shy:  We lost him to the roads, unfortunately, and sometimes I dearly wish he could still snuggle with me in the night.

Frankie, sending you super strength healing vibes from me and da puds at Padtowers.  Also sending gentle vibes for Trixie. Can't be having Trixie feeling left out.   ;) :cat rub: :cat rub: :catlove2:

Sassybot, have a look at the Cat Gallery site for some toy ideas you might be able to adapt to make your own version.

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #39 on: June 07, 2017, 22:47:46 PM »
It sounds as if things are going well  :hug:

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #38 on: June 07, 2017, 19:36:22 PM »
Glad things are sounding positive, strange the small things we miss. Hope you get more good news from the vet this evening 
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Offline Sassybot

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #37 on: June 07, 2017, 17:01:11 PM »
Thanks every, I'll look into Zylkene especially for Trixie who is a little pest. She is very food motivated so I was thinking of making some sort of ball that she has to biff to get the food out of. We did buy one but it wasn't challenging enough and the treats came out with one whack.

Called the vets this morning for a check up. Nurse said he is bright and alert, recovered nicely from the op and they have no real concerns. The vet had left a message saying he would call me this evening and I'm hoping we can get a better idea as to when he will be home. Meant to be taking my OH to an airshow this weekend as a belated birthday present. I've already cancelled the hotel but we can still go on the day, unless Frankie is home and then my OH will need to ask a friend to go with him. Bad timing Frankenstein!

Woke up in the night and realised Frankie wasn't there, made me think about how long it will be until he's actually going to be able to have cuddles. Proper sad but at least one day we will have cuddles. As much as I complain about it I do miss him creeping into bed and playing with my hair as he falls asleep.

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #36 on: June 07, 2017, 13:19:10 PM »
Also topping up good vibes and wishing all of you the best, as well as Zylkene, which has worked wonders on my gang, I also found the beaphar calming spot on drops very useful.

The news does seem to be cautiously optimistic, I am so pleased for you, your OH, Frankie and Trixie. :hug: :hug: :hug:

But don't you think that throttling Frankie is sort of missing the point of getting him better? ;)
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #35 on: June 07, 2017, 07:02:49 AM »
Morning Sassybot.  Just wanted to top up the "Frankie-take-it-steady-lad" vibes  and send healing snoozles from Moray Da Mint, Malty Da Minx and Barley Black-stockings.   :cat rub: :catlove2: :cat rub:

As for Trixie, yes it does sound like it could well be stress related.   Can't recommend highly enough plug-ins such as Pet Remedy, and Zylkene sprinkled on her food.  It's a non prescription food supplement which is regarded like a miracle worker in our house and by many others on here who've used it successfully.

Is Trixie food motivated?  If so, making her something where she has to work to get cat treats from it could be a good distraction for her.

Some good ideas on this link too

Worth bearing in mind that when Frankie first comes home, Trixie may be a little afraid of him - he may smell "odd" to her, so you could perhaps do some blanket swapping now, to get her used to his new scent.  I suspect the weather isn't helping, but she'll also have picked up on your worry and stress, and that of your OH.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2017, 07:03:59 AM by Sue P (Paddysmum) »

Offline Sassybot

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2017, 20:48:52 PM »
Four legs or three, just as long as he is home safe.

Noticed Trixie has pulled some fur off from her back end, think it might be stress? Going to do some reading into diy/cheap ways to keep her entertained whilst I'm at work and Frankie is in the cage. She was very excited to see me but seems a bit frustrated and crabby today. Perhaps it could be the terrible weather we're having, wind is super noisy.

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2017, 18:54:19 PM »
As Sue says, there is a lot of positivity there, fingers crossed he is just too sore on that leg
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2017, 17:53:23 PM »
 :phew: :phew:  There's so much more of the positive than the negative in your update, Sassybot, and you must be feeling a lot more reassured.  Even if worst case scenario he lost a leg, cats can cope much better with the loss of a leg than with the loss of a tail.  :hug: :hug:  There are a lot of us on here who either have, or know of cats with, three legs who do just fine, and lead happy well-adjusted lives.  As you say, much to be thankful for.  Far better he gets his rest and a chance of being kept as still as possible for the next few days to give everything a chance to knit and heal and repair than to get him home "too soon" (though of course we know it can't be "soon enough")

Sending more vibes to our gorgeous Frankie, and hoping Trixie is feeling better now too after bashing into the table.   :cat rub: :cat rub:

Offline Sassybot

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2017, 17:16:52 PM »
Afternoon everyone :)

Frankenstein has had a busy old day. My OH picked him up at 8am and took him to the specialist hospital. He had just had his pain killers so was nice and comfortable during the journey (rush hour in Manchester, yay), although he doesn't really like travelling in cars and he did make that well known.

I got a call about an hour ago from the vet. They have done an operation and it was successful, which was a bit of a shock as Tim said they'd call me if they were going to do anything but never mind. Frankie is fine and recovering well. There is some good and some not so good news. There was actually no major break on the right side of his pelvis and he has good voluntary movement and sensation.The left leg isn't great, with no movement or sensation at all. Three things come come from this; the nerves etc are fine it's just too sore and difficult for Frankie to bother trying to move, the nerves etc are very damaged but will improve over time, or he has lost a significant amount of movement and sensation in that leg if not all of it. Given that the fracture area was on a nerve bundle it's difficult to say what will happen so we have to be prepared that losing his leg is a possibility.

The good thing about the right side not being broken is that we don't have to have the quality of life conversation which is a relief. The operation on the left was tricky and Frankenstein (true to his name) now has a lot of metal in him; one plate and five screws. He had also broken the wing of the vertebrae that connects the spine to the pelvis but it's not really an issue.

The vet also said that we have to be mindful that with these types of accidents whilst the cat may be looking better, we don't always know what is going on and there is still a chance he will go, which is why it's wise for Frankie to stay in the specialist hospital until Friday at the least. Hopefully on Thursday we'll know if he can come home on Saturday or if he needs a few more days. Once he's home it's cage rest for six weeks and then we should know more about this left leg.

We aren't allowed to go and see him as when he sees us, he just wants to cuddle and play (he was playing 'biff the wiggling fingers' with my OH in the waiting room  :shify: ) and the next few days it's really important he stays very still.

Regardless of what happens to his left leg he is a very lucky pussy cat and will be getting lots of cuddles until he is better and then I'll throttle him!

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2017, 11:07:21 AM »
I'm a huge fan of Zylkene, myself.  Definitely worth a try, and useful for Frankie when he returns home too.  It'll help him settle, and subject to the vet's approval, shouldn't interfere with any medication he may be on.

That's exactly right Lyn.  Sassybot's had an opportunity to adjust somewhat to Frankie's injuries, whereas Mr Sassybot hasn't yet, but he will.

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #29 on: June 06, 2017, 11:00:35 AM »
Thanks for the update, I'm very glad to hear that Frankie has pooped - even more so that he was clearly so pleased to see you  :)

I'm sorry you OH was upset by seeing Frankie's injuries. As you say, he looked worse than this when you first saw him, so you will be feeling relieved at the improvement, whereas your OH is reeling at the damage  :hug:

Is it worth trying one of the 'plug in's to see if that helps calm Trixie? Or even Zylkene, I know some peeps here swear by it!

Offline jezebel

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #28 on: June 06, 2017, 10:32:14 AM »
Well, at least you know more about what you're dealing with, which is far better than not knowing and imagining the worst.

Good luck with the specialist, I hope they can do the op today and don't keep Frankie in longer than necessary.

And try and get some sleep!  :hug:
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Offline Dawn F

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #27 on: June 06, 2017, 09:27:30 AM »
glad he has been to the loo, fingers crossed for the op, I'm sure it will all be fine  :hug:  I always have to pay the vet and claim the money back, my vet won't deal direct with insurers

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #26 on: June 06, 2017, 07:18:42 AM »
Morning treasure.  Thinking of you, Frankie, Trixie and your OH too, and hoping that Frankie's night has been comfortable.  Sending lots more soothing thoughts and healing vibes for Frankie's recovery.   :hug: :hug:

Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #25 on: June 05, 2017, 19:47:54 PM »
So glad he was alert, and has poo'd. Waiting till Wed for surgery might not be a bad thing, let things settle. Shame you can't explain to Trixie
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #24 on: June 05, 2017, 19:33:33 PM »
A good night's rest is what you all need.   :hug:

Offline Sassybot

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #23 on: June 05, 2017, 19:26:34 PM »
If the worst thing he comes out with is a dodgy eye and a limp I will be the happiest cat mummy in the world. It's made me feel so much better seeing him more alert and trying to move. Unfortunately, because my partner didn't see how he was, he was really shocked seeing him and got a bit upset in the car.

Our younger cat is a bit lost at the moment. She spent a good part of the day walking from room to room calling for him. Now she wont leave my partner alone, totally glued to his side on the couch. She's never been on her own before but I'm not sure there is much we can do but give her lots of fuss and love.

Thank you for your kind words and support. Last night I barely slept (watched three series of Black Adder before eventually drifting off) and and am now feeling it badly. Got a glass of wine and will be amazed if I make it past 8pm.

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #22 on: June 05, 2017, 17:15:20 PM »
A pretty impressive X-Ray.  :Crazy:  Gawd love his little paws. 

Glad he's pooped.  :) :hug:

He may still have some limited vision in his eye when things settle down, you never know -  but even if he doesn't he should do well enough.  Am hoping they will be able to do the op as soon as possible.   We know how agonising it will be for you while you wait for things to happen. 

How lovely that he was purring and looking for his Mum's touch.   :Luv:  Again, keeping the vibes for Frankie well and truly topped up, and sending soothing thoughts for you too, because right now, your emotions are likely all over the place. 

Offline Sassybot

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #21 on: June 05, 2017, 16:48:21 PM »
Just been to see him. He looked so sorry for himself but when he realised it was me and my OH he started purring and wiggling to get tickles - the muppet even tried to roll over so he could get his belly tickled  :Luv2:

We've got to take him to the specialist for an appointment tomorrow, hopefully they will be able to operate straight away but likely it will be Wednesday. Got to see the x-rays and this is the more impressive one. Have attached a picture I'm sure you all know your anatomy but just in case both sides of the pelvis should look the same. There's a nice piece of bone drifting about but it doesn't look like it's done any damage to the insides. He's also done a couple of poops on his own so it's likely that the difficulties he had earlier are due to it hurting rather than nerve damage.

The specialists have quoted between £2800 - £3000 for the operation and our vet said that every other place she knows that could do it would charge the same. If not more.

He's on too many drugs to see if he has lost any vision, vet suspects he is blind but will keep the eye.

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #20 on: June 05, 2017, 15:29:32 PM »
As has already been said, the first signs are promising. :hug: :hug: :hug: Poor Trixie not wanting to be left out! :Luv: Thinking of you all.
Give Frankie a very gentle head rub and a snuggle from me.

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Offline Desley (booktigger)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #19 on: June 05, 2017, 13:38:21 PM »
That’s a reasonable amount for weekend – my old vets out of hours vet charged £100 for a consultation. It is sounding promising at the moment, fingers crossed the specialist vet has good news. Have you spoken to your insurers yet, as E & L are well known for not paying, or making it difficult to get money from them, which will be why the vet won’t deal direct with them.
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Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #18 on: June 05, 2017, 12:47:16 PM »
There's a lot of encouraging points there to take heart from, not least of which is his eye and that he's been able to pass urine.  Pooing might take longer to establish, but at this stage there will be a lot of tissue trauma, and the pain from that may as you say be making things difficult.  Rest and pain relief can work miracles, as can time.   :hug: :hug: 

Insurance can often be a minefield to negotiate when you need to make a claim, but here's hoping that yours isn't.

Meanwhile, keeping the vibes for Frankie well and truly topped up, and of course sending some gentle vibes for Trixie, who clearly doesn't want to be left out of things! Bless her paws....  :doh:

Offline Sassybot

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #17 on: June 05, 2017, 12:14:30 PM »
Thanks guys :)

I've spoken to the vet who has said much the same as the nurse. He hadn't peed over night but when they were examining his bladder (which is intact from what they can feel) he was able to go the bathroom. Hopefully this means it's just that it's too painful for him to stand up and go on his own rather than there being any damage. There is still a possibility that the break is blocking his back passage as well as there has been no 'movement' there. He is wafting his tail around and I think she mentioned he was supporting himself when they examined him so hopefully no nerve damage to his legs and ability to walk.

When we got him to the vet, one eye was super wide and the pupil of the other was so closed you could barely see it. The same eye was also bulging out and the concern was a) the eye itself and b) was it suggesting something going on in the brain. The pupil has opened up and the swelling has gone down so hopefully the eye is OK and we don't need to be concerned about it.

The vet he is with at the moment is an independent I think, but I don't know about the specialist hospital they have been in touch with. The bill we got yesterday was broken down into examination/consultation £40, General (IV, nursing and oxygen) at £379, Medications £45 and x-rays at £234. There was nothing on it about a higher weekend rate but the practice is known for being a bit pricey, but worth it.  We're going to see him at 3pm and they should have heard back from the specialist hospital by then with whether it can be operated on and how much it will cost. A quick google suggests between £1,000 - £2,000 but given how high this first bill was I'm concerned. The insurance documents I have say that we need to get the vets to invoice E&L but the vet said a lot of vets wont do it as they take a long time to pay out to practices, so it might be that we contact E&L and see if we can pay it and claim it back. Captain Credit Card to the rescue!

In the meantime, Trixie has walked into the table and bashed her eye  :Crazy:

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #16 on: June 05, 2017, 11:32:15 AM »
its very early days and as sue says he will likely improve over the coming weeks

re the money, not sure if your vet is the same but mine charges considerably more than normal at the weekends  :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #15 on: June 05, 2017, 11:27:35 AM »

Morning treasure.  Still a very worrying time for you. 

Our neighbour's cat was involved in an RTA and had, amongst other injuries, a broken tail.  He was also incontinent as a consequence of the tail injury and related damage.  However, although the prognosis initially given wasn't looking great, over the space of the next week he made steady progress, and the incontinence improved significantly.  He's fine now, apart from a kink in his beautiful lemur-like tail and a slightly uneven gait when he walks.

However, if Frankie hasn't peed, they may consider putting in a catheter, depending what else may be going on.

Moray had an accident (kicked or a car - they couldn't quite decide) 18 months ago, and he initially presented with both pupils wide and dilated.  He has lost vision in his worst affected eye, and if you approach him unexpectedly from that side he flinches, but thankfully it wasn't a brain injury.  You may find in the next few days Frankie's pupils return to a more normal size.  It took about a month for Moray's worst pupil to return to normal. 

Try not to pre-judge the situation with the insurance.  Is your veterinary surgery one of the franchise chains, or are they independent?   Just my experience, but independents tend to be much more reasonable in terms of charges.  keeping everything crossed here, and keeping the "Healing Frankie" vibes strong.   May you soon have him home, and on the road to recovery.  Each new day is a gift.  :hug: :hug:

Offline Sassybot

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2017, 10:43:33 AM »
Morning all

I briefly spoke to the nurse today as the vet was in surgery. Frankie had a good night, his eye is looking better so hopefully there is no brain damage or any permanent harm to it. They've sent the x-rays to the specialist hospital and the vet will call me in the next hour to go over them. The nurse said she will need to examine his bladder before she calls me so I'm guessing he hasn't peed in the night which is a worry. Hopefully the breaks wont have caused any internal damage and it's just a matter of sticking it all back together. Really hoping this is the case.

Boss sent me home from work when I told her. Apparently I look like  :censored: which is not surprising as I haven't slept. Trixie was up fussing all night calling for Frankie and she is still walking from room to room calling :( totally heart breaking.

Told the nurse how much the insurance covered him for and she didn't sound like it wasn't enough. The bill they gave me yesterday for a few x-rays and drugs was near £700 which is why I'm worried the 4k wont be enough. She did say we need to bring the forms etc up later today so am hoping we can do it when my partner is home from work so he can see Frankenstein as he is super worried. Have a feeling we might need to take him to the specialist hospital for surgery as everything so far sounds like the vets aren't sure about the op.

Please keep sending positive vibes, want to bring my boy home soon xxx

Offline Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #13 on: June 05, 2017, 10:09:52 AM »
Sending lots of love and hoping that you get some good news about Frankie today  :hug:

It is 24 years since Chivvy had his accident  :Crazy: He was not insured and the £400 he cost us at the time was a considerable amount of money for us. Hubby was reluctant to spend the money but I pretty much insisted  :evillaugh: I guess these days he might not have needed to lose the whole leg (he had a 'degloving' injury) but he did really well and lived to be 19. I really hope that Frankie does equally well  :hug:

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #12 on: June 05, 2017, 05:38:49 AM »
Just checking in to say I hope you'll get positive news today.  Sending healing vibes for Frankie and for you  :hug: :hug:

Offline Judecat (Paula)

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2017, 23:08:41 PM »
From what I have seen of Supervet 4K would get him  to Noel Fitzpatrick's surgery and sorted by him or one of his team. His vital signs sound really good. As you said pink gums etc. point to no internal bleeding. Thinking of you all. Everything crossed that Frankie will be okay. :care: :care: :care:

Frankie :blow kiss: :blow kiss: :blow kiss:
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Offline heather sullivan

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2017, 22:32:37 PM »
Poor Frankie but great that he was found and got to the vets quickly. I have heard cats can recover from pelvic injuries in time.  Watching Supervet on and off over the years he has done amazing work on cats with fractures - and put them back together again. Hopefully he will feel better soon and recover :Luv:

Offline Sootyca

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2017, 19:59:01 PM »
 :hug: :hug:

I've no experience either but wanted to pop in to say I hope you get good news tomorrow.  Cats (and indeed most animals) are far more resilient than we give them credit for.

Offline girlinleeds

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2017, 19:34:32 PM »
No experience but huge hugs hope he's better soon

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2017, 19:06:51 PM »
I've got no experience with this, but fingers crossed for him
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Offline Sassybot

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2017, 18:23:00 PM »
Thanks everyone. Had the final catch up with the vet for the night. His condition hasn't changed which is good I guess. The surgery closed at 5pm and someone will do a regular check at 9-10pm. Vet hasn't booked him any extra checks during the night which I'm guessing is a good sign. If there was internal bleeding it would make itself know by now surely? Apparently his gums are still nice and pink and he is as alert and relaxed as he could possibly be.

If I've not heard from them by 10am tomorrow I'm to call back. Family and friends tell me that its a good sign but I'm not letting myself hope until he's seen the specialist.

Vet asked me to check our policy to see what he was covered for so she knew how much we had to play with (guessing this would effect the surgery he would have). It's £4k which will hopefully be enough for them to do what they need to to get him home. Lyn, do you mind me asking if your Chivers was insured and what region the bill was from the accident? I'm so worried that his life might be in the balance just because of money.

Home doesn't feel right. Trixie knows somethings happened and is playing up (still hissing at me if I go near her). My partner is home now but he's just as upset. Sleepless night for us I suspect, the hours are going so slow.

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2017, 17:44:16 PM »
I am so sorry that your beloved Frankie has been injured  :(

I have no experience with pelvic injuries in cats. However, my lovely Chivers was run over many years ago. He was very poorly and we thought we might lose him  :'( However, despite losing a leg and breaking his jaw in 2 places, he recovered very well and we had the joy of his presence for another 17 years afterwards. Don't give up hope!  :hug:

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2017, 16:06:37 PM »
I'm so sorry.  I've no experience of this type of injury, but am sending every good vibe for you both and hoping you can get the information you need.  :hug:

Same as that I am afraid, but sending lots of get well vibes to Frankenstein. :Luv2: :Luv2: :Luv2: Great name BTW. :Luv:
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Re: Car accident
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2017, 15:56:50 PM »
I'm so sorry.  I've no experience of this type of injury, but am sending every good vibe for you both and hoping you can get the information you need.  :hug:

Offline jezebel

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Re: Car accident
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2017, 15:36:07 PM »
I'm afraid I have no experience of this type of injury, I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear the news. I can imagine how you're feeling, but you got him to the vet very quickly so he has the best possible chance of a full recovery.

Wishing Frankenstein a very speedy recovery. And lots of  :hug: for you.

Please let us know what the vet says tomorrow.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2017, 16:29:46 PM by jezebel »
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Offline Sassybot

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Car accident
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2017, 15:28:29 PM »
My amazing Frankenstein has been hit by a car. Neighbor saw it happen (he went under both sets of wheels) and came and got me. Luckily all my neighbors are fantastic and we found him and got him to the vet within 15-20 minutes of the accident.

Initially we were super worried about a brain injury as one of his pupils turned to a slit and the other went super wide, and after I found him he just lay down and wouldn't move his back end. He was also in shock and struggling to breath.

The vet has called me, she is confident that it is an eye injury not a brain injury as he is awake and aware and not showing any of the signs of head trauma and is off oxygen which is a relief, however his pelvic isn't great. She's done initial xrays and they suggest a big injury where the bone has moved, possibly blocking his rectum and potentially doing some damage to organs. She is going to contact the specialist tomorrow and they will probably put him out to do some proper xrays so they can see the damage and what they will do with it. On the plus side he is flicking his tale at her so hopefully no nerve damage. In the meantime I've been advised to check my insurance policy to see how much he is covered for.

I'm in pieces, Frankenstein is an amazing creature. He looks after me when I'm sad, when my partner is away for work (like he currently is)Frankie wont leave me side for long. He looks after our younger cat, Trixie who as a result of Toxoplasmosis has never grown up. I just want him to come home safe. Words can't express how much he means to me.

Has anyone experienced a pelvic injury on a cat? I dont' even really know the extent of the injury as the vet said sometimes tiny fractures heal themselves, but then started talking about the bone moving. That sounds like the xray was a little vague, right?


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