Cat Rescue & Rehoming > Adopt/Give a home to a cat

Loving home for a Diabetic cat


Hiya  :)

I don't know whereabouts you are exactly but....I've seen this gorgeous diabetic lad looking for a new home.  He looks so sweet and gets on with other cats too:

I recently about four months ago lost my diabetic baby benji i saved him from being pts sadly benji only lasted a year he was elderly and although i got him off the insulin and food controlled, his little bottle couldnt take it anymore and he went in his sleep.

Now i feel its time to open up my crazy cat house to a diabetic in need, so please if anyone knows of such a cat in need please please let me know...too many get pts by vets who make little to no effort to find them a home, its too easy to pts when the owners either can't handle it or dont want to.

Si a home is awaiting


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