Author Topic: Cat Urination  (Read 1720 times)

Offline Sam (Fussy_Furball)

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Re: Cat Urination
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2013, 09:55:37 AM »
These links may be of interest:,4916.0.html,26577.0.html

These products may also be useful ..... (FYI we will have several lots of both these products in the Christmas auction which begins on the 17th Nov)
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Online Susanne (urbantigers)

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Re: Cat Urination
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2013, 08:19:19 AM »
Some people on here have found pet remedy more effective than feliway so that might be worth trying.

I'm far from being an expert on this sort of thing but I second the thorough cleaning.  It can be really hard to get that smell out (might smell fine to a human but of cat pee to a cat) which will attract him back.  I do suspect that it's now become ingrained and is as much a habit as anything else so maybe a referral to a pet behaviourist might be able to offer up some possible solutions for breaking the habit.  How many areas is he using?  Is it possible to block off those areas?

Offline Laurensimm

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Cat Urination
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2013, 23:15:15 PM »
Also, you need to thoroughly clean all affected areas when jasper has weed or he will keep going back to it. Citrus smell is supposedly pretty pungent to cats. Good luck and don't give up on him - there's no such thing as a naughty cat really; everything a cat does is done for a reason. You just need to find out what it is that is stressing him out. Have you tried play time with a da bird toy so you can bond with him?

Offline Laurensimm

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Cat Urination
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2013, 23:08:52 PM »
I took one of my cats, milo, to the vet for a check up as he was being naughty weeing in the house when he has two litter trays. He was also attacking his brother. She suggested the usual, feliway and yet moooore litter trays (I think two is enough in a terraced house! They are indoor/outdoor cats so its only at night its a problem) anyway ... Feliway and also pet remedy did nothing so she also suggested some pills called zylkene. You can get them from eBay. They are capsules and you just open them up and mix the powder into their food once a day. You can use them continuously and there are no known side effects. I won't say milo is cured but he's a lot better than he was. Worth a try 😺

Offline Skiddaw

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Re: Cat Urination
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2013, 15:18:16 PM »
Referal to a behaviour therapist perhaps?

It certainly sounds as if you have done all the correct things and tried everything you can.

Online Lyn (Slugsta)

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Re: Cat Urination
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2013, 17:33:26 PM »
Oh dear, what a shame for all of you! I do hope that someone will soon be along with some suggestions for you  :hug:

Offline adamtrimm27

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Cat Urination
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2013, 17:15:01 PM »
Hi all,
I got my Tom cat Jasper a year and a half ago. I originally had Jasper and his brother Charlie who unfortunately had to be put down due to medical reasons. Jasper has ALWAYS been a house cat due to the location of my house next to a busy main road. He is neutered.

When Jasper was approximately six months he fell from a first floor window. He didn't injure himself but he was extremely scared and stressed. Shortly after the incident he started urinating and defecating outside of his litter box in the same spot in the house (he was previously litter trained). With much patience I managed to break this habit and Jasper started using his litter tray again. Jasper has always had three litter trays to use and these are always available to him. I clean the litter trays regularly and clean up stools as soon as they appear. 

I then had to have Charlie put down when he and Jasper were a year old. As expected, this caused Jasper much stress and grief and he started urinating (not defecting) out of his litter box in the same spot of the house. Again, after much patience we broke the habit and he started using his litter box again. Charlie and Jasper would sleep (and loudly play) together in the living room at night time. After we lost Charlie Jasper would scratch at the living room door and try and push through most nights to (what we think) get to us upstairs. We thought this behaviour was due to loneliness and the stress of being by himself. This would result in Jasper urinating in the night on the floor.

After consulting with our vet she suggested getting another housecat to keep Jasper company. We rescued a female kitten, Knip, (aged 10 weeks) who soon settled into the family. Knip and Jasper get on really well, playing, grooming and sleeping together.

We had hoped that getting Knip would stop Jasper's nightly scratching and urinating but it has not. Jasper is a lot happier and content since getting Knip but he is still displaying these (what we think are) stress behaviours. Now he doesn't urinate in the same place and has urinated in various parts of the house. Before urinating Jasper will scratch at the floor and then squat to wee. If we see him do this we pick him up and place him in one of the litter trays where he then uses the litter tray as he should.

We are desperate for some help or advice. We have consulted with our vet who has confirmed it is not medical but purely behavioural but she didn't really have any other advice apart from Felliway. We purchased the plug in (which is on all day) and the spray which we sprayed in all his favourite places to pee but these have had no effect (been using them now for a few months). We are really concerned about this as, obviously, Jasper is feeling stressed about something. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated.

Adam and Leanne


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