Author Topic: Some people make me MAD. Rant alert!  (Read 2095 times)

Offline maddercow

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Re: Some people make me MAD. Rant alert!
« Reply #10 on: November 14, 2013, 18:39:04 PM »
people are like that sadly, when my premature baby son died somebody said, "you can buy them you know"

Oh my lord how crass can people be?  That is dreadful.


Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Some people make me MAD. Rant alert!
« Reply #9 on: November 14, 2013, 18:21:47 PM »
So know how that feels - have had some very crass and unfeeling comments over the years about our reaction to losing our beloved pets.  Obviously to us, they're like our children, and so we grieve as deeply as over any human loss - sometimes more.

When we lost Mac, our neighbour kindly came to return one of his missing collars, but her kindness was obscured by her remark on finding out he'd been killed by a car "Aw, so he was norty and silly thing paid the price....." or words to that effect.  It was all I could do not to slam the door in her well-intentioned face.   I know she didnt mean to sound uncaring, but it was like nails down a blackboard to me.

Try not to let it get to you Nicola.  On here, you can share how you feel without worry, knowing that we all share the pain of what you're feeling, and understand the loss only too well.   :hug: :hug:

Offline Nicola (RockysMum)

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Re: Some people make me MAD. Rant alert!
« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2013, 13:43:45 PM »
Glad it's not just me. It's really frustrating the way 'non-animal people' just do not get it.

I agree the kitten comment was probably meant well, and at some point I may look to do just that, but it's too soon just now.

I have my one remaining boy Bailey, who's also missing Jake terribly so I wouldn't want to do anything to upset him either. He's currently being spoiled rotten, thankfully he's a big fluffy lap cat who likes to be permanently on top of me so I'm getting lots of comfort from him  :Luv2: I've just nipped out in my lunch hour and bought him a new play tunnel & some prawns. Got nothing in the house to feed us slaves, but Bailey will be happy  :rofl:

I so agree with you about 'cat people' Jo. Animal lovers are the best kind of people, but cat lovers are the cream of the crop  ;)

People who don't have a furry comapnion in their lives are really missing out, they don't realise how much you get in return. There is nothing like the love and devotion I've had from my three beautiful rescue cats in the last 15 years and even thought the past year was a very stressful rollercoaster caring for Jake, our bond grew even stronger and I knw I gave him the best life possible

As my mum put it in the card she bought me "He slept away from illness in the arms of the person he loved, with all his heart every day of his happy life"

Offline maddercow

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Re: Some people make me MAD. Rant alert!
« Reply #7 on: November 14, 2013, 12:34:00 PM »
You are not oversensitive, that would have upset me too and I'm hard as nails!

Sadly some people have no feelings whatsoever for anything other than themselves and cannot comprehend how much some of
us love our pets.

The suggestion about getting a new kitten was insensitive, of course you can't replace Jake... but it was probably well meant and it might be a good idea in the future..not completely for your sake but also so you can give a lovely caring home, like you gave Jake, to another cat.

Be glad that you are you.  I love "cat people", they make the world a nicer place.


« Last Edit: November 14, 2013, 12:35:35 PM by jo.austin2010 »

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Re: Some people make me MAD. Rant alert!
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2013, 12:19:30 PM »
No, youre not too sensitive  :hug: and you are among like minded people on here -  :censored: those ignorant people!

Sadly I think a lot of people wouldn't have spent the time and resources that you did on poor Jake  :hug: but I think thats what we agree to when we take on ANY animal. (a friend of mine recently spent £400+ trying to save her guinea pig)

RIP Jake  :'(

people are like that sadly, when my premature baby son died somebody said, "you can buy them you know"

That is unbelievable....
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Offline Mymblesdaughter

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Re: Some people make me MAD. Rant alert!
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2013, 11:28:14 AM »
So annoying, there are some very insensitive people out there. Just because they don't feel the same way doesn't mean they can't try to understand that we do love our cats and they are part of our family. In fact I was much more upset when my cat died than when my Grandmother died. Your cats are much closer to you than most relatives,  you are with them much of the day and all of their lives.

There are a lot of stupid people out there who like to give you their opinions. If they have never cared for an animal there lives must be pretty sad.

I also think that when people feel upset about an animal dying they try to justify it to themselves by saying 'it's just an animal'. This makes it easier for them to accept. I've known people who really love their pets say this. They are wrong because we are all just animals. 

 :hug: :hug: 

 Just seen your comment Dawn - that is unbelievable, some people are so uncaring.  :hug: 

Offline Dawn F

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Re: Some people make me MAD. Rant alert!
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2013, 11:23:27 AM »
people are like that sadly, when my premature baby son died somebody said, "you can buy them you know"

Offline jezebel

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Re: Some people make me MAD. Rant alert!
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2013, 11:17:35 AM »
No, you're not being too sensitive.  :hug:

I can sort of understand the "get a new kitten" thing from someone who's never had animals because it's probably hard for them to understand the bond you can have with them, but unfortunately we live in a culture which treats animals as either commodities or pests and which values human life above all else (to the planet's detriment  >:( ) so the lack of empathy doesn't surprise me.

(I'd be tempted to say to your friend down south "yes, and a friend is just a friend - lol"!)
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Some people make me MAD. Rant alert!
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2013, 11:10:35 AM »
No its not you its those stupid insensitive people  :hug: :hug:

They make me sick and I and all of us here know how long one grieves for our best friend.

Tomorrow is Purrs 7th birthday and we always honour all our lost friends in the past year. Jake will be there and I will be posting the thread after midnight  :hug: :hug: :hug:

Offline Nicola (RockysMum)

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Some people make me MAD. Rant alert!
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2013, 11:05:30 AM »
Bit of a rant coming up here.
2 weeks ago, I had to have my beautiful boy Jake put to sleep, he was my companion and friend for 14 years and it broke my heart.
In the two weeks since he died, I’ve had so many thoughtless, insensitive comments from people.
My neighbours first comment on hearing was “My God, you must be gutted to think of all that money you wasted on him this year”  >:(

This was because at the start of the year, not only was Jake diagnosed with HyperT, but when we got that treated we discovered he was in renal failure. Then in June, he had to have a cancer tumour removed from his spine.

But really?! What a thing to say! No actually, the money was the last thing on my mind and none of it was wasted because it gave him 11 months of being happy, healthy and here with me!

(Don’t know why I’m surprised really. This is the same neighbour who, when her daughter bought a kitten, asked me how many litters a cat can have and how soon her daughter could start breeding her to sell kittens. You can imagine my reply to that!)

Then last week a friend said “why don’t you just get a new kitten to replace him?”

Then last night, I got a text from an old friend who lives down south asking why I hadn’t replied to an email he’d sent me recently. I checked and the email in question came in on the night Jake died. When I explained this, his response was “That must have been a bit upsetting, but I’m sure you’re over it now. After all, a cat is just a cat LOL”  >:(

Makes me really mad!! What is wrong with people? :censored:
Is it me?! Am I too sensitive?


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