Someone designed it for diabetic kitties. Basically black is terrible - too high blood sugars. It then goes down in order of seriousness - red, purple, yellow, blue, dark green, bright green - which is hypo territory. So really we want to keep the numbers in the blue region as that is within the range 120 to 300 mg/dL (according to my insulin manufacturer) - the spreadsheet converts to US numbers from what I input. Some spreadsheets that they have done has a key but I couldn't find it. Some numbers in the blue range can still lead to kidney problems apparently
Some very clever people around

From the looks of it Sky has done well today - there is usually an initial spike when they eat and then it drops. Usually the lowest point is at +4 hours but she was longer than that. Hope the vet thinks she is doing okay

I'm not doing this curve regularly but it is quite interesting to see it. Going to carry on testing her bloods before injecting and hope she keeps low

Now, need to go and buy some more Applaws pate - just found it and PAH have stopped stocking it. Typical!