Everyone with items to be auctioned, simply please start a new thread under the 2015 Christmas Auction section (a separate new thread for each item) as follows:
1. The subject of the thread needs to be the name of the item for auction.
2. In the message box you need to give a clear description of the item, with a picture if possible (items sell better with a pic!), the start price if there is one and any other useful information!! To add a pic attach a small pic to your thread or include a image link in your text.
3. Staring Bid £ is optional. -If something is likely to get lots of bids then starting it off at 1p or 99p won't hurt but if something is a bit more specialist eg a microchip cat flap, that might only get one or two people bidding on it so best to start the price off at a realistic level so it doesn't end up going for 99p!
4. It is suggested that where it is not actually a cat related item you come up with a devious and witty way of linking it to cats just for fun but not necessary

5. Post your thread and that's it!