Exactly my thoughts Gill - I refuse to accept the notion that animals don't have emotional capcity. not sure how well that fits me out for this course.
I expect when undertaking a course of study to have been devised by someone who is both informed on their subject and also who avoids the use of personal opinion as if it's fact. It's one thing to say "from my own observations, I conclude this...." but quite another to indicate that people who anthropomorphise their domesticated pets are somehow inadequate "because I think so" is quite a different concept.
And to what degree does the person make this assertion? Are we talking people who ask their dog if they wanna go walkies wiv Mum, and make it sound all interesting and fun in their tone of voice or are we talking about people who push their pets round in prams, dressed in babygro's (and they're out there....)
Or people who snuggle with their cats and tell them fairystories about Rumplestiltskin and The Pied Piper of Hamlyn (you know who you are....

) when you're trying to get them to go to sleep and all they want to do is play, 'cos they're lickle and they're awake and you should be too.....

I draw the line at dressing dogs and cats and rabbits in costumes personally, but I know people who do this and derive huge personal enjoyment from it. I dont think those people really believe their dog wants to look like Mae West, or that their cat hankers after being Captain Jack Sparrow - they're probably just after an amusing photograph. [but I accept there are those who do this and have no interest in photography....

] Then again, we all know cats are sneaky schemers who may well dream of having a natty little number by Gucci, or who plant o trip their owner when they're next on the stairs as revenge for that humiliating Lolcat picture, don't we?

Anyway. We shall see how the course progresses.
And I shall update you on my thoughts and comments (if anyone's interested

And if you're all very good boys and girls, I may devise a course for all Purrs members to take (although there'll be no pens involved, because I realise that they can be the very devil to grip in the wrong paws...