Thanks guys, i guess when you're looking for that special furry and you do find one that sounds perfect excitement does take over

But i have to respect they all have to make their own decisions of how they rehome.
I did not think about the references! Have sent them a message that they are available should they wish to view them.
I'm also about to do a mass email to the rescues in this country as you never know. At least they can keep my on file should anything arise.
Gill, i can totally understand where you are coming from & in many aspects i'm in agreement. I guess special needs cats are a bit different. I've come across so many rescues in this country (mine sadly being one) & vets who view cerebellar, FIV, incontinence (within reason) etc etc as an immediate death sentence. Cats with issues to them are not 'perfect cats' which is all they seem to think people seek. They don't seem to comprehend that there are individuals who believe every cat deserves a chance and are wiling to care for & provide for the most difficult cat. This is why there is so much needless euthanasia...narrow mindedness

The number of cats i have seen PTS because they are seen as 'damaged' and had no power to help them

(Sooki only survived due to, in not so many words..not being returned from foster...say no more!)
I know in Ireland there are so many cats with FIE and the rescue lady said that parvo is rife, hence why so many special needs kittens out there...but i'm here!
Anyway...thank you all for your kind words