We a looking for a new home for a tortie and white young mum and her 8ish week old white and black female kitten
They were found in a bag in the park
and were brought to the nearest vets (where i work) we are looking after them until a home can be found.
Female DSH
Tortie and white
Age: 1-1.5 years
Been treated for fleas and wormed
Comes with 4 weeks free insurance - this would need to be continued
Female DSH
White with Black
Age: 8 ish weeks
Will need to be microchipped and spayed, although if being homed locally a voucher should be available for her to be spayed when old enough
Been treated for fleas and wormed
Comes with 4 weeks free insurance - this would need to be continued
Idealy we would like them to go together, unsure how they would be with other cats and dogs, Belle would probably be fine, they came to use with gunky eyes, and are being treated for this
Although they are safe where they are, they need to be re homed fairly quickly as can't stay at the vets long term
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/c0.0.403.403/p403x403/246463_10151202573657388_1090232703_n.jpgabove should be a photo
many thanks, any questions please ask
Rachel, Brenda and Belle