Not sure whats going on with Sophie now.
There is a lot less blood , it's just watery now , but she still isn't weeing properly. It's like dribbles all over the tray inside and out , and she has weed on the old sofa in the kitchen, the floor and in her bed , which she has never done.
Nots sure if she is incontinent as well now !?
Had to go to London today back and feet were hurting the last few days and now they are both killing me .
I had already got the tickets , so had to go really.
It was very expensive after discussing it , totally out of my price range , so a waste of a day and back to the drawing board and finding somewhere else to get it done.
Then had Pauline meet me off the train to help a cat in need ! All sorted now and safe , at the vets tomorrow as its got a really sore mouth and is also unspayed so having that done as well.
Just sat down since 6.30 am ! I never do mornings either unless necessary !!
I am also washing all the stuff Sophie has wet !!