I posted on here a good 8-10 months ago, re: our funny little Tort, Daisy.
Well, next week we'll have had her a year since homing her - with her 16 months old now. It's been a lovely year, it's fair to say our lives revolve round her (I had to drive 20min each way home and back this lunchtime because I hadn't turned the immersion heater off this morning and know the sound when it reaches top heat scares her!).
The thing i'd like to talk about is keeping her engaged. I've noticed over the last month or so she's less interested in her toys, and tends to retire to her laundry basket (one of those material ones with a giant slinky holding it together - on its side - on a counch. It's called the "couch cave") around the time we get home from work on week-days, and bar the odd half hour will sleep there until roughly when we go to bed. Now, we try and get her out and have play time - but when she's not in the mood, she's not in the mood!
She has a cat tree, various shelves, nooks, crannys, a nice big sunny windowledge to watch the world go by - but I can see what I think is a bit of boredom creeping in.
So, my question is essentially does anyone have any advice for re-engaging and keeping her stimulated as she becomes more adult? We're more than willing to put the time and effort in, it just seems a bit misdirected at the moment.
I would try rotating her toys but to be honest she doesn't seem interested in most of them.