Glad everything is going well with the site!! Here is a link of another Cat Rescue on FB I joined. I live no where near Shropshire but still......!/ShropshirecatrescueThere are loads of ideas for you. They are currently offering for a £5 donation to be entered into a draw for a Farrari Driving Experience Day - so things like that are good for fund raising.
You can use the large space near your profile pic to add a super large pic of your cat of the week and any little furr babies you wish to promote or need sponsors for, things like that

Everyones right, you dont get notifications everytime you comment on a post unless we've commented too. Depending on the settings each person has for the group, they may get something to say someone else in the group has posted but usually, unless its you it doesnt appear in our news feed.
I hope that you start to get some forever homes for your tribe and some much needed funding too!