Lovely to meet you all! Below is my bman (full name Brookes, but he only gets called that when he's in trouble), as you can see he is a very silly boy. Approx. 5 years old bman adopted us at the RSPCA centre for cat-needy humans. He spotted us and immediately demanded that we take him home at once. We obeyed. He is a very chatty and extremely cuddly young man. He generally follows us around and loves to scream in our faces the moment that we withdraw our full attention. When he is not craving human attention he like to sleep in interesting positions.
As to his backstory, were not too sure what happened to him. He was found wandering the streets with an injured leg but otherwise seemed well cared for. The RSPCA's best guess was that he was a pet who had gotten lost. Since he adopted us we have tried him outside... he gets very scared and upset and cannot get back in the house quick enough. I suppose that would support their theory. The RSPCA guessed he was about three years old at the time but after we brought him home he doubled in size

Anyway, it's lovely to connect with you wonderful cat people and your gorgeous kitties

although bman is telling me to tell you that he hates all your cats. Very rude boy.
Kim&bman xx