Author Topic: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.  (Read 23544 times)

Offline Tigerlily (Allison)

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #139 on: February 05, 2013, 08:31:37 AM »
What wonderful news  :) :) :)

Thanks for posting Gill.

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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #138 on: February 04, 2013, 12:42:15 PM »
I have received this lovely pm today from Tasia and she has given me permission to post it.

Its great to hear that young Nemo is fit and doing so well  ;D

« Sent to: Gill (sneakiefeline) on: Yesterday at 15:25:30 »
« You have forwarded or responded to this message. » ReplyQuoteDeleteHi Gill,

I hope you can still remember me, I had a kitten named Nemo who was very ill last year and you and some of the other guys on here gave me so much support and help whilst Nemo was unwell.

I havent been on here for ages. So busy these last few months, but for a while now Ive been meaning to come back and let you know how things are going with little tiny Nemo.

Well he isnt so little or tiny anymore..He is growing very well and thankfully since being on here last, Ive had no problems atall with him. We never found out what the problem was with Nemo but whatever it was he was a little survivor and managed to beat it.

He has turned into the most loving boy ever although saying that he was always loving even when he was ill.
He is a very gentle boy  and he follows me around everywhere. Ive had him neutered and chipped but havent let him go outside yet, shall wait until the weather is much better than slowly start him off with the garden. Ofcourse I will be supervising him the first few days, he is much to precious for us to loose.

He eats very well and ive recently started him off eating raw which he and Tipsy both love. He is still very slim I dont know if maybe that has something to do with the illness at the beginning of his life. Maybe he is just a cat that wont ever put weight on but he has a big appetite that is for sure.

Him and Tipsy get on absolutely great. He isnt far behind now in size with Tipsy so he can deffinately hold his own when they start playing a wee bit rough.

Ive never forgotten you all on this forum and all the love and support you all gave me during that awful time that Nemo was unwell..I thankyou all from the bottom of my heart and wish you and all your kitties well.

With love from Me and Nemo xxx
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 12:43:13 PM by Gill (sneakiefeline), Reason: typo!! »

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #137 on: July 02, 2012, 07:03:22 AM »

Sending lots of positive vibes and a chin tickle for young Nemo this morning.    :hug:

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #136 on: July 01, 2012, 21:00:08 PM »
Sending lots of good vibes for Nemo, sounds good that he is better today  :hug: :hug:

Offline Tasia

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #135 on: July 01, 2012, 13:30:38 PM »
He may have acid stomach again, Tasia. I hope it calms down soon.

Did you try him on grain free food yet? It may be worth a try, sorry to keep banging on about it, but if he does have food intolerance he won't get better until you work out what's upsetting him, and the only sure way to know is to try it for a couple of weeks.  :hug:
Hi Sheila, No I didnt change his food from id yet as Nemo was getting on so brilliantly with everything until this cystitus came along on Friday.
I know what you mean about changing the food but I think it may have been the antibiotics that have caused his stomach upset, unless its just a coincidence that he suddenly started retching after having these injections and it is food intolerance he has.

Ill see how he goes over the next couple of days and what the vet says tomorrow. Today Nemo is going to the wee wee better and has only retched once this morning but nothing came up. If the retching etc., continues  I will deffinately change the food.

Thankyou again Sheila, ill keep you all updated. xx

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #134 on: July 01, 2012, 00:30:17 AM »
He may have acid stomach again, Tasia. I hope it calms down soon.

Did you try him on grain free food yet? It may be worth a try, sorry to keep banging on about it, but if he does have food intolerance he won't get better until you work out what's upsetting him, and the only sure way to know is to try it for a couple of weeks.  :hug:

Offline Tasia

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #133 on: June 30, 2012, 21:16:55 PM »
Hi Girls, Just to give you a bit of an update today...Nemo seems to be doing the wee wee ok but not so many he seems to be well and is eating ok although he has retched a few times today after eating so now Ive cut his food down to small portions again.
Im hoping its just the antibiotics that is making him retch when he does bring something up its all watery and not very much but just seeing him doing this all again is awful.

Im sure he will be ok until Monday but im on wee watch now and not poo watch lol..ive been so busy today as have lots of things on at the moment so I had to leave him with my hubby who loves him dearly but doesnt watch him like I do. The same again tomorrow but im hoping Nemo will be much better after a good night sleep.

Anyway girls. Ill keep you all updated..Tasia xx

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #132 on: June 29, 2012, 23:26:17 PM »
So sorry that Nemo has anotyher problem  :hug: :hug:

If he is using the tray and eating then he should be OK till monday but if not I would contact the emergency vet again tomorrow.

This is such a pain as I am sure you thought his problems were on the way out  :hug: :hug:

Offline Tasia

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #131 on: June 29, 2012, 20:58:38 PM »
Well done for recognising a serious problem and etting him treatment immediately. Did the emergency vet tell you to take him to your usual vet afterwards? You need to know what is causing his cystitis, as various causes have different treatment.

My Tufty had crystals blocking his urethra, he needed special food with a chemical incorporated in it to dissolve the crystals and cure the condition. Other cats may have stones blocking the urethra and different means are needed, possibly surgery. Sometimes its just a stress related problem, but whatever it is you need to be told.
Hi Sheila and thanks for replying. Do you know what its very weird as I was looking up on google only last night about cats with urine problems as I was worrying about Tipsy!! It must have been fate as I probably would have never taken much notice of Nemo going to and throw to his litter box.
The vet told me that I have to leave it for the weekend and keep an eye on Nemo and I have an appointment again on Monday at my usual vet. I bet he wont believe his eyes when he sees me again...The emergency vet said that Nemo probably has a very low immune he said that the (I cant remember the name) inside his tummy isnt swollen or blocked and said he is too young for certain infections as has not been neutered..Tonight Nemo seems to be ok but has just been sick again..very watery. do you think this is due to all the medicine..Thankyou for reply again xx

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #130 on: June 29, 2012, 20:30:38 PM »
Well done for recognising a serious problem and etting him treatment immediately. Did the emergency vet tell you to take him to your usual vet afterwards? You need to know what is causing his cystitis, as various causes have different treatment.

My Tufty had crystals blocking his urethra, he needed special food with a chemical incorporated in it to dissolve the crystals and cure the condition. Other cats may have stones blocking the urethra and different means are needed, possibly surgery. Sometimes its just a stress related problem, but whatever it is you need to be told.

Offline Tasia

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #129 on: June 29, 2012, 19:57:30 PM »
Hi girls,
Hope alls well...Have some news again about Nemo. Unfortunately had to take him to emergency vet today as he was not peeing. They have told me he has cystitus...Vet said its probably due to Nemo having a very low immune...also he said many young cats get this.
He gave him an injection of antibiotics and another injection of inflamatorys.

I got home and Nemo was sick..very watery probably like bile...than later on he started the old lip licking again and retching..(it was a nightmare for me to see him again like that). He wasnt sick though he fell to sleep...Now he has just woke up and was sick again it was like water. Do you guys think its because of the medicine he was given, seems to happen after he eats a wee bit of his id.

Im so sorry for not putting up pics yet I cant do it as my daughter does it for me..She will put some up for you to see tonight.

The good news about Nemo is that the emergency vet said he is still putting weight on...god love him. not one thing its another..

Thankyou girls for any replies about cystitus..never thought male cats got this..I know us women do...xx

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #128 on: June 23, 2012, 16:33:32 PM »
Thank you very much Tasia  :hug:

Offline Tasia

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #127 on: June 23, 2012, 15:03:34 PM »
Thankyou Gill and Sheryl,

Ill deffinately put some pics up over the weekend for you to see.
and GIll you really have been a great source of help and comfort to me. Thankyou again. xxx

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #126 on: June 22, 2012, 19:51:21 PM »
Fantasitc news  ;D  so pleased for you and little Nemo  :Luv:  :Luv:  :Luv:

Cant wait to see more photos of both your gorgeous fur babies xxx
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Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #125 on: June 22, 2012, 19:43:50 PM »
I am so pleased that we could help and its what Purrs is all about  ;D

Love to see another picture of Nemo and just over the moon that he is doing so well  ;D ;D ;D

Offline Tasia

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #124 on: June 22, 2012, 19:05:04 PM »
Aww Thankyou Girls....Ill deffinately put another pic up for you all to see..xx

Offline Sue P (Paddysmum)

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #123 on: June 22, 2012, 18:49:56 PM »

That's such good news Tasia  :wow: ;D :hug:

Offline sheilarose

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #122 on: June 22, 2012, 18:42:15 PM »
Tasia, I'm delighted for you and Nemo. It would be great to see another photo of him now he's filling out?  :Luv2:

Offline Tasia

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #121 on: June 22, 2012, 18:00:14 PM »
Hi Girls, Update about Nemo....

Took him yesterday to the vet and he has doubled his weight, vet very pleased and has now signed him off for the time being....Im so so happy and relieved.

Vet said poo came back normal no parasites or anything. They are still completely baffled about the liplicking and retching but have told me that they feel Nemo has a sensitive stomach and hopefully the antibiotics has solved the problem. He said it may return, and if so, they will look into giving him different antibiotics and different food but at the moment all seems good. Vet doesnt believe that Nemo has asthma either as said he is much to young and lungs are clear.

I cant begin to tell you how relieved I am, I was truly worried about him he was such a poorly baby, Im totally overjoyed my little one is well and I dont have to go back to the vet for a whole Two months....yipeee... (then he will be neutered and microchipped)

Have to keep him on hills id wet food but also have given him hills id dry (which i dont really like but oh well for a wee change for him) I have to space his food out more and give him bigger amounts now he is growing well.

I just want to say thankyou all so much for your support and help and advise to me these last few weeks. You really have been a rock to me, and I cant thankyou all enough.

Ill still be coming on here from time to time to let you know how little Nemo is getting on.

 :thanks: again love Tasia and Nemo xx

Offline Tasia

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #120 on: June 17, 2012, 15:19:54 PM »
Hi Sheila,

That was very interesting read, Im going to have to stop removing Tipsy in future than and just pick up little Nemo..I really dont want Nemo thinking im a pushover lol..although I probably am all this top cat business is new to me..sometimes if Tipsy and Nemo are sitting by each other even if i put my hand on Nemo, Tipsy has bit if he is telling me to leave Nemo alone..I think ive got alot to learn still. Tipsy from a very young age was left to fend for himself outside he was probably younger than Nemo is now when we used to see him out and about, a wee tiny thing, so he is a bit of a hard nut I would say, he still loves to go out on his mousing trips even now and doesnt like stray cats coming into our garden.

Thankyou so much for your advice Sheila, ill try to do things different from now on..

Tasia xx

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #119 on: June 16, 2012, 22:36:52 PM »
Thankyou both for your replies, very interesting to read and I feel much better about the way Tips and Nemo fight...
Sometimes if Tipsy seems like he is getting too much for little Nemo as Tips very big heavy cat, I intervene and Tipsy will actually scratch or bite me,, but not hard I dont bleed or anything as I know if he really meant business he could really hurt me.. I wonder why he does this, maybe its his way of saying dont interfere between me and Nemo lol....Thankyou all for your storys about your darling kitties.

Tasia xx

Tipsy needed Nemo to actually see that HE is in charge, not you. This is undesirable for you as Nemo now assumes that Tipsy is Top Cat, not you. Nemo has seen you being put in your place so assumes you are second in command.
In natural supremacy, you would have thwarted Tipsy's rebuff but as your a total softeeeee  :Luv2: Tipsy is now regarded as The Boss.

You can leave it this way, and hope that when Nemo grows up to be a 7Kg bruiser he doesn't still assume you to be a pushover. It's these formative weeks that mould a cat for life so you need everyone in the household to know who is TopCat here, and that it's NOT Tipsy!

My advice would be to remove Nemo if things get violent, but don't pick up and remove Tipsy as he would see this as a direct threat. If it's just educational swatting, let it happen as this is how Tipsy teaches manners to Nemo, so your intervention is not required or wanted  :shy:

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #118 on: June 16, 2012, 20:40:58 PM »
Thankyou both for your replies, very interesting to read and I feel much better about the way Tips and Nemo fight...
Sometimes if Tipsy seems like he is getting too much for little Nemo as Tips very big heavy cat, I intervene and Tipsy will actually scratch or bite me,, but not hard I dont bleed or anything as I know if he really meant business he could really hurt me.. I wonder why he does this, maybe its his way of saying dont interfere between me and Nemo lol....Thankyou all for your storys about your darling kitties.

Tasia xx

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #117 on: June 16, 2012, 12:57:46 PM »
Lupin is always 'attacking' Misa and Misa is over 7 kgs and huge softy but even he has got angry with Lupin and wopped him and some times they are rolling round the floor seemingly very aggressive and shouting.

Lupin like to hold down a head and bite off whiskers! He also likes to fly at another cat and try and pin them down with his front legs aand then try and groom them.

Ducha my lil old man is too light and Lupin uses him as a toy but even Ducha gives a wop now.

Just when I think Lupin is acting well and walks past Misa, then Misa sticks out a paw.........sigh

Sasa however just looks at Lupin and he is scared to walk past her!

I agree so hard to know if its play fighting or for real. I have convinced myself that its play fighting but sometimes seperate Lupin and Misa, usually cos Misa is scared.

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #116 on: June 16, 2012, 11:22:09 AM »
My two are over a year now and are still pretty wild. I go from one day being worried Buffy is bullying Xander then the next thinking Xander is a bully to Buffy. They are so rough with each other, they rabbit kick each others heads. Buffy rugby tackles Xander as he's quite a bit bigger than her. I call it kitten wrestling. It looks really horrible sometimes but they never seem to have their claws out and keep going back for more.   

Offline Tasia

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #115 on: June 16, 2012, 10:55:14 AM »
Glad to hear things are improving

Kittens in general are thugs who have no manners, we had 7 last year 1 bengal and 6 tamed down feral kittens who are all still with us and they have learnt the boundaries now and play just fine its just they have no manners and my adults have put them in their place this year as babies they got away with murder and having a puppy the same age as them has been very entertaining and the kittens all adore the puppy while my other 2 Border collies all have their own cats both domestic, pedigree and feral
Wow you have your hands full there lol..Sometimes I do get a bit frightened when Tipsy does tell Nemo off as Tipsy kind of holds him down and then Nemo will scream , but I guess he needs to learn his boundarys.

Thanks for reply Liz xx

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #114 on: June 16, 2012, 10:50:56 AM »
Hi Sheila Thankyou for reply.

Yes its true what you say because sometimes Tipsy will have enough and Nemo will scream out, it is funny watching them playing together but Tipsy never has his claws out. Nemo always bites tipsy ears all the time..

I think we have been blessed with a little bundle of gentleness when it comes to his touch with us..Nemo never bites or scraches us and if he does nibble our fingers its very very gentle and I do blow gently on his face if he does this and say no..He seems to be a very gentle little kitten towards us humans that is why it is just so very strange seeing him play so aggresively towards Nemo.

Thankyou Sheila, atleast I know its all part of his playing and I guess Tipsy will give him the odd nip to tell him off and put him straight.

 :thanks: xx

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #113 on: June 16, 2012, 10:43:12 AM »
Glad to hear things are improving

Kittens in general are thugs who have no manners, we had 7 last year 1 bengal and 6 tamed down feral kittens who are all still with us and they have learnt the boundaries now and play just fine its just they have no manners and my adults have put them in their place this year as babies they got away with murder and having a puppy the same age as them has been very entertaining and the kittens all adore the puppy while my other 2 Border collies all have their own cats both domestic, pedigree and feral
Liz and the Clan Cats and Dogs

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #112 on: June 16, 2012, 10:09:32 AM »
I'm pleased Nemo is at full throttle where play is concerned  ;D

Yes, kittens know no fear and will push everyone to their absolute limits - this is why it is desirable to bring two kittens home from the rescue together so they can teach each other the meaning of "enough is enough".

Tipsy has been landed with the job of teaching Nemo where the line is drawn, and he'll need to be firm about it or Nemo will always take advantage.

It's important you play your part in educating Nemo too, so he doesn't learn that rough play with humans is acceptable. If your family play teeth and claw games with him, make sure its a toy he's clawing, biting and bunny kicking, not hands or feet. Hands and feet must be associated with gentle strokes, cuddles and tickles, not biting games, otherwise he may grow up to be a biting bully. No-one likes a biting bully.  >:(

Offline Tasia

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #111 on: June 16, 2012, 09:40:17 AM »
Hi Gill,

Yes looking into it a bit more I think you are right. Nemo doesnt have runny eyes or wheezing. Probably the retching is just simular thing to what they do when they have an asthma attack.

Oh well, back to the drawing board...Nemo is very well and so far I havent had a lip licking, retching incident (bite my tongue). Although poo still soft.

May I ask you something, Nemo and Tipsy play alot, but we notice little Nemo jumps very hard on tipsys head when they are playing and he seems to get really aggressive towards Tipsy when they are playing (although tipsy can get rough too). I was just wondering if this is normal play and not aggressive play.. (Sorry if that seems a silly question, as never had a kitten before so dont really know how kittens play with other cats).

Thanyou for any reply.

Tasia xx

Offline Gill (sneakiefeline)

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #110 on: June 15, 2012, 23:57:20 PM »
I noticed Ducha lip licking last night and also shakes his head..........he is nearly 19yrs old though and I think maybe his food does slip down too well although its a pate and mixed with water.

I think your vet would have picked up very quickly if Nemo had asthma cos he would have breathing problems and maybe runny eyes and nose..........I maybe wrong.

Offline Tasia

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #109 on: June 15, 2012, 12:59:43 PM »
Gill thankyou for your reply.

I was googling again all night, and sometimes I have noticed Asthma in cats comes up whe I put in cats gagging..Well anyway There was one sight I went on and all the symptoms of the retching came up for Asthma..

I than went on You tube and looked up kittens having an asthma attack and believe it or not there is a video of a ragdoll kitten doing exactly the same thing as Nemo even the head shaking bit before he starts gagging and they said this is an asthma attack.

Im not 100percent sure this is what Nemo has but looking at everything this kitten did its exactly what Nemo does..But if it is Asthma, why doesnt he gagg all the time with it, usually with Nemo its just the lip licking and gulping..Ive got intouch with a couple of people who have cats with asthma to ask them if there cats lip lick alot before an attack and shake there head just like they have something in the ear...What did come up was that this attack goes on for several mins, but then after the cat is fine..its very strange.

Maybe im clutching at straws, but im going to look into it a bit further, then maybe mention it to the vet. Ill film the ragdoll on you tube on my mobile to show the vet if Nemo doesnt do it again before my next appt..

Tasia xx

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #108 on: June 14, 2012, 23:32:09 PM »
Everything sounds like its going well and I wouldnt change his food cos you have to allow time for everything to settle and he has put on loads of weight.

I would run with what your vet says and if you can video Nemo lip licking that would be good cos your vet may see it and say ................oh he is just doing thid because xxxxxx and he is fine.

You maybe right about the vet pushing and pulling his tummy.

Keep it up Nemo I think you are doing well  :hug: :hug:

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #107 on: June 14, 2012, 21:03:18 PM »
Hi Girls,
Update for you about Nemo.....Went to the vet this evening and Nemo has put on 200 grams of very pleased and so am I..Vet said Nemo looks really well and he is pleased that he is eating well and has lots of energy too. The poo sample has not yet come back so they hope to ring me next week with news. Vet said he really cant understand why Nemo is retching still he said maybe its a hair ball but I told him Nemo doesnt really groom himself alot and when he does he sometimes gets it wrong..wipes his face with a paw than licks it..bless him..he doing alot better now though than when we first got him..So vet told me that maybe there is something else going on but he personally doesnt believe there is because of weight gain, energy levels etc., he was pushing all around Nemos tummy and he said everything feels absolutely normal and there is no discomfort there for Nemo..Vet said that if poo comes back normal and Nemo still not well they can offer me blood test but he feels it probably wont come to that. He did say if he does it again to try to film it for him to see.

I mentioned to him that maybe its food intolerance as the ID has alot of grains in it...Anyway he than started going on and on saying ID is the perfect food for cats with bad tummys..etc., etc.,..I than said I was thinking of changing the food and he told me he didnt think it was a good idea at the moment as Nemo is just beginning to show improvement with his poo and the retching is not happening so often...and he feels its very unlikely that Nemo has a food intolerance...oh well I dont know what to do now.

Anyway I came away from the vet feeling so happy for my little boy. I have another vet appt next Thursday booked..

We got home I went upstairs than all of a sudden my daughter called out to me..There was Nemo again lip licking and swallowing like he wanted to be sick. he jumped up on my bed and I spoke to him and stroked him and he fell asleep.
I went down stairs and he followed me down and miaowed loudly and started liplicking again..oh god my poor little one. After a few minutes he stopped and fell back to sleep..He woke up and has ate and he is fine now.
I was so upset to see him like that Ive got to try to video it for the vet to see the vet asked me if Nemo is sick and I told him no, he just trys to be sick but nothing comes up.

Nemo is fine now Girls...I was wondering whether it was because of the vet pushing his poor tummy that made him nauseas again, this has happened before after we took him to the vet and the vet had pressed hard on his tum.

I hope Nemo is going to be ok.but the weight gain does sound good doesnt it..I really dont know what to do about the food again, ive chickened out of changing his id as im scared im going to make him ill..

Just thought Id let you know the latest about little Nemo.. xx

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #106 on: June 13, 2012, 13:32:33 PM »
i have a question about applaws.............something in the back of my mind thinks its not a complete cat food??

i maybe mixing it up with another.

Good point, Gill and you're right, it does need to be fed with another food as it doesn't have the added vitamins etc.

I was concentrating on the fact is it furbiliscious and grain free, therefore would at least get him eating larger amounts.

Applaws DRY kitten food is a complete food, however so the two could be fed side by side and get that kitten eating properly.

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #105 on: June 13, 2012, 13:25:20 PM »
i have a question about applaws.............something in the back of my mind thinks its not a complete cat food??

i maybe mixing it up with another.

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #104 on: June 13, 2012, 13:18:33 PM »
Sheila do you know what, Im going to take your advice and change him to applaws. Nemo has been on this ID for weeks and weeks

I didnt think to read the ingredients of the ID.  I actually do know grains are not good for cats. Ive read it often.

Thankyou so much Im going to buy some and see how he gets on with it, if he starts having blood in the poo again and his retching gets worse ill change him back...I totally agree with you about vets and Hills they do have walls plastered in it and they always want you to buy all hills food too..

Ive read there are some nasty things in hills cat foods, but you always think the vet knows best and they dont always do they.

Ive got to try this and see what happens.

Thankyou so much (again) for all your help and support for my little darling boy Nemo

Tasia xx

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #103 on: June 13, 2012, 12:32:51 PM »
I can see what your vet is thinking, Tasia, but I just checked the ingredients and wheat is high on the list of ingredients (as is liver which I'm a bit concerned about).

Also, ID is supposed to be for adult cats over 2kg, there are no feeding recommendations for kittens in the small print. As a result I'm a little concerned about your vet's recommendation for such a small kitten.

Also, the feeding recommendations say to gradually mix the new food in with the old food over seven days (to accustom his tummy to the new stuff). I can't help feeling Nemo has been switched about so much in his young life his tummy doesn't know what to accept.

I'd get some Applaws and try him on it anyway if his tummy continues to growl and he's still being sick. The vet may be prescribing ID as it's a Hills rep who supplies his practise (they get commission), you can usually tell which supplier has the monopoly on a vet by the huge display of foods and posters all over the walls.

As Nemo's so small the most important thing just now is to get him eating and gaining weight, and if he does have the same grain intolerance and Sheri's and my cat suffer from, giving him grain based foods are only making the problem worse.

It's up to you, if you trust this vet then stick with the ID alone for a whole week and let his tum get used to it. If not, (and I'm in this camp) switch to grain-free asap.  :hug:

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #102 on: June 13, 2012, 11:43:38 AM »
Hi Sheila,

Your kittie sounds so much like nemo, maybe that is exactly what he has too a food intolerance...Nemo is on prescription id from the vets at the moment and this is supposed to be extremely gentle on the tummy, if so, why is Nemo occasionally still lip licking and retching., vet told me not to feed him anything else for the time being, but ill have a word with him when I see him on Thursday and mention these foods to see what he says.

Thankyou so much for your help and advice xx

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #101 on: June 13, 2012, 10:45:20 AM »
My Sam has bouts of acid stomach, he wakes up in the middle of the night smacking his lips, I know I have to get him off the bed quick before he pukes. If there's nothing in his stomach he pukes frothy clear liquid, twice, then settles down again. His tum grumbles all night when he's suffering  :(

The cause? He has a food intolerance, he cannot eat grain/cereal in his food, and his acid stomach is part of this. So if he pinches Tufty's Hills CD (which he needs for his UTI) Sam gets grumpy and vommy. We had a neighbour who despite being told not to was feeding my cats on Go-Cat  >:( which made Sam sick almost every night. Only when she moved out did Sam get back to his normal happy non-sicky self.

I suggest Nemo might have a similar intolerance, so check the food you're serving up for him for grain or cereal (any wheat, oats, other cereal crops) and try something with a higher protein level.

Now this will be tricky with kitten food but I've found a brand works well for Sam, and you might be able to get Nemo to keep this down and reduce his acid stomach. James Wellbeloved Turkey and Rice dry food is available in kitten variety from Pets at Home and Zooplus, but I also spotted this wet food you might want to try first...

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Re: Update..Nemo Ill kitten.
« Reply #100 on: June 13, 2012, 10:28:32 AM »
Hi Girls Thankyou for replying.

Dawn you are right lip licking is a sign of feeling sick in a cat. The nurse told me yesterday that maybe he is waking up with acid in his throat that is coming from the tummy...Ive tried to explain to the vet everytime I go what he is doing but the vet cant understand it. Ive tried googling up his symptoms and some peoples cats have the lip licking, some peoples cats gagg, ive never come across anyone with these exact symptoms nemo has. If you saw him now he is a bundle of energy he runs plays makes lots of chirping sounds, eats well and is very vocal if you ignore him he miaows constantly as he always wants attention and lots of cuddles. He really is a loving little kitten full of mischief.

Gill I actually said yesterday we have to film what he does on my mobile and show it to the vet. trouble is he is always that bad with the yowling that has only happened twice before and he hasnt done yowling for ages its just the lip liicking and the retching he does so I was taken aback yesterday as it was quite awful to see even my husband was anxious looking at him like that, but he tells me not to worry as after all that Nemo is absolutely fine...Im wondering is it some kind of acid that he gets after eating and he wakes up feeling very sick with bile or something...Im seeing the vet on Thursday again so everytime my poor little boy wakes up ill have my mobile on ready to film him although in my heart I dont want to see him have to go through all that again.

On a good note his poo is getting better, did another nice one today not there yet but alot better and firm (sorry if too much info)..Gill Ill do as you say about the feeding too..many thanks for advice.

Thankyou girls again...ill be intouch soon xx


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