Author Topic: Fleas, fleas everywhere! What on earth to do?  (Read 11112 times)

Offline Hightime

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Re: Fleas, fleas everywhere! What on earth to do?
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2013, 17:02:37 PM »
Thank you for the tip about not letting them groom each other and about the saliva thing.  And I'm a guy, lol.

Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Fleas, fleas everywhere! What on earth to do?
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2013, 16:56:37 PM »
When you go to pick up your Frontline from the vets ask them if they have anything to treat your home as well. You may get lucky as over here I think our veterinarians do supply that also, if not they may be able to point you in the right direction to get some. Good luck, just keep an eye on your babies when you use the spot on for the 1st time as sometimes they can have a reaction but this is very rare......They may have excess salivation due the carrier of the flea treatment but this is normal unless it's very excessive, and don't let them groom one another after until it's dried.... :hug: :hug: :hug: Go Flea bashing Girl..........

Offline Hightime

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Re: Fleas, fleas everywhere! What on earth to do?
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2013, 16:44:56 PM »
Tigerlily, thanks for that.  That spray seems especially good because it's odourless.  I'll put that on my shopping list.

Gill, thanks for that input - I had no idea that the shampoo wouldn't be enough and that I have to take it to the next level with some real medicine.

DottyBB, many thanks for naming some of the manufacturers whose medicince is of a standard which will get the job done.

Souffle, I'll keep the thought of calling out pest control in mind but let's hope I can get it done before that stage.

Once again folks, thank you all for your ridiculously speedy replies!  And due to your input I phoned the local vet just now and thank god, they have Frontline Spot On!  Brilliant.

So I'll have Frontline Spot On, already have some  anti-flea shampoo, the only thing I'm missing now, I think, is something to treat the furnishing with, and that is something quite major really, what's the point of giving them a shower and applying the spot on without anything for the house itself.  Hmm.  The hunt for supplies continues.  I'll be popping over to the vets in the next hour, maybe they'll have something.

Please do mention if there's anything else I need to put on my flea destruction shopping list.

Thank you all for your helpful responses!

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Re: Fleas, fleas everywhere! What on earth to do?
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2013, 15:48:39 PM »
Remember fleas breed in your furnishing and beddings etc so getting rid of them off the cats is not enough as they will still be present as larvae ready to hatch out soon in your house. If it is really bad I would consider getting a pest control agent out to deal with the problem and then ensure the cats are treated regularly to keep the problem at bay. Good luck.
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Offline DottyyBB

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Re: Fleas, fleas everywhere! What on earth to do?
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2013, 15:33:05 PM »
Hi Hightime, only ever use veterinary standard Flea treatments as the ones from pets shops are useless. Over here in the UK you can buy veterinary standard spot on flea treatments over the counter ie. Frontline, Advantage and Fiproline from Pets at Home. It's not cheap but they do the job. Can you not get a relative to send you some over? Other than that they must have Veterinary surgeries in Saudi so that would be my first port of call. I hope you get sorted soon as it must be a nightmare........ :shocked: :shocked:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Fleas, fleas everywhere! What on earth to do?
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2013, 14:54:16 PM »
Washing them isnt gonna help only a vet prescribed flea medication will solve the problem a;long with a good flea spray as Helen has advised.

Offline Tigerlily (Allison)

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Re: Fleas, fleas everywhere! What on earth to do?
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2013, 13:59:20 PM »
On the recommendation of a few people here I've recently invested in some Indorex household spray. One treatment is supposed to last for a year. I also treat my two kitties with Advantage spot on every four weeks. I have to keep on top of the situation as one of my two has a flea allergy so just one bite will set her off scratching and overgrooming.

I get both products from - very reasonable prices. The do free delivery in the UK but I'm sure you'd have to pay for delivery to Saudi.

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Offline Hightime

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Fleas, fleas everywhere! What on earth to do?
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2013, 12:54:39 PM »
Hey folks,

So I have four cats, two elder ones about 5 years old and two kittens about 4 months old. About 3 weeks ago we noticed they had what I'm assuming are fleas so we washed them with the appropriate anti flee shampoo, loads more popped out on their fur after the wash, dead ones and others trying to get away and so we cleaned that up too.  Then I got busy the past week and didn't have time to check ... and now ... they're everywhere, bedsheets, sofas, ironing board, bathroom floor!  It's a nightmare and I have no idea how to go about this process.

Plus, I work as an expat in Saudi and I'm guessing some of the flea treatment products may not be as readily available here as they are back home in the UK.

Anyway, I'd be grateful for advice on the steps I have to take, and in which order, and a list of products that I should have for before and after, both for the cats and the surfaces around the house itself.  Once I know what I need I can see if those products are available here and if not I'll have to get them FEDex'd over.


And many thanks as always.


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