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A possible feral cat..
Thanks for all your help with Noah (that's what I call him). He was in the garden on Sunday looking cleaner and eyes not so gungey. He jumped up at the windowsill so for a brief few seconds I got to look at him close up.
I really think some ones looking after him so I've left it for now but I'll keep my eye on him. Thank you everyone. :)
Hi there. I have trapped three "feral" strays in this way, in the meantime I caught my own cats many times, the neighbours cats frequently and a fox!
Don't worry too much, they settle down quite quickly when they realise they're caught good and proper, and it's easy to release the wrong captee :) but when you do get the white boy, throw a towel over the trap before transporting him, this will calm him and help you to present the vet with something other than a spitting hate filled nightmare.
Be sure to put a plastic sheet down in your car, as its a dead cert he will wee in the trap the moment you put it on your car seat. :sick:
I wouldn't worry about your OH if he is like mine, he just asks what the vet bill is if I have been trapping :rofl:
Traps can be left overnight in warmer conditions, speaking from experience and many years of trapping I haven't had any damage done to cats who have been trapped overnight
In bad weather I set mine at 7pm and shut down at midnight leaving any food in the trap at the side of it to encourage them to not fear the trap
I trap most weeks and am happy to give pointers if you need them
Gill (sneakiefeline):
As long as you only use the trap when you are there to check it, you can let the wrong ones go but hopefully id he is really hungry then you will catch him and then the vet can scan him for chip too
--- Quote from: Mymblesdaughter on March 10, 2012, 11:56:10 AM --- I just wanted to say don't phone the RSPCA, I phoned them about some feral kittens I found while on holiday and they offered to come out and put them to sleep :censored: Cat protection helped in the end.
--- End quote ---
That is so terrible of them >:(
I will give the cats protection league a ring tomorow night about him - thanks for the advice. My concern about the trap idea is trapping other peoples cats but then I can't see any other way to catch him. I just wish he'd come to me, let me scoop him up in my arms and pop him in the kitty box. Take him to the vets sort him out bring him home. He could do what he likes doesn't need to be a cuddly under the covers snuggle bug like Rusalka he could be just like Tosca who hates to be picked up and you'll very rarely get a cuddle out of her. I don't mind. I Just want to love him :(
But then my poor husband's face when he comes home and I look at him smiling sweetly and say "look darling I've got another one" :rofl:
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