Author Topic: Miyagi V Fox  (Read 1736 times)

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #16 on: August 17, 2013, 23:14:55 PM »
we do have a few near by Rosella, a little one which goes for the bins, one that goes on night patrol over the fields..this one though is very big for a fox ,well its got really long legs :Crazy:
I think Miyagi is doing his protective bit too like groucho , I do like foxes as they are part of our declining wildlife , this one is quite brave though!
I wouldnt like miyagi to have a fight though as he did have a scrap with a ginger cat and came out with a new eyebrow..well a bald patch the silly butter :scared:
I think if one got in the house though Id be a bit scared :shy: :-[
Moses sounds like a war hero heather :Crazy: battling off foxes in the house at his age!

I dont think i could let pacey out though, he chases georgia but think he would run from a fox and become prey. hes alowed out now in the day but thats it and he hasnt discovered theres a front to the house yet bless him so hope he doesnt :shy:

Offline heather sullivan

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #15 on: August 17, 2013, 19:50:56 PM »
my neighbour feeds the foxes, with chicken thighs, whiskas and pork pies. she went on holiday last week. my mum was dozing on the settee at 3pm last saturday when she heard Moses the devil cat  ;D howling, she went in to the room next door and a young fox had come in thru the patio doors and was after Moses food. Moses had gone for the fox and it was cowering under our piano.  it then shot out when mum walked towards it. Moses who is about 14 with a dicky heart was sitting there looking pleased with himself :Crazy:.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2013, 19:52:30 PM by heather sullivan »

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2013, 19:28:40 PM »
Miyagi sounds (and certainly looks like) Grouchie lad.  Likes to be in charge an all that  :)

We have lots of foxes here Jo.  Been the case since we moved here 24 years back and don't recall any unwelcome incidents with the cats thankfully.

I do worry though about effect on their food source with wheelie bins now introduced to our area as they obviously have to eat.  I like foxes ....

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2013, 14:57:41 PM »
Just an Update on happenings
Miyagi was in last night as wasnt as warm so he wasnt bothered going out. I looked out my window about 2am and the fox is bloody sat right outside window grooming itself ..happy as larry :Crazy:
the other night it was carring something in its mouth but couldnt see if it was rubish or something living but whatever it had was about rabbit size
we did go out one night about midnight as deciced to go up the fields to watch for meteorites  :shy: miyagi was out front so he followed us sneakily (well we could see him, he thought he was being stopping if we stopped :evillaugh:
so i said not to worry to willow as he pros goes up the hill anyway as only close by so we let him follow but he stopped and waited at the ottom of the lane near a hole where the foxes go in and out..we went up for aout 10 minutes and miyagi was waiting for us then he rounded us up like sheep and took us home, stopping and starting to make sure the was not going to wander was just like a sheepdog rounding up sheep :Crazy:
he then watched us go in to house, leading us right to doorstep and checking we all went in.....he then resumed his night watch outside :Crazy:

Offline lau200

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #12 on: July 18, 2013, 18:01:12 PM »
Yes he was an outdoor cat at his old home, just lay by their back door. They said he rarely ventured out of the garden (he wasnt let inside though  :'() so i didnt let him out too much due to the haircut and the fact i lived near a main road and its claimed some feline lives. Paper? Thats a new one on me. Its a good sign that hes off to see the care home- more fusses!!! You must excuse my whitterings, baby brain gets me confused, never mind you (all i can say is poor husband coping with me  :evillaugh:)

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #11 on: July 18, 2013, 17:14:43 PM »
I remember those ugg boots when he arrived :evillaugh: cos you had to cut him before he arrived because he had been out playing with twigs :shy:

Im confused though didnt he used to be an outdoor cat before you rescued him?
I thought that was why he was so desperate to get out tbh....he has seemed a lot happier since he has been in garden...i was worried he might try to bolt off as he has had a few escape attempts before and shot by me like lightening and jumped the fence :Crazy:

this time though now he has been told he can go out he was really confused looking poor lad and went exploring everything and has found a spot right in middle of veg patch where he likes to lie...he has been over the care home (they have adopted two strays i see so bet they will love him and it has an immaculate lawn that is never used) dont think he will be back next door in a hurry though loool
he is also not peein in our house at all as he refused point blank to pee in his tray, even if on spot next to back door but would wee on paper ...the kitchen actually is starting to smell clean!
he is getting on better with georgia too and she sits on shed if he goes too near but i saw them sat in garden with only 2 foot between them and neither seemed bothered by the other so he seems to have calmed down in all areas ;D
miyagi is sleeping off last nights fox watch at the mo..he sleeps in daughters bed...a pink fest of peppa pig duvet and toys :innocent: so not macho... :evillaugh:

Offline lau200

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #10 on: July 18, 2013, 15:03:47 PM »
I had forgotten that, yes he was Bobbit originally. I think i forgot it because i wasnt keen on it. At his old home, he just lay down by the back door. And with me, i always worried he would get cold after that haircut  :rofl: i remember him sticking his head out of the kitchen window but never attempted to jump down...I dont think he is much of an explorer   :evillaugh:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2013, 12:11:53 PM »
well by 12 pm Miyagi was going mental :(
Yowling at everyone to get out...mike went to bed in the end so i cracked and let him could see miyagi was activally looking for the fox but it didnt turn up (well not for two hours i was watching) in fact it was very quiet out all together so miyagi just patrolled his patch...
Im not sure on foxes, how they work loners or in groups ...territory wise? but wondered if the other little fox has told it off as thats the one that comes here most nights...down to check bins and then over the fence :shy:
didnt see that one either though.
I think miyagi has probs been chasing them off for a long time as hes out there every night since spring (hates the rain he sulks and gives sad eyes :shy:)
Im just going to keep a watch on him when i can.
as for badgers havent seen one since moved from devon :(
I used to work for a lady...her husband used to have foxes and badgers and feed them kipling pies :Crazy: the gardener used to go off his head about it loool

Lau Pacey is finally registered to me...he was called Bobbit apparently! :shy: He has been going out but just in back garden, care home and door. he apparently went in their house and took a pee in the kitchen next to the back door :Crazy: :rofl:
I had to apologise to woman as shes terrified of cats and it scared her witless looool

Offline amber83

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2013, 09:49:04 AM »
I've always wondered the same as we get a couple of foxes where we live and they aren't shy. Badgers too. We've never had an incident with them and the cats though, and one of our cats will happily walk straight past a fox and they don't seem all that bothered. The other two cats just lay low and wait for them to go away. I'm more worried about the badgers, they have got some bottle! One was in my back garden trying to root through a rubbish bag and I was trying to get it to go away but it just looked at me as if to tell ME where to go! In the end I had to throw some water next to it and it ran off.

Offline lau200

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2013, 08:14:27 AM »
Catman  :rofl: ah i see Miyagi is one of those cats, i had one once and she went literally crazy if she couldnt come and go as she pleased! It was just easier for everyone to let her out  :Crazy: think i would be tempted to put food out for old foxy somewhere out of Miyagi's territory  :shify: i can imagine Miyagi being a right ladies man, such a good looking cat  :Luv2:

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2013, 00:13:30 AM »
thanks all.
Lau Miyagi might stop in for a day or two but he would go bonkers if he cant go out. Its a shame as he only goes as far as street opposite (lots of his cat mates live there), but hes obviously on lockdown at the minute guarding our home. Oh had a chat with him earlier (yes he is a catman now :Crazy: :evillaugh:) telling him to be carefull ....
Im going to see if he will go out earlier then make sure hes in at bedtime, he usually is but last night i was up at 2am tidying :-: If the fox is just coming round at that time it should be ok....miyagi does have occasional times where he butter off totally but generally its only every 3 months or so and is usually over the back at the carehome x

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2013, 21:06:34 PM »
Our local foxes don't seem to bother about the cats at all - we have a den underneath our neighbour's shed. We had 5 cubs last year but haven't seen any this year  :(

I have seen Alfie (who is a wuss) chase off an adult fox, and my beautiful Chivers (has now gone to the bridge) did so on occasion too.

Offline lau200

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2013, 19:43:18 PM »
Is there no way to keep miyagi in? Id be worried for of them if a fight started between them. I do like foxes, our last one was hit by a car and had none since (been 5 years) sadly. We are losing our british wildlife round mine  :'(

Offline thekittensmittens

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2013, 19:30:26 PM »
its bin night tonight as well so will be lots of bags out( cos we arent allowed wheelie bins yet :innocent:), hope it doesnt go for miyagi...he seems to be doing a good job chasing it off but worried as it was so close :Crazy:
It sat there for a good minute watching me....normally they are very alert as i watch them out window but their instincts are so sharp..they normally spot you straght away!!

got a hedgehog as well..was so happy till i found out its eatin my strawberrys one by one :innocent: little butter!

Im going to watch tonight and see if it comes back anyhow :Crazy:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2013, 19:10:15 PM »

If the fox is starving then it may go for a cat but cats appaerently go for foxes eyes and that makes foxes very wary of cats cos if they lose their sight they will die.

Offline thekittensmittens

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Miyagi V Fox
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2013, 16:32:15 PM »
ok :Crazy:
Last night I couldnt sleep so decided to tidy and cats wanted to go out. Miyagi went off to front of house as per usual. when I had finished mopping etc I went to call miyagi in and there was a fox sat outside house next door but one...well i like foxes so wasnt bothered at first but then saw miyagi was lookin defensive with georgia, both starin at fox, the fox then ran off but thought it a bit dangerous for the cats, so went to get miyagi in but he scarpered. i came back in for a second thinking if i should get mike (miyagi only lets mike pick him up :innocent:), look back out and fox is back and miyagi is shouting at it then charged :Crazy:
fox ran off up road again but started shouting in a weird child like way (sounds bit odder than when cats cry like babys), then miyagi and georgia resume their sentinal type at each end of open drive :Crazy:
I have heard the fox for a few nights now but didnt know what was makin the i presume its happening each night.
bit worried really...will miyagi attack fox or vice versa :-:
it was a big one...we do have a small one that comes round but think it is either a baby or a female but this one was all long legs and more dog size..
should i be worried or leave miyagi out to play the hero :scared:
I do like foxes so allways been happy to see them but dont want miyagi gettin hurt...


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